Chapter 1558 Waiting patiently
In fact, the saying that black water accounts for two points of three points in the world has been spread in the past one or two years.

This is a rumor spread by Skynet and Heishui in order to cooperate with Guo Jia's plan.

To put it bluntly, it was to deal with Sun Quan.

Because he is the only one who doesn't have much relationship with Heishui, but it's not without any relationship. His right-hand assistant, Pang Tong, is indeed a member of Heishui with roots.

Hearing Sun Quan mention this, Sima Fu's heart skipped a beat, feeling a little bad.

This thing sounds fake, so what about the black water?

Are Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi both from Heishui?Are the two still their masters?

Therefore, people with discerning eyes will see that it is fake, and they will not take it seriously.

But Sun Quan was different, he took it seriously.

He is not from Heishui, so he is very concerned about these words, and has begun to alienate Pang Tong intentionally or unintentionally.

Compared with Pang Tong, Sun Quan was more afraid of Guo Jia and Sima Yi joining forces to cheat him.

"King Wu, these are all rumors, how can they be taken seriously? Heishui was finished when Sima Hui died. Now everyone is their own master. Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu took refuge in Guo Jia, and his brother also made himself king , Feng Chu even served under the command of King Wu. In fact, Heishui is just an underground school, and the students have to go their separate ways after leaving the school."

Sima Fu explained.

is it?

Sun Quan laughed again, but the smile was a bit cold.

Sima Fu coughed a few times, and said, "King Wu, if the rumors are true, why did King Jin still argue with Guo Jia? Why did Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang go to Guo Jia's side? I admit my brother It came from the black water, but the black water is gone, and now everyone is their own master."


Sun Quan laughed a few times, and said: "This king is just joking, how can this level of rumors be taken seriously? Well, let's not talk about this matter, let's talk about what King Jin means."

Hearing what Sun Quan said, Sima Fu breathed a sigh of relief. Whether Sun Quan believed it or not, the incident was finally over.

The two further discussed the matter of dealing with Guo Jia together.

Sun Quan also nodded repeatedly.

After a while, Sun Quan sent Sima Fu away.

A scribe appeared in front of Sun Quan. It was Lu Xun, a recent counselor. Lu Xun was puzzled and said, "My lord, why didn't you agree to Jin's grand plan?"

Now the world is one strong and two weak, Guo Jia is the only one, Soochow and Jin can have a little chance of winning together.

The envoy of the Jin Kingdom came to the door, and the terms were very favorable. Why didn't Sun Quan show his attitude?
Lu Xun didn't quite understand.

"Bo Yan, you are still too young!"

Sun Quan laughed and said, "Who is Sima Yi? He even dared to kill the emperor. Do you think this king can trust him?"

Having said that!

Lu Xun said in a low voice: "Now join forces with him, there will be no harm at all!"

The one who can make things happen these days is the good stubble?

Believe it or not, but the grand strategy is the same, and there is also the possibility of cooperation.

"Cooperation is possible!"

Sun Quan smiled again, and said: "Guo Jia is on the border with Sima Yi, so he is naturally more anxious than us. So we can't be anxious. Even if we want to cooperate, we have to wait until he really works with Guo Jia before we cooperate."

After all, he still broods over the rumors about the Blackwater.

Lu Xun stopped talking, but felt a little pity.

I don't know if it's a pity for Sun Quan or Sima Yi.

Originally, Sun Quan still wanted to team up with Sima Yi to fight against Guo Jia, but the rumor about Heishui couldn't get rid of, and he would naturally not act rashly until he had complete control over everything.

So Sun Quan had made up his mind a long time ago, and temporarily stood still in the south of the Yangtze River and watched Guo Jia and Sima Yi fight with each other, so that he could reap the benefits of being a fisherman.


Jianye City was calm for several days, and nothing seemed to happen between Sun Quan and Pang Tong.

Diao Chan couldn't sit still.

She came to Jianye with great difficulty, and the purpose was to provoke people's direct distrust, and she would not leave until she saw the effect.

"Tomorrow, I will try again!"

Diao Chan already had an idea.

She decided to take a risk to completely trigger the confrontation between Pang Tong and Sun Quan.

No miss!

Sima Zhuo hastily interrupted her.

"Sun Quan and Pang Tong are difficult to deal with. The first time we fought, we were caught off guard, and Pang Tong didn't make things difficult for us for the sake of the old master. Do you think he will not be able to see that the news is you Released? He is now safe and sound, so Sun Quan can't catch him, which shows that he has a lot of tricks. If we continue to make trouble here, maybe he will turn his face and deny anyone."

Sima Zhuo knew Pang Tong very well. This man's talent and learning were not inferior to Zhuge Liang's, and his methods were also very clever.

The reason why Diao Chan was able to escape smoothly was mostly because of the old master.


Diao Chan said displeased: "We can't go back like this!"

Since the task was not completed, she was naturally embarrassed to go back, not to mention that it was a task assigned by Guo Jia.

in fact……

Sima Zhuo thought for a while, and said, "Miss' plan didn't work either. Although Sun Quan and Pang Tong remained calm, it doesn't mean that they didn't have mutual suspicion."

Hearing this, Diao Chan suddenly became energetic.

"Uncle Zhuo, do you think it works?"

Not bad!

Sima Zhuo nodded, and said: "According to reports from his subordinates, Pang Tong has been doing well today. Except for work, he just goes home. During this period, he didn't stay in the city, and he didn't meet anyone. Based on my understanding of him, this person is independent and can do whatever he wants. He is so restrained, which is a bit abnormal. Most likely, there has been a conflict between the two of them. "

Not bad!

Hearing Sima Zhuo's reminder, Diao Chan was overjoyed again.

"The fact that he came back early shows that Sun Quan no longer attaches importance to him. He didn't go out to avoid Sun Quan's suspicion. There has been an irreparable rift between the two."

Diao Chan analyzed.

and so……

Sima Zhuo smiled and said: "We just need to wait and see what happens, otherwise it will be a bad thing to add to the snake."

Diao Chan nodded, agreeing with Sima Zhuo's statement.


A cold light flashed across her eyes, and she said coldly, "I heard that Sima Yi's younger brother has come to the south of the Yangtze River. This guy probably came here for the purpose of joining forces. Killing him and destroying the alliance between the two parties is a great achievement."


Sima Zhuo interrupted Diao Chan again.

"Miss, besides the incident outside the city, many eyes are staring at us? If we kill Sima Fu again, won't we get caught up in the fire? Besides, killing Sima Fu will expose our real purpose. What we did before Things just fell by the wayside.”

Diao Chan thought about it carefully, and felt that Sima Zhuo was right.There really shouldn't be anything wrong at this time.

It's cheap!
She thought angrily in her heart.

But right now, she can't act rashly, and she can only wait patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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