Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1549 Cai Yu's Selfishness

Chapter 1549 Cai Yu's Selfishness

The purpose of Guo Jia's deployment of Lu Su's lone army in the Yangtze River Basin was to directly drive a nail into the three families and prevent the three families from uniting.

Now that this mess has happened, Guo Jia's strategic goals will naturally come to an end.

"Can you isolate Sima Yi?:
Hearing this sentence, Guo Jia suddenly became interested.

He also received news that Sima Yi's envoys have been in constant contact with Zhou Yu, Sun Quan and Kuai Yue in the past few days.

If Sima Yi is really allowed to unite several companies, it will be even more difficult for Guo Jia to unify the Central Plains.

"Tell me!"

Guo Jia asked tentatively.

If Cai Yu could really solve the problem, he would have lost one thought.

of course!

Cai Yu said proudly, "Don't forget my origin."

She is the founder of Skynet. Although she has retired now, her ability should not be underestimated.

Will the plan come out?

Guo Jia asked for advice.

"Then what benefits can you tell me first?"

Cai Yu's strange goods can be lived in.

"What do you want? The position of the main room, no problem. When your sister dies, I will let you take the position."

Guo Jia said jokingly.

Of course this is impossible.

It seems that Cai Yan's life span is very long in history.

It is very difficult for Cai Yu to rise to the top.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Cai Yu was a little displeased.

In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, she had given up on this idea, and now that it's done, it's naturally less so.

Besides, it is unreasonable for the younger sister to grab the elder sister's position.

"You don't want this, what do you want?"

Guo Jiadeng became curious.

That's it!
Cai Yu thought for a while, and said: "If I can do this, I hope you will entrust my son in Yizhou as king after registration, and the father will die and the son will succeed, and guard Yizhou for generations."

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.

Cai Yu wanted to find a place for his son.


Cai Yu said displeased: "You have so many lands, so you can't leave one for my son. If you are in Luoyang, Chang'an, you don't have to fight for the concubine's status. It's okay in Chengdu, right? Is it possible that you leave it to others?"

No, no!
Guo Jia shook his head hastily, and said, "I didn't think about leaving it to anyone. I don't plan to leave it to anyone. Your son, where did you get your son?"

He was a little puzzled.

Could it be that this girl is pregnant again?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly remembered something, and his face was greatly embarrassed.

Not long after Cai Yong's funeral, sisters Cai Yan kept filial piety for their father.Guo Jia met Cai Yu by chance. At that time, Cai Yu was dressed in filial piety and was extraordinarily charming.

Maybe it's because she hasn't touched women for a long time, or maybe it's because Cai Yu in white is very attractive, Guo Jia couldn't help feeling a little itchy, and quietly dragged Cai Yu to a secluded room.

At the critical moment, the servant came to do something, interrupting the good work of the two.After all, it was the time of mourning, so it was indecent if it was spread, Guo Jia didn't dare to force it, and Cai Yu was also a little scrupulous, so the two of them didn't have much fun and ended hastily.

"What, you want to go back on your word?"

Cai Yu smiled and rubbed her belly.

Strange to say, she was pregnant that night after a half-push.

This thing is really amazing.


Guo Jia almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Can you get pregnant like this?
Then his fighting power is really amazing.

"I don't care so much!"

Cai Yu snorted and said, "This time, Miracle Physician Hua took care of it himself. He said it was a boy, so don't push back. Do you agree or not? Just do it."

With a son, Cai Yu also has the capital to fight for the hegemony.

But now she has also looked away, and she doesn't have too much ambition for the wife and heirs.So let's settle for the next best thing and find a fat and beautiful place for my son to live in peace for the rest of his life.


Guo Jia couldn't help scratching his head.

The disaster was caused by him, so naturally he should be responsible.

Isn't it just a prince?

With so many sons, he naturally wants to be crowned king.

"But let me declare first. You can become a king, but don't think about other things. It's enough to be the king of Taiping safely."

Guo Jia reminded.

The system of feudal enfeoffment has great disadvantages, and if one is not careful, the chaos will reappear. Even if he wants to be crowned king, he can only be like the Taiping king of the later Ming Dynasty.

"Why are you like this?"

Cai Yu was a little displeased.

"It's a son, why should he be wronged. No, my son must not be wronged."

She wanted more than a Taiping King.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled and said: "You are familiar with the history books, so you naturally know about the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms. It is impossible for you not to know the root cause of the chaos. When the time comes, the brothers will fight each other, and the war will resume. What do we have to fight to the death?" significance?"

Cai Yu stopped talking.

She naturally knows the root of the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion.

If she insists on entrusting Yizhou to her son, other people will naturally follow suit, and the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion may repeat itself by then.

"I don't care that much!"

Cai Yu suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Your country is so big, and my son wants a state, so you can't bear it. Do you really want to hand everything over to Liu Yan's youngest son?"

Once a woman has selfishness, it is also a very scary thing.

Why Liu Yan's son can get the whole country, her son will be a Taiping king with no real power.

She doesn't care that much.

Big deal, the two of them fight for it themselves.

Isn't there still land that has not been pacified?

Cai Yu planned to pick it up in person.

Whoever beats it belongs to him, and there is nothing wrong with eating according to his ability.

How about this!
Guo Jia also felt a little headache when he saw that Cai Yu was trying to get into a dead end, so he proposed a middle-of-the-road solution.

"If you can make meritorious service, I will give my son a chance to conquer his own territory and establish his own country without being controlled by the Central Plains. You must know that this world is still very big, and there are many fertile lands outside."

Guo Jia said earnestly and kindly.

In fact, he had this idea from the very beginning.

After all, the Central Plains area is only so small. Even if the son is entrusted, he will still be fighting among himself after a hundred years.It's better to let these guys out, give them an army to occupy other places, and let them form their own country.

Alexander, Genghis Khan could build a super empire across Europe and Asia, why couldn't Guo Jia?
However, he personally does not have such great ambitions, nor does he have such great energy, so he plans to release his sons and let them fulfill their wishes.

In view of the advanced technology brought by Guo Jia, it is completely possible to hang and beat the aborigines from all over the world. Wouldn't it be great to have a big man to expand at that time?

"Is what you said true? Are those places outside of China really more beautiful than Yizhou?"

Cai Yu said half-believingly.

"of course it's true?"

Guo Jia vowed: "When did I lie to you?"

Only then did Cai Yu feel relieved, but soon made two peeps.

"You lied to me less often. You couldn't say it last time. As a result... my mother got pregnant. If you dare to lie to me again this time, I will castrate you."

Guo Jia: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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