Chapter 1557

Zhu Huan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Pang Tongtong didn't go out all day, so who is that outside Jianye City?

They wouldn't believe what other people said, but they didn't dare not believe what Sun Jing said.

After all, Sun Jing is the uncle of King Wu and the eldest member of the Sun family, even if Sun Quan sees him, he should respect him.

Seeing that Zhu Huan and the others were still silent, Sun Jing couldn't help being furious.

"You bastards, you are so cowardly that you don't even believe what I say. Okay, I'll go see Zhongmou right now. This little bastard has only been in office for a few days, and he doesn't care about his uncle."

He walked out cursing.

Wait a minute, general!

At this time Zhou Tai hurried over, cupped his fists and said, "Military, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

Youping, you came just in time!
Sun Jing grabbed his wrist and said sharply: "What is Zhongmou up to? How could a loyal official like Shi Yuan rebel? He listened to the bewitchment of that treacherous villain?"

Zhou Tai also couldn't laugh or cry.

He is also convinced by the method of this military division Pang.

Although I don't know how he did it, but there is proof of his alibi, the incident outside the city naturally does not fall on his head.

"General, calm down. These are all misunderstandings. This morning, there was a rumor that the military division was out of the city to meet people. My lord didn't believe it. But the people who were sent to investigate all died. That's why I sent people to the military division to confront them. It may be that General Zhu misunderstood That's why I misunderstood what the Lord meant. I'm here to accompany you all for him."

In fact, Zhou Tai also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, this solution is also the best ending.

It doesn't matter whether Pang Tong has gone out to meet people or not.

Most importantly, Zhou Tai also did not believe that Pang Tong would cooperate with the enemy.

Yes Yes Yes!
Seeing Zhou Tai come forward to rescue them, Zhu Huan and others naturally stepped down the donkey.

They are not stupid, without evidence, they can't move Pang Tong at all, and they will make Sun Jing unhappy.

After hearing Zhou Tai's explanation, Sun Jing snorted.

"Let me tell you, Shi Yuan and I were playing chess at home, and we didn't leave the room at all. Which eye of yours saw Shi Yuan go out? This is all the enemy's plan to separate, even a three-year-old child can see it clearly, but you Believe it or not, you have lived on dogs for so many years?"

Seeing the old man criticizing Sang and scolding Huai, everyone was obedient and dared not speak out.

After finally waiting for Sun Jing to calm down for a while, Zhou Tai laughed and said, "General, military advisor, this is all a misunderstanding. Your lord has a lot, so don't be as knowledgeable as young people like them."

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhu Huan also took the opportunity to say: "Old General, you must not be as knowledgeable as us."

Close the team, close the team!
Zhou Tai gestured hastily.

Only then did Zhu Huan close the team, and fled in despair.

military adviser!

Zhou Tai clasped his fists and said, "Master, let me tell you that there will be a military meeting tomorrow morning, don't forget it."

I see!
Pang Tong nodded.

Only then did Zhou Tai leave in peace.

"Shiyuan, don't worry. I, Sun Jing, understand your contribution to the Sun family, and I will never let you be taken advantage of by villains."

Sun Jing patted her chest and assured Pang Tong.

Thank you, old general!
Pang Tong smiled lightly.

The reason why he dared to go out of the city had already left behind.

Even if Sun Quan went to investigate, he couldn't find any clues.

"Let's keep playing chess!"

Sun Jing dragged Pang Tong back.

He is a chess idiot, unknowingly helped Pang Tong block a shot.


How can it be?

Hearing this result, Sun Quan was also puzzled.

The people under him clearly saw that Pang Tong had left the city, but Sun Jing proved that Pang Tong had been at home all along.

Could it be that this uncle was also bought by Pang Tong?
Sun Quan shook his head again.

He knew this uncle very well. He didn't have much ability or ambition. He just wanted to be a rich man in this life.

Besides, he is also a member of the Sun family, so it is impossible for Pang Tong to buy him off.

Could it be that someone pretended to be Pang Tong and went out of the city, causing suspicion between the two?


Zhou Tai clasped his fists and said, "Now you can rest assured. There is absolutely no problem with the military division."

This result is still within Zhou Tai's acceptance range.

Besides, who is Feng Chu? Even if he really came into contact with other people, how could Sun Quan catch him?
Sun Quan's face was uncertain.

Now that he is firmly seated as the lord of the six counties in the south of the Yangtze River, he has long lost his previous wiseness and martial arts, and has become suspicious and self-righteous.

The more Pang Tong had no problems, the more paranoid he became.

"Come here, continue to monitor Pang Tong, don't take it lightly!"

Sun Quan ordered.

Of course this was done quietly.

Seeing Sun Quan doing this, Zhou Tai was also a little speechless. He originally wanted to persuade him, but finally shook his head.

Another general came in, it was General Quan Brown.

"My lord, the envoy of Jin has come."

Good to come!
Hearing that Sima Yi sent someone, Sun Quan couldn't help being a little excited.

Originally, he and Sima Yi agreed to fight Yuan Shu together, but Guo Jia intervened and let the navy blockade the Yangtze River, Sun Quan did not dare to act rashly.

Sima Yi suddenly exerted force and disintegrated Guo Jia's navy. Now that Lu Su was hiding in Jiangxia and dared not move, Sun Quan was a little bit ready to move now.

Sima Yi sent someone to adjust his mind.

Soon, the envoy of Jin State came.

A young man stepped forward and said without saying a word: "Sima Fu of the Jin Kingdom pays his respects to the King of Wu."

After Sima Yi came to power, he divided up his family wantonly, and his younger brothers and uncles all held important positions.

This time it was Sima Yi's younger brother Sima Fu who came.

Sima Fu is also one of the Sima Bada. His reputation and talents are only inferior to Sima Yi's. This time he came to the south of the Yangtze River to persuade Sun Quan and Jin to join forces against Guo Jia.


King Anping don't be polite!

Sun Quan smiled and helped Sima Fu up.

Sima Fu, as Sima Yi's younger brother, was granted the title of King of Anping, and the official worship of Jin Guotaizai.

Although King Anping is not as good as King Wu, he is only one line behind.

The two sat down as the guest of honor.

"What is the purpose of King Anping's visit this time?"

Sun Quan asked knowingly.

Ha ha!

Sima Fu also smiled, and said: "Under the order of the King of Jin, we have formed an alliance with the King of Wu to fight against Guo Jia."

This is it!
Sun Quan looked embarrassed and said, "King Anping, you also know that Guo Jia is Xiao Wang's brother-in-law. If you ask me to deal with him, don't you put me in a dilemma?"

The smile on Sima Fu's face remained the same, but he could not stop complaining in his heart.

You brought back your sister and nephew, are you still in a dilemma?

Really shameless!

But of course he couldn't say that, he just pretended to be indignant and said, "King Wu, Guo Jia's appetite is not small. What he wants is the whole world. If my Jin Dynasty is over, you Dongwu won't be able to keep it. Your Majesty must understand the reason why your lips are dead and your teeth are cold." .”

is it?

Sun Quan narrowed his eyes suddenly, and said, "Why did I hear another statement, saying that today's world has three points, and black water has two points. Guo Jia is a student of Sima Hui, and your King Jin is also Sima Hui's." Student, only this king has no connection with Heishui. King Anping, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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