Chapter 1553
Lujiang, Yuan Jun camp.

Zhou Yu frowned and looked at the map in front of him.

The current situation is not optimistic.There is Sima Yi in the north, Sun Quan in the south, and the rest of Jingzhou in the west.

At this moment, Yuan Jun is besieged on all sides.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu firmly controlled the stronghold of Lujiang, where Sima Yi was rejected from the north and Sun Quan was blocked from the south. No matter who wanted to annex the two Huaihe Rivers, Lujiang was an insurmountable line of defense for them.

It's a pity it's too late!

The current Lujiang River is also in jeopardy.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yu's tenacious defense, this line of defense would have been breached long ago.


A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yu's mouth.

Now others are exhausted, ammunition and food are exhausted, how long can they stay?

Shouchun didn't provide any assistance. At this time, Yuan Shu was still in Shouchun, throwing a feast to celebrate his birthday.

A group of treacherous ministers surrounded him almost flattering words.

Shuzi lacks and seeks!

Zhou Yu dropped the long sword in his hand one after another.

If Yuan Shu would listen to him and delay proclaiming himself emperor, Lianghuai would never have fallen to such a state.

It's a pity that this piece of foundation will eventually turn into dust.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He was also powerless, so he could only do his best.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"Captain, there is an old man from Chao County asking to see him."

An old friend from Nest County?

Hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said, "Please come in."

After a while, a tall figure walked in and took off his bamboo hat.


Seeing the person in front of him, Zhou Yu couldn't help but exclaimed.


It was Lu Su who came forward and took Zhou Yu's hand.

When Zhou Yu first voted for Yuan Shu, he met Lu Su by chance, and the two cherished each other very much.

Later, Lu Su took refuge in Guo Jia and wrote to Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu sternly rejected him.

This farewell has been going on for more than ten years.

"I heard that Zijing shined brilliantly under Guo Jia, and now he is the captain of the navy."

Seeing an old friend come, Zhou Yu was still very happy.

Ha ha!

Lu Su smiled and said: "Gong Jin's talent is far superior to mine. If you had walked with me back then, you would have been the governor."


Zhou Yu laughed a few times, but said nothing.

He has a hatred for Guo Jia for taking his wife, and it is impossible for him to rely on Guo Jia in his life.

"Zijing, you and I are old friends, if you recruit Guo Jia to surrender, you don't need to say anything."

Zhou Yu stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

The two sat down as the guest of honor.

"I knew you would say that!"

Lu Su shook his head helplessly.

This time, he really didn't come to be a lobbyist.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. If your fleet hadn't intervened on the Yangtze River, the Lianghuai region would have been over."

Zhou Yu said sincerely.

This is true.

If it weren't for Guo Jia's sudden attack, Zhou Yu's ability would not be able to stop the attack of Sima Yi and Sun Quan.

of course……

Zhou Yu continued: "Guo Jia is not showing mercy, but wants us to hold back Sima Yi and Sun Quan so that he can free up his hand to pacify Yizhou."

He is also a smart person rare among big men, and he has long seen Guo Jia's intentions.

Not bad!

Lu Su also nodded.

We are all smart people, so this kind of thing can't be hidden from the other party's eyes.

Lift it up!
Lu Su clapped his hands suddenly, and the men outside the tent brought in a jar of wine and some meat.

He knew that Lujiang was almost out of food, and Zhou Yu couldn't bring out anything decent to entertain him.

Ha ha!

Zhou Yu also smiled, and said: "It's still not the nature of a rich man, anyway, since you want to give it away, I have absolutely no reason to refuse."

As he spoke, he grabbed a chicken and ate it deliciously.

In other words, he hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

Lu Su filled two wine bowls and placed them in front of Zhou Yu.

"Gongjin, you and I have a friendship. Although we are our own masters, I, Lu Su, admire your ability. Today I specially come to have a drink with you."


Zhou Yu put down the roast chicken in his hand, and raised the wine bowl: "Where is one cup enough? At least one jar."

He drank it while talking.

The wine entered his throat and immediately aroused a surge of heat.

Good wine!
Zhou Yu raised his sleeve, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile, "Yunzhou's wine is delicious."

Now Yunzhou's fine wine has successfully occupied the market in various places.

It would be a great pity if there is no good wine from Yunzhou at the banquet.

Lu Su also drank it down.

it is good!
Zhou Yu picked up another piece of beef and chewed it in his mouth.

Lu Su filled up the wine again and said, "Gong Jin, Yuan Shu is not the master of the Ming Dynasty, so why would you risk your life for him? Listen to my brother's advice, let's go, the farther you go, the better."

He knew that Zhou Yu would not seek refuge with Guo Jia, so he didn't mention it.

Zhou Yu suddenly raised his head and jokingly said, "Where are you going? Sima Yi, Sun Quan, Kuai Yue? They will all be Guo Jia's captives sooner or later. What's the difference between dying a few years earlier and dying a few years later."

Sun Quan and Sima Yi sent people to contact Zhou Yu many times, wanting to take Zhou Yu for their own use, but he refused.

Zhou Yu didn't want to be loyal to Yuan Shu, but the world was so big that he couldn't escape Guo Jia's grasp.

Zhou Yu is a proud person, he will not fall into Guo Jia's hands.

Lu Su hesitated for a moment, then said: "Since you think so, why bother to dig into the horns?"

He really didn't understand what Zhou Yu was thinking.

Wolong Zhuge Liang is amazing, right?

Guo Jia has always been invincible, and the only time he suffered a loss was in the hands of Zhuge Liang.

In the end, didn't Wolong obediently become Guo Jia's subordinate?

This week, Zhou Yu and Guo Jia didn't seem to have any unresolvable conflicts. Why did Zhou Yu not wait to see Guo Jia so much?

Zhou Yu stopped talking.

He had a bad relationship with Guo Jia because of Xiao Qiao, so no one else knew about it.

"Let's not talk about this, since you are here to see me off, why don't you have a few more drinks with me."

Zhou Yu changed the subject and picked up the wine bowl.

Seeing that Zhou Yu wouldn't move, Lu Su also sighed.

He knew that Zhou Yu was talented, and it was indeed a great loss to die in Lujiang.

When the two talked about the past again, they couldn't help laughing, and drank a few more glasses.

The alcohol content in Yunzhou was very high, and after a few drinks, both of them were slightly tipsy.


Lu Su suddenly lowered his voice: "I can send someone to take you out to sea."

As the commander of the navy of the Yunzhou Army, there is no problem with this matter.

Go to sea!

Zhou Yu froze for a moment, then looked at Lu Su puzzled.

The latter said slowly: "Sooner or later, the Central Plains will be the master's world. If you don't want to stay here, the only way is to go to sea."

Zhou Yu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed a few times.

"Okay, Lu Zijing, are you here to look down on me too? Why is life so joyful, and why is death so painful? My parents gave birth to me with such a useful body, and it's enough to fight vigorously. Why go out to sea and linger."

He raised his glass and drank a bowl, then smashed the wine bowl in his hand.

"Okay, the wine has been drunk, you can go."


Lu Su was in a hurry. He really wanted to help Zhou Yu this time.

Call me Dudu Zhou!
Zhou Yu said coldly: "When the two countries are fighting, don't kill the envoy. You are here to reminisce about the old days, so I won't kill you. Go back quickly, lest you risk your life."

He has already begun to issue orders to evict guests.

(End of this chapter)

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