Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1554 Sun Quan's narrow-mindedness

Chapter 1554 Sun Quan's narrow-mindedness
After leaving Yuan Jun's camp, Lu Su was downcast.

"This Gongjin is very stubborn."

Instead of persuading Zhou Yu, he was driven out by Zhou Yu, and what was even more annoying was that all the food he brought was left behind.

"Don't be discouraged, the governor, our goal has been achieved!"

Another woman dressed as a soldier suddenly smiled.

She was Xin Xianying, who had just rushed over from Chang'an not long ago.


Hearing what Xin Xianying said, Lu Su looked at her puzzled.

What else could this serve?
Xin Xianying just smiled and didn't speak.

Guo Jia felt sorry for Xiao Qiao and didn't want her to be hurt again, so he discussed with Cai Yu and changed the way.

Let Lu Su go out.

Lu Su and Zhou Yu are old friends, and he also wants to help Zhou Yu, but the latter is an arrogant person, and most likely he will not be favored by friends.Especially Guo Jia's men.

In this way, Zhou Yu will naturally fight to the death with Sima Yi in Lujiang, buying Chang'an a lot of time.

When they came, Cai Yu also specially told Xin Xianying not to reveal anything to Lu Su.

This person is a gentleman. If he knew that Guo Jia was plotting against Zhou Yu, he probably wouldn't help him.

So Lu Su has been kept in the dark about this matter.

He didn't know that after he left, Zhou Yu had no way out.

"Captain, when you come here, the Lord has passed on your behalf. You stay here, don't act rashly. Everything is waiting for the news from Chang'an."

Xin Xianying urged again and again.

Lu Su also nodded.

Not what it used to be.

There were only three of the ten gunboats left, and they couldn't suppress Sun Quan who was about to move.

They can only choose to stick to it now.

Fortunately, Jia Xu's Yizhou army had already freed up and began to march towards Xiangfan.

Kuai Yue also kept his troops on hold, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xin Xianying said to herself: "The matter of Lianghuai has been settled, and the next thing is to look at the Jiangnan side. I hope that Miss Diaochan will not disappoint the lord."


Build Ye City!
Pang Tong was on business in the Marquis of Wu's mansion, when suddenly a subordinate came in a hurry.

"Military division, the family members urgently send letters."

As he spoke, he handed over a letter.

Pang Tong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The family members are the secret code for him to contact Heishui.

But the problem is, he has been away from Heishui for many years, and he has no contact for a long time.

When Zhuge Liang was there, the two had communicated through letters, but Zhuge Liang took refuge in Yunzhou, and Pang Tong had no contact with Heishui again.

Pang Tong picked up the envelope, thought twice, and opened it anyway.

After just a few glances, Pang Tong showed a look of shock on his face.


He murmured, "Impossible!"

Pang Tong was in shock for a while, and then left in a hurry.

This person, he must see.


After Pang Tong left, a figure followed him out, and then someone reported Sun Quan's presence.

"You mean, when Shi Yuan received a letter, his face changed drastically, and he left in a hurry."

Hearing this news, Sun Quan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

This period of time is also turbulent.

There are rumors about black water all over the south of the Yangtze River.

Some people say that this world is the world of black water.

Guo Jia's Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang, he himself is also a student of Sima Hui, Sima Yi of Jin, and Pang Tong of Jiangnan.

The dispute in this world is the internal dispute in Heishui.

Although there is nothing wrong with the words, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Sun Quan listened.

If you think about it carefully, that's really the case. Today's world belongs to Guo Jia, Sima Yi and Sun Quan himself.Kuai Yue and Yuan Shu are not considered units at all, and will be annexed by the three schools sooner or later.

The struggle in this world is also the struggle among the three families.

Thinking about it carefully, it's really a dispute between the heirs of the Black Water.

Needless to say, the Four Heishui Heihe, Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang have already taken refuge in Yunzhou, Sima Yi has established himself as the Jin State, and Feng Chu Pang Tong is also obeying Sun Quan's orders.


Sun Quan was a little worried again.

Guo Jia was originally ambiguous with Heishui. He was also a student of Sima Hui and married Sima Hui's daughter. Heishui forces can completely regard him as one of their own.

Not to mention Sima Yi, he was originally from Heishui.

After much deliberation, among the three families, only Sun Quan has nothing to do with Heishui, but the number one counselor Pang Tong was born in Heishui.

If these guys united and made sense of Pang Tong, wouldn't Jiangnan have a black surname long ago?
After all, compared to Guo Jia Sima Yi, Sun Quan is an outsider.

Sun Quan was a little worried.

In history, Sun Quan was considered a promising emperor in the first half of his life, but he has been reduced to the rank of faint emperor in the second half of his life.

The rise of Guo Jia interrupted Sun Quan's progress even more, making him start to move towards the faint king before he became a wise king.

In short, Sun Quan had a deep fear of Pang Tong, who was born in Heishui.

In order to prevent Pang Tong's family from dominating, Sun Quan promoted Zhang Hong, Lu Xun and others to share the power in Pang Tong's hands, and also wooed Taoists to isolate Pang Tong, so as not to be taken advantage of by black water.

Pang Tong also knew well that he had been keeping a low profile during this time.

Even so, Sun Quan still didn't trust him very much, and sent people to closely monitor Pang Tong's every move.

Today Pang Tong received a letter and left in a hurry, which immediately aroused Sun Quan's vigilance.

"Come on, follow up and see what Pang Shiyuan wants to do?"

Sun Quan said loudly.

The guard at the side responded and hurried away.


A tall figure suddenly stood up, it was Sun Quan's confidant Zhou Tai.

He clasped his fists and said, "Army Master Pang has made contributions to Jiangnan, and he is also loyal to the lord. If the lord does this, if he finds out, it will chill the heart of the hero."

For some reason, Zhou Tai felt more and more that Sun Quan had changed.

Becoming selfish, jealous, and no longer as wise as before.

You Ping, you don't know!

Sun Quan got up and took a few steps, and said solemnly: "Nowadays, the world has three points, and Heishui has two points. Only our Jiangnan is thriving. There is an unclear relationship between Shiyuan and Heishui. I did this just in case. ah!"

Zhou Tai felt a little uncomfortable.

Sun Quan's succession to the throne was not a smooth thing, with ups and downs in the middle.

But Pang Tong has never left him, and has been silently standing by his side, making suggestions for him.

If it weren't for Pang Junshi, it would be very difficult for Sun Quan to become the master of Jiangnan.

From this point alone, it is enough to prove that Pang Junshi has no problem.

Otherwise, he could turn to the heroic and invincible Sun Ce, or Sun Ben, and he could achieve a career with his strategy.

But he didn't, he was always by Sun Quan's side.He successively helped Sun Quan get rid of these two obstacles, and supported Sun Quan to ascend to the throne.

Now, Sun Quan actually began to doubt Pang Tong because of a little gossip, which made Zhou Tai, who is also a veteran, very unhappy.

"Youping, don't worry. I did this to justify the name of the military division. If he really has no problems, wouldn't everyone be happy!"

Sun Quan seemed to feel that what he said just now was a bit exaggerated, so he hurried to make amends.

Seeing that Zhou Tai had stopped talking, Sun Quan was relieved. What he had to do now was to see who exactly Pang Tong wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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