Chapter 1556: Fengchu's Means

During the meeting between Pang Tong and Diao Chan, several figures suddenly appeared around the abandoned courtyard, they were the subordinates sent by Sun Quan.

It seemed that he had believed the rumor that the black water was divided into three parts of the world, Sun Quan was very afraid of Pang Tong, and gradually began to alienate him.

Not only that, he also secretly sent someone to monitor Pang Tong.

It's just that nothing has been found.

This meeting was an opportunity, so Sun Quan also attached great importance to it and sent several capable assistants.

"Find the target, find the target!"

The leader of the group stared at the movements of the abandoned courtyard while gesturing to his subordinates.

The people behind understood, immediately spread out, and outflanked the past.

They also got the news that this time Pang Tong was meeting with people from Guo Jia's side.

This is also the news that Diao Chan deliberately released.



Seeing the news from the front, Sun Quan was completely angry.

He was a little suspicious of Pang Tong at first, but now that the evidence is solid, he is even more convinced.

All this is a conspiracy of Heishui. From the very beginning, Pang Tong had no good intentions when he approached him. Fortunately, he woke up early now, otherwise Jiangnan's foundation would definitely fall into Pang Tong's hands.

"Come here, order three thousand cars and get off the tiger warriors, and bring me back the spy and this dog who eats inside and out."

Sun Quan said angrily.


Zhou Tai on the side hurriedly said: "This matter is very suspicious, you must not act recklessly. If the military division is really innocent, wouldn't you hurt his heart by doing this?"

A smart person like Pang Tong would not be so careless even if he wanted to meet the enemy, let alone let people find out easily.

Zhou Tai felt very suspicious.

"What's impossible? The fox's tail is sticking out."

Now Sun Quan is preconceived, and he is still listening to other people's persuasion.

"Come on, do it immediately, catch the person first and then talk."

Seeing that Zhou Tai's heart turned to Pang Tong, he didn't let Zhou Tai go, but let another confidant Zhu Huan do it.

Zhu Huan was a new general promoted by Sun Quan, and he was also loyal to Sun Quan. After hearing the order, he led the army and left Jianye City immediately.

Seeing that Zhou Tai couldn't be persuaded, he also sighed at the moment, so he had to let nature take its course.

He still didn't quite believe that Pang Tong would rebel.

The tiger soldiers under the car were the elite of the Sun family, and they had been stationed in Jianye City all along. The transfer of troops was not a small movement, and some people soon discovered it.

The news spread like wings.


not good!

Pang Tong suddenly thought of the kite that was released not far away, and his body suddenly trembled.

He has been operating in Jiangnan for many years, and it is not without any preparations.

Sun Quan monitored him, and he also placed an eyeliner beside Sun Quan. As soon as the tiger under the car left, someone immediately reported Pang Tong.

This paper kite is a warning.

"You're showing your signs!"

Pang Tong suddenly said in a deep voice: "The King of Wu has dispatched the chariots to get off the tiger warriors. Once the army arrives, it will be too late to leave."

As he said that, he hurried out of the abandoned courtyard.

"It has been targeted!"

Pang Tong found a few shrinking figures and said in a low voice.

Diao Chan and Sima Zhuo looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"Brother, this is the end of the matter, you hand us over to Sun Quan! We will not implicate you."

Diao Chan said in a low voice.

Pang Tong hesitated for a moment.

If he handed Diao Chan to Sun Quan, he might be able to restore Sun Quan's trust in him, but in this way, the master's blood would be completely broken.


Pang Tong shook his head.

Sima Hui was kind to him, and he couldn't let Diao Chan fall into Sun Quan's hands no matter what he said.

"I'll deal with these people, you go away, leave here overnight. Don't come back again."

Pang Tong gave a few instructions, and suddenly blew a whistle.

Suddenly there was a scream from around.

A few black shadows emerged, holding sharp weapons in their hands.

Early in the morning, Pang Tong deployed his men here.Sun Quan's subordinates have been taken care of by him.

He was born in Heishui, so he still has some means.


A man in black came forward and said in a low voice: "The situation is dangerous. The tigers under the car have already been dispatched. The leader is Zhu Huan. We have dealt with these eyes and ears, and none of them slipped through the net."

very good!

Hearing this, Pang Tong was slightly relieved.

"There is not much road from Jianye City to here, and the tiger warriors will arrive soon after getting off the bus. Hurry up and leave!"

Pang Tong said anxiously.

Thank you brother!

Diao Chan immediately left with Sima Zhuo.

Their goal has been achieved, and there is no point in staying here. Although they have left behind and will not fall into Sun Quan's hands, it is best for Pang Tong to let them go.

After watching the two leave, Pang Tong heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked back in the direction of Jianye City, couldn't help but sighed, turned and left.



Sun Quan smashed the porcelain in his hand.

It turned out that when Zhu Huan's army rushed outside the city, they only found the bodies of a few spies, and there was no one in the abandoned courtyard.

Zhou Tai heaved a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether Pang Tong is collaborating with the enemy or not, there is still room for buffer if he is not caught on the spot.


Sun Quan was furious and said, "Let Zhu Huan lead people to bring Pang Tong back."


Zhou Tai went to the audience again and said: "This matter is very strange, how can you conclude that it is Pang Junshi. Now we have no proof, how can we believe that Pang Junshi is collaborating with the enemy?"

You are still making excuses for him!
Sun Quan said angrily, "All my people have been killed. Doesn't this prove that it is Pang Tong?"

He ignored Zhou Tai and asked Zhu Huan to take someone to find Pang Tong.

Pang Tong's home was in the city, not far away. Zhu Huan immediately surrounded Pang Tong's home with his army.

Zhu Huan is dressed all over his body and holds a spear.

"Pang Tong, come out!"

he shouted loudly.

The door opened wide, and Pang Tong came out in casual clothes.

"General Zhu, what is this for?"

Bold Pang Tong!

Zhu Huan said in a loud voice: "My lord treats you well, but you have confided in the enemy. Now that the matter has been revealed, what else can I say. Come and take him down for me."

Several soldiers rushed forward and were about to make a move.

Who dares!

At this time, an old man walked out of Pang Tong's courtyard. It was Sun Quan's uncle Sun Jing.

Sun Jing, courtesy name Youtai, is Sun Jian's younger brother and the eldest of the Sun family's generation.

When Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, Sun Jing and Mrs. Wu also gave their full support, so Sun Quan treated this uncle very well.

Sun Jing didn't have much ability, and she didn't want to be an official, so she lived in Jianye City and had a good relationship with Pang Tong.

Today Pang Tong invited him to play chess, and Sun Jing also went happily.

Halfway down, someone suddenly surrounded Pang Tong's residence, slandering him as a traitor, and Sun Jing couldn't stand it anymore.

"Boy Zhu Huan, what nonsense are you talking about here? Shi Yuan and I were playing chess at home, and we didn't leave half a step at all. Where did you have an adulterous enemy? Are you full of food, Zhong Mou, this brat , Is he crazy too?"

Sun Jing said indignantly.

These days, he is the only old man who dares to point at Sun Quan's nose and scold him.

(End of this chapter)

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