Chapter 1555 Meeting
A carriage came in a hurry and stopped in front of an abandoned house outside Jianye City.

A figure hurried down, it was Pang Tong.

He received a secret letter from Heishui that someone is waiting for him here.

Although Pang Tong seldom had contact with Heishui, he had to see this person.

The door opened, and a figure came out, it was Sima Zhuo.

Uncle Zhuo!

Seeing that Sima Zhuo showed up, Pang Tong was relieved.At the same time, the doubts in my heart deepened.

Sima Zhuo is an old man in Heishui, almost all of the four heroes of Heishui grew up under his watch.

Now that he has appeared, the contents of the letter are probably true.

"Second Young Master!"

Sima Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, how have you been?"

Among the four masters of Heishui, what Mr. Shui Jing values ​​most is Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young.

very good!
Pang Tong also smiled.

When he was studying under Mr. Shui Jing, this Uncle Zhuo also took good care of them.

Sima Zhuo glanced left and right, and Pang Tong understood immediately, and said to his opponent, "Go back, and come back in an hour."

Although he has a clear conscience, he is Jiangnan after all, and he can avoid a little trouble if he can, because Sun Quan no longer trusts him as much as before.

Only then did the servant ride his horse and leave.

Uncle Zhuo!

Pang Tong whispered: "That letter..."

He still has some doubts about it.

The letter said that the descendants of the master asked to see him.

Sima Hui was married for life, where did he come from?
Sima Zhuo interrupted him and led Pang Tong into the abandoned courtyard.

Although Pang Tong was puzzled, he followed in.

There was already a person standing in the yard, a woman.

Pang Tong was shocked, and couldn't help but look at this man a few more times. He had no impression that there were no women in Heishui.

Where did this woman come from?

How could she be a descendant of Sima Hui?
Seeing Pang Tong coming in, the woman suddenly lifted her veil and bowed to Pang Tong: "Little sister Sima Wei, I pay my respects to Second Senior Brother."

dare not!

When he saw the woman's face, Pang Tong felt his heart skip a beat.

What a stunning beauty.

The surname is Sima, so is it possible that he is really a descendant of the teacher?
Pang Tong said calmly: "This young lady has a very strange face. It's the first time I've seen Pang. The word "Second Senior Brother" is really ashamed."

The person who came was Diao Chan, she received a secret letter from Guo Jia asking her to come to Jianye City to meet Pang Tong.


Diao Chan smiled faintly, and said, "Little sister is my late father's illegitimate daughter. She was raised by my late father all the time, and I haven't seen any of you senior brothers."

Bastard daughter!
Pang Tong was dumbfounded, he turned his head and glanced at Sima Zhuo.

The latter nodded and said, "This is a letter from the old master."

As he spoke, he took out a letter and handed it to Pang Tong.

Pang Tong opened the letter, looked at it carefully, and nodded slowly: "Yes, it is the teacher's notes. It seems that you are really a junior sister."

They are Sima Hui's disciples, and since Sima Wei is Sima Hui's blood, they are naturally brothers and sisters.

"Unexpectedly, the old master still has blood."

Pang Tong sighed and handed the letter to Sima Zhuo.

Of course, he had no doubts about Sima Wei's identity.


Diao Chan said in a low voice: "After my father left, my younger sister gradually took charge of Heishui with the help of Uncle Zhuo. There has been a small improvement over the years, but after all, my strength is somewhat weak. My younger sister wants to invite my senior brother back to discuss a big plan together. "

Let's discuss together!

Pang Tong suddenly laughed. He was a little ugly, but this smile was even more tragic.

Originally, he was happy that his mentor had a future, but when he heard what Diao Chan said, he suddenly felt a little sad.

It seems that it may not be a good thing for this junior sister to come to her door.

"Junior Sister! If I remember correctly, the master had already passed on the suzerainty to Kong Ming when he left. Where do you want Kong Ming to be when you take over Heishui?"

Pang Tong said lightly.

He didn't understand why the position of the Blackwater Sovereign was so valuable. Kong Ming wanted it, Zhong Da wanted it, and even this little junior sister who appeared out of nowhere wanted it.

Pang Tong didn't have any ambitions for this, otherwise he wouldn't have left Heishui and started anew.

"Are you talking about the third senior brother?"

Diao Chan smiled slightly and said, "He has given the black water to my little sister."

As he spoke, he took out a letter written by Zhuge Liang.

Hearing this, Pang Tong couldn't help being a little stunned.

He knew Zhuge Liang very well, the black water was given to him by the teacher himself, how could he give it away?

Not even the blood of the teacher.

Besides, Kong Ming has already become a hot topic in Chang'an, what means does Sima Wei have to make Kong Ming willingly hand over the black water?
"Who the hell are you?"

Pang Tong pointed to Diao Chan and asked.

He was already suspicious.

Diaochan smiled faintly, and said, "Little sister Simawei. I also have a name, Diaochan."


Hearing this name, Pang Tong was like a thunderbolt.

He was also engaged in intelligence work in Jiangnan, so how could he not know the most favored woman around Guo Jia?
No wonder Zhuge Liang handed over Heishui. It turned out that this little junior sister was actually Guo Jia's woman.

Master, master, you are really powerful, and you have hidden such a trick.

Pang Tong took a deep breath and said slowly: "Junior Sister, although Pang Tong was born in Heishui, he has already established himself these years. You belong to Guo Jia, and I belong to King Wu. We are now our own masters. You go, I can't help you."

It is impossible for him to betray Sun Quan.


Diao Chan smiled and said: "Why are you obsessed with obsession? Today, two out of three points in the world are under the control of our Heishui. As long as you are willing to help me, how about a Sun Quan? Given time, we will be able to unify Heishui." The world, achieve a hegemony."

Different road non-phase plan!
Pang Tong snorted, and said, "Junior Sister, this is the last time I will spend my life in the dark water, before no one finds out, you should leave quickly."

He was getting impatient.

Ha ha!

The smile on Diao Chan's face remained unchanged, and said: "My brother's persistence, my little sister admires it very much. But Sun Quan doesn't seem to be a master worthy of death. I heard that my brother's life is not easy recently!"

This time, it would be best to convince Pang Tong, even if he couldn't be persuaded, then a thorn would be planted between the two of them and they would fall apart.

This is Diao Chan's real purpose here.

She had already let out the wind, and it is estimated that Sun Quan should also arrive at this moment.

The corner of Pang Tong's mouth twitched a few times.

Over the past year, Sun Quan did not trust him a little bit, and he also began to alienate himself. Of course, this was also an enemy's conspiracy to deliberately separate the two.

But Pang Tong has a clear conscience.He believed that one day, Sun Quan would still value him.

Because only he can deal with Guo Jia and Sima Yi.

"Isn't this thanks to you?"

Pang Tong waved his sleeves and said, "Do you think such a simple estrangement plan is useful?"

The reason why Sun Quan began to doubt Pang Tong was because he believed the rumor that the black water was divided into three parts of the world, and most of the instigators of these were the little junior sister in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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