Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1550 The most poisonous woman's heart

Chapter 1550 The most poisonous woman's heart
After finally convincing Cai Yu, Guo Jia was relieved.

Merry will always be punished.

Now is the time for retribution.

If Guo Jia was given a chance, he would never be so flirtatious.

"You said there was a way to isolate Sima Yi, let's hear it, is it reliable?"

Guo Jia agreed to Cai Yu's condition. If this matter cannot be done, wouldn't it be a bit of a disadvantage.

no problem!
Cai Yu patted her chest and said, "When have I lied to you?"

Use the way of the person to treat the person's body.


Guo Jia couldn't help scratching his head.

In other words, this girl didn't tell the truth at all, and he always felt a little unreliable.

All the dry food and bean buns are on display, if she refuses to accept it, wouldn't it be extremely bad?

"You must at least disclose to me first, how to operate it, I, the king of Zhongxing, have the right to know."

Guo Jia was a little worried.

Seeing that this guy was chattering, Cai Yu felt that it would be difficult to gain his trust if he didn't reveal something.

"Sun Quan and Kuai Yue are the best. They are afraid that if you kill Sima Yi, you will find trouble with them next. As long as you dispel their scruples, they will never intervene when you clean up Sima Yi."

Easy to say!

Guo Jia snorted, and said: "They must understand the reason why lips are dead and teeth are cold, and I will not let them continue to get away with it."

His goal is the whole world, no matter who it is, it will eventually be annexed by the Yunzhou Army.Right now, one is strong and three are weak, so only by joining forces can the three have a slight chance of winning.

"So, you have to make them feel that Sima Yi is the biggest threat, so as to break the alliance between them."

Cai Yu said seriously.

Makes sense!
Guo Jia nodded, but after thinking about it, it's the same as saying nothing.

Kuaiyue is a small place, there is no need to consider it at all, and it is not worth considering.

Sun Quan in the south of the Yangtze River is a strong enemy. Besides, there are many rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, which is not conducive to the battle of large corps. It really takes a lot of effort to deal with him.


Cai Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "You forgot what Skynet is for, use time. You just need to let Sun Quan know that Sima Yi is not trustworthy."

Use time!

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

This is a low-cost and high-efficiency method.

But here comes the question again, how can he convince Sun Quan that Sima Yi is untrustworthy?
It seems that Pang Tong is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Even if Guo Jia spends time, most of them cannot escape his discernment.

If the painting tiger is not an anti-dog by then, it will be a lot of fun.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu folded his arms around his chest at this moment, and said with a smile: "It seems that Uncle Guo has been pampered for so long, and his IQ has also dropped rapidly. Have you forgotten the issue of Heishui? You, Uncle Guo, are also Sima Hui's students. The four masters of Heishui, Jia Xu, the poisonous man, and Zhuge Liang, the crouching dragon, are all with you. Sima Yi, the tomb tiger, proclaimed himself king, and only Pang Tong, a young phoenix, stayed with Sun Quan. Do you think he was so relieved? To tell you the truth, Pang Tong has also Not as favored as before."

Are you serious?

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little surprised.

But it is also reasonable.

The current world is the world of Heishui. Whether it is Guo Jia or Sima Yi, they are all closely related to Heishui. How can Sun Quan, an outsider, not be alarmed?
"After a while, it will be the anniversary of Sima Hui's death. As long as you send someone to Xiangyang to show your gratitude, how can Sun Quan not be suspicious? Isn't that girl Diao Chan a descendant of Sima Hui? You can marry this girl with great fanfare. Entering the door, I guess Sun Quan couldn't sleep even more."

Cai Yu reminded again.

Guo Jia's eyes lit up.

A word to remind the dreamer.

What is the highest standard of use?
That is not to deliberately spread rumors, but to make the opponent suspicious and self-righteous.

Cai Yu is so clever!

Guo Jia only needs to put on a show to show his relationship with Heishui. Sun Quan is naturally wary of Heishui and doesn't trust Pang Tong very much.

As long as Pang Tong, the top strategist, is removed, Jiangnan will have no scruples.

Clever plan, clever plan!
Guo Jia couldn't help stretching out his thumb.

Worthy of being the founder of Skynet, Cai Yu's plan of alienation is perfect.

In this way, Sun Quan could not trust Pang Tong, let alone Sima Yi.

It is naturally impossible for the two to unite.

Unexpectedly, the problem that troubled Guo Jia for several days was actually solved by Cai Yu, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

"Just do it!"

Guo Jia coughed and said, "Zhen Ji, this matter is your credit. After the matter is completed, I will never break my promise."

You have a conscience!
A smile appeared on Cai Yu's face.

In fact, she has always wanted to use the black water to make a fuss, and now is an excellent opportunity.

"this matter……"

Guo Jia hesitated for a moment, and subconsciously wanted Cai Yu to do it, but thinking that she was just pregnant, naturally she couldn't work too hard.

"Let Xianying go. She is thoughtful and will definitely be able to handle this matter. In addition, your little lover should also do something. Let her find time to go to Jiangnan to meet Pang Tong, and then tell Sun Quan, so that Sun Quan will become more suspicious. big."

Cai Yu had an idea.

What she has to do now is to raise the baby with peace of mind and try to give birth to this boy smoothly, otherwise everything will be a wedding dress for her.

Diao Chan?
Guo Jia frowned, but still shook his head.

If the matter is revealed, isn't this girl in danger?
"Don't worry, Pang Tong won't let her have anything to do. After all, she is Sima Hui's daughter, and Feng Chu still has a bit of love for her."

Cai Yu said in relief.

Before coming here, she had already deduced it.

Pang Tong will not let the teacher's only flesh and blood have an accident, otherwise he will be sorry for the dead Sima Hui.

Of course, even if something happens to Diao Chan, it's none of Cai Yu's business. It seems that this girl has become stronger after she came back from the dead.

Guo Jia hesitated for a long time, and felt that Cai Yu's words made sense.

What he is most worried about now is that Sun Quan and Sima Yi are wearing a pair of trousers, so it is necessary to use time to divide the two.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. I will write a letter to Diao Chan personally and ask her to complete this task."

Guo Jia nodded.

One more thing!

Cai Yu seemed to have thought of something again, and said mysteriously, "I still need to borrow from Xiao Qiao."

"What do you want to do again?"

Guo Jia looked at Cai Yu displeased.

It seems that this girl has learned the essence of old fox Jia Xu's bad move.

"I heard that Sima Yi frequently sent people to contact Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu is Yuan Shu's last reliance. If he persuades Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu will be completely ruined. Sima Yi swallowed the rich land of Lianghuai, and his strength will be greatly increased, which is not good for us. so……"

Cai Yu paused, and said with a smile: "He can't surrender. We can ask Xiao Qiao to meet him secretly and tell him that Yunzhou is forming an alliance with Sima Yi, and if he surrenders, he will definitely get preferential treatment from you and Sima Yi. Xiao Qiao Qiao Tianzhen, she will believe whatever you say."


Guo Jia couldn't help but gasped.

It would be fine if others went to persuade him to surrender, but if Xiao Qiao went, Zhou Yu would have to fight to the death and never surrender.

The most poisonous woman's heart, this statement is really true.

 Something happened today, stop another chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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