Chapter 1551
Is this really Cai Yu?
Guo Jia looked at Cai Yu in surprise.

Although Cai Yu was ruthless in the past, it was all against the enemy, but now she is actually plotting against her own people.

Letting Diao Chan go to Jiangnan is fine, after all, there is still room for operation.

But Xiao Qiao is naive. If she knew that Zhou Yu died because of her lies, wouldn't she feel guilty for the rest of her life?

What, are you reluctant?
Cai Yu tilted her head and glanced at Guo Jia, and said calmly: "Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. Sometimes lying to others is also a strategy. You taught me."

Guo Jia was silent.

Only then did he feel that it was a mistake for him to bring Cai Yu closer to Yunzhou.

In the past, Cai Yu had Guo Jia and the Cai family in her heart. Although she was a bit perverted in her actions, she was still aware of the general situation and considered the overall situation.

Now she suddenly became cold-blooded and ruthless.

Will the means be used to achieve the end?
Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

Maybe Cai Yu started to become selfish.

Indeed, she began to think about her son now.

never mind!

Cai Yu shrugged and said, "I know you don't want to. Forget it, let's pretend I didn't say anything about it. You can do whatever you like."

She also knew that Guo Jia was soft-hearted and would not use such extreme methods.

Although Xiao Qiao is a concubine, in Guo Jia's harem, her status can at least be ranked among the top five.

A concubine without any children can get such a great favor, which shows how much Guo Jia likes her.

Having said all that needs to be said, Cai Yu turned around and wanted to leave.

Zhen Ji!

Guo Jia suddenly said: " it really so important?"

Cai Yu paused and walked away without answering, leaving Guo Jia with a wry smile on his face.

Looking at Cai Yu's back, Guo Jia suddenly let out a long sigh, and he felt more and more that Cai Yong's vision was very strong.

The old man has long realized that Cai Yu is not something in the pool, once she is given a chance, she will definitely soar into the sky.

Even if she fails, she will train her son to be a strong man of the generation.

Her ambition was also completely stimulated.

An unbridgeable gap suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two people who were originally close.


Bong filial piety!

Just when Guo Jia felt lost, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Guo Jia, it was Xiao Qiao.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Xiao Qiao with a haggard face, Guo Jia suddenly felt a pain in his heart.After thinking about it, I knew it was Cai Yu's handwriting.

Cai Yu was very thoughtful, and had already called Xiao Qiao out before coming.

Although she didn't say anything, she successfully expressed her intention.

Xiao Qiao loves Guo Jia and is willing to do anything for Guo Jia.

"I go!"

She forced a laugh.

She didn't want to see Guo Jia in trouble.

Do not!
Guo Jia shook his head hastily.

Although this is a wonderful move, Guo Jia doesn't bother to do it.

Knowing that Xiao Qiao is innocent, but let her go to deceive people with no conscience.

Don't say that Xiao Qiao is unwilling, Guo Jia also thinks this is a crime.

I go!

Xiao Qiao said sadly: "I'm just a useless person, and I can't give you a son and a half daughter, and I don't make any contribution to the Guo family. Now that the opportunity comes, I am willing to do things for you."


Guo Jia interrupted her rudely, and said: "Zhen Ji is just talking, don't take it seriously. Our Yunzhou army is strong and strong, so we don't need you as a woman to show your face."

He really didn't want to let Xiao Qiao do such a thing.

This girl is very kind. Missing Zhou Yu back then has made her feel guilty for many years, and she finally untied the knot in her heart. Guo Jia will never let her fall into guilt again.

Xiao Qiao didn't speak, but just looked at Guo Jia in a daze.

She really wanted to help Guo Jia.

Only in this way can she feel that she is not a useless person.

It is said that she has been married to the Guo family for so many years and has had nothing to do. This girl hasn't smiled for a long time.

She really envied the other sisters.


Guo Jia suddenly stopped Xiao Qiao, and calmly said, "Let's go for a walk!"

Xiao Qiao froze for a moment.

Guo Jia rarely took his wives and concubines out, so she nodded excitedly when she heard these words.


Chang'an City has been through wind and rain several times, and it has basically stabilized at this moment.

Zhuge Liang is indeed a capable minister, he is very good at internal affairs, and Chang'an City is also thriving under his governance.

Guo Jia took Xiao Qiao for a walk on the streets of Chang'an.

Little Joe was very happy.

"More than ten years ago, I lived in Chang'an with my sister Huang's family for a long time. At that time, Dong Zhuo was still in charge, and the whole Chang'an was in a state of decadence."

She felt it.

Dong Zhuo is a tyrant, and the Xiliang soldiers and horses under his banner are also burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of crimes. He turned the good Guanzhong into a Shura field.


Guo Jia smiled and said, "You girl ran out from Nanyang when you disagreed. Do you know how worried I was about you back then."

At that time, he was still fighting Zhuge Liang in Nanyang, and Xiao Qiao's sudden departure almost disrupted Guo Jia's position.

Fortunately, Guo Jia held on, won the final victory, and hit Heishui again, otherwise it would be hard to say who would own the world.

That... is because I was young and ignorant!

Xiao Qiao lowered her head in embarrassment.

At first she misunderstood that Guo Jia liked her sister Da Qiao, and she left for her sister's happiness.

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, Da Qiao is at home with his two sons and cannot come out, otherwise he would be extremely comfortable hugging left and right.

The opening of the Silk Road has made this ancient capital prosperous again, and there are many barbarians with tall noses and blue eyes on the streets.

"Look, look, look!"

A bearded businessman was holding a lot of special commodities from the Western Regions and was selling them there.

The Silk Road has been reopened for many years, and there are also many Hu people in Chang'an, some of whom have even learned authentic Chinese.

Xiao Qiao's gaze was immediately attracted by a beautiful musical instrument in Hu Shang's hand.

This is Yu Xiao!
Seeing this, Xiao Qiao's eyes lit up.

"This lady has a good eye!"

The bearded man praised, seeing that Guo Jia and his party were well-dressed, they must be from a rich family, so he was even more attentive.

Xiao Qiao played with it carefully and felt very fond of it.

"How much is this jade flute?"

Fifty guan!
so expensive!

Little Joe was surprised.

Fifty guan is not a small number for ordinary people.

Not expensive, not expensive!
The bearded businessman immediately came up to him, smiled and said, "This is an authentic Qiang flute. The materials are all high-grade materials imported from Persia. It is made by skilled craftsmen from the Western Regions...Does Madam know the Western Regions? It is a desert that stretches as far as the eye can see. When ten camels go in, nine will get lost, and only one will come out safely."

He salivated and introduced the scenery along the way. The central idea was that it was not easy for them to go back and forth, so the price was naturally higher.

After thinking about it, Xiao Qiao put Yuxiao back.

Although she likes this musical instrument very much, she would not spend so much money on a jade flute.

(End of this chapter)

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