Chapter 1552 Bearded Merchant

Hearing the bearded man's words, Guo Jia just laughed dumbfounded.

This guy is just talking nonsense.

Hetian jade is a special product of the Western Regions and Dian Kingdom. It is carved with local jade. Where does Persia get beautiful jade?

Unexpectedly, these barbarians are also profiteers.

It was obviously imported from the Western Regions and sold in Chang'an, but it was said that it was transported from Persia through the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

The jade material of this jade flute is mediocre, and the workmanship is also vaguely ordinary. It costs a few pennies, but this profiteer dares to sell fifty pennies. Maybe he thinks that Xiao Qiao is a rich man, so he opened his mouth.

But Xiao Qiao liked it, and Guo Jia didn't think too much about it, and asked Tiger Guards to buy it with money.

It doesn't matter if you have more money or less money, what matters is that Xiao Qiao likes it.

Thank you husband!

Xiao Qiao joyfully took the jade flute in her hand, a little fond of it.

She is proficient in many musical instruments. As soon as she got started with the Qiang flute, she grasped the playing skills and began to play half of the tune intermittently.

The jade flute of this era is different from the modern jade flute. It is composed of many pipes and played like a harmonica.

Xiao Qiao obviously knows how to play the xiao. At the beginning, she was very unfamiliar, but the more she played, the better she got. In the end, many people stopped and listened to the piece quietly.

The song is over!
The surrounding people also applauded in unison.

Guo Jia couldn't help applauding, and said with a smile: "That's good! I didn't expect Xiao Qiao to blow so well."

Xiao Qiao also smiled slightly.

She suddenly remembered the scene when she met Zhou Yu for the first time.

It was also in Chang'an City, and at this moment, that he was playing with a white jade flute.

Xiao Qiao also remembered this tune at that time.

Good tune good tune!

The bearded businessman couldn't help but glow.

"My lady is very skillful, and I admire her very much. There is a saying in Central Plains that a sword is matched with a hero, and red powder is given to a beautiful woman. This jade flute is in the hands of the lady, and it can be regarded as a perfect complement to each other."

Guo Jia looked at the bearded merchant in surprise.

I didn't expect a barbarian to be able to drag the text.

Also complement each other!
This guy is a wonderful person.

"Don't dare to be!"

Xiao Qiao said modestly.

There are many people who are more skilled than her. There are several in the Guo family compound, and her skill is nothing.


The bearded man smiled mysteriously, and said: "I still have a treasure handed down from generation to generation here, Madam, I would like to take a look."

A treasure handed down from generation to generation!

Xiao Qiao couldn't help being attracted to him.

Go and see!
Guo Jia also waved his hand.

He also wanted to see what the hell this bearded man was doing.

Big Beard set up a small tent by the street, which was full of goods.

He turned around and opened the innermost box, took out a small box, and handed it to Xiao Qiao.

"Ma'am, this is the treasure I brought back from the Great Qin Kingdom, please take a look."

Xiao Qiao heard the words and opened the box, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

Guo Jia also took a look, and couldn't help being angry and funny.

He thought it was some great treasure, but it turned out to be a glass bead.

"Ma'am, this is called Liulizhu, which is the national treasure of the Great Qin State. The King of Great Qin always hugs his arms when he sleeps. Later, I bribed the guards and brought them out secretly. I couldn't establish a country locally, so I fled to Chang'an. This thing But the price is priceless. I saw that you are a real person, so how about fifty guan, how about selling fifty guan to you?"

The bearded man proudly took the glass bead and twisted it back and forth in his hands.

Guo Jia shook his head slightly.

There is no technical content in this thing, just add some color when making glass.

But the bearded man used it to fool himself, he was really impatient to live.

It's still fifty pennies.

Always worthless!
But he still didn't reveal it, he just looked at this Hu businessman with interest, he was very interested in this Hu man who was talking about running trains.

No, no!
Xiao Qiao shook her head hastily and apologized, "I'm sorry, it's really too expensive. I can't afford it."

Fifty guan is not a small sum, even Xiao Qiao can't get it for a while.

Those thirty shots, thirty shots!

The bearded man was a little bit unwilling to give up.

Doing business is all about bargaining.

The biggest fear is that you will not bid.

Still too expensive!
Xiao Qiao still shook his head.

Although she also likes this glass bead very much, the price has exceeded her bottom line.

Twenty strings, twenty strings, no less!
The bearded man is pressing on!
Xiao Qiao looked at Guo Jia, who nodded with a smile.

Although he knew that the bearded man was fooling people, but in order not to disturb Xiao Qiao's interest, he didn't expose it later.

Ten guan, ten guan, I can give it to you!
Xiao Qiao said honestly.

This is the price she can afford.

Fifteen, fifteen!

The bearded man sighed and said: "Ma'am, there is no such bargaining. I escaped from Daqin, and it was not easy to eat and sleep in the wind and sleep along the way. Please do me a favor, add some, add some."

Seeing the pitiful look of the bearded man, Xiao Qiao's heart softened again, but she still insisted: "Ten Guan, otherwise I don't want it."

As he said that, he grabbed Guo Jia's hand and was about to leave.

Etc., etc!
The bearded man said helplessly: "Ten puns will be ten puns. I will treat you as my humble acquaintance with two nobles."

As he spoke, he wrapped the glazed beads and delivered them to Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao was very happy and took out a piece of gold.

"This is a tael of gold, which can be exchanged for ten coins."

Whoops, gold!

Seeing the gold, the bearded man shouted excitedly, took the gold, put it in his mouth and bit it, and put it in his arms with satisfaction.

"Walk slowly, both of you, what do you need, come back next time?"

The bearded man nodded and bowed.

These days people use copper coins to buy things, and those who can get gold must not be mortals. He originally wanted to sell something, but he stopped immediately when he saw gold.

He is still very clear about putting a long line to catch big fish.

This kind of fat fish cannot be shot to death all at once.

Keep it flowing!
Thank you!

With a smile, Xiao Qiao came out holding two things.

Today Guo Jia accompanied her out shopping and bought two things, she was very happy.

this girl!
Seeing Xiao Qiao happy, Guo Jia was also very satisfied.

He has been too busy these years, and has been a little neglectful of his family.

The other women more or less have children, and the focus of life has long been focused on the children. Even if Guo Jia doesn't ask, they don't feel lonely.

But Xiao Qiao is different. She has no children so far, so she has been depressed.

After a long time, most of them will suffer from illness.

If the fragrance wears off, Guo Jia will regret it for the rest of his life.


Guo Jia suddenly said: "In the future, I will spend more time with you."

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao suddenly froze for a moment, and couldn't help but shed tears again.

She nodded vigorously.

If a husband is like this, what can a woman ask for?
Guo Jia carefully comforted Xiao Qiao a few words, which made her smile through tears and was very happy.

Xiao Qiao was happy, Guo Jia was also relieved, and his eyes suddenly fell on the bearded man beside him.

This guy is a wonderful person, unlike an ordinary businessman, who has the opportunity to check his details.

(End of this chapter)

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