Chapter 1559 Lujiang Falls
"Damn things!"

Sima Yi slapped the table angrily.

I don't know what happened to Chang'an. The diplomacy during this period can be regarded as a complete failure.

Inducing Zhou Yu to surrender failed, and the alliance with Sun Quan also came to nothing.

Guo Jia's army has been assembled. Xu Shu, the governor of Jizhou, led 1 troops to Liyang, the vanguard Xu Huang led [-] troops to Yanjin, general Zhang He led [-] troops to Ling County, and Ju Shou led the county soldiers to guard the rear. After the army is assembled, it can attack its own side at any time.

In addition, Jia Xu, the governor of Yizhou, led 5 people to be stationed in Berkshire with Zhang Ren as the main general, and entered Xiangfan with the benefits from the upper reaches.

Kuai Yue is just a fool, and he can't last long at all. Once Xiangfan falls into Guo Jia's hands, Sima Yi will suffer from the enemy.

Of course, if it's just these things, Sima Yi can still solve it.

He first led [-] troops to Baima with Zhong Hui, the son of Zhong Yao, and set up multiple garrison locations along the Yellow River. With the natural danger of the Yellow River, he could resist the Jizhou army going south.

Zhong Hui was Sima Yi's newly promoted young general, along with Jiang Ji, Zhu Ling, and Wen Qin, known as the Four Generals of Jin.

With Guo Huai and Chen Qun leading an army of [-] troops to guard the front line of Runan, even if the Yizhou army got Xiangfan, it would be difficult to break through his heavily defended Runan army town for a while.

In fact, what worries Sima Yi the most is the Chang'an Forbidden Army who has been standing still. This is Guo Jia's elite army.

He left Zhongyou Wenqin and others to guard Luoyang with 3 people to prevent Guo Jia from invading.

After years of repairs, the city of Luoyang is tall and thick, with enough food and grass, even if Guo Jia's army arrives, it can withstand it for a while.

Therefore, Sima Yi wanted to try to destroy Yuan Shu before Guo Jia's forbidden army was dispatched, and obtain the fertile land of Lianghuai.

"Can't wait any longer."

Sima Yi said decisively.

"Guo Jia is about to send troops, and Luoyang is under great pressure. Zhu Ling and Jiang Ji are ordered to bypass the Lujiang River and attack Shouchun directly. Since Zhou Yu doesn't know how to flatter, then don't be polite. If he is destroyed, the entire Lianghuai River will be at your fingertips."

The confidant Niu Jin on the side responded.

They have been soldiers in Lujiang for a year, and they have been blocked by Zhou Yu. Sima Yi thinks that Zhou Yu is a talent and wants to use it for himself, so during this time he frequently sent people to persuade him to surrender.

Zhou Yu didn't know what kind of medicine he had taken by mistake, so he kept making false claims with him, delaying time.

Now that the war is imminent, Sima Yi can't wait, and he can't afford to wait.

He wants to wipe out Zhou Yu with his own army.

"Order the dead soldiers of the navy to turn around and bombard Huainan, to remind old Yuan Shu."

Sima Yi sent people to sneak into the Jizhou navy many years ago. These people have been lurking for many years and successfully launched an attack, capturing several large ships in Yizhou, including two gunboats.

This gunboat is very powerful, the range of the main gun is more than ten miles, and the city wall is like paper in front of it.

Of course, it is impossible to take down Shouchun City with these cannons. Sima Yi is putting pressure on Yuan Shu.

"My lord, the ammunition for the gunboat we captured is already low. The gunpowder and shells of this artillery are somewhat different from those produced by our workshop, and there is no way to replenish them!"

Niu Jin on the side smiled wryly.

I know!
Sima Yi snorted. After capturing the gunboat, he immediately received the gunpowder products from the boat.

After careful comparison, it is found that the gunpowder in Yunzhou has been greatly improved, and its power is several times that of Xudu's workshop.

Guo Jia, you bastard!

Sima Yi cursed a few times, his face was a little cloudy.

Gunpowder, cannon, gunboat, which is not a shocking thing, how did he come up with it?

Sima Yi is the successor of the military strategist, and has always advocated that the strategy is not the weapon.

But the birth of Yunzhou firearms made him dumbfounded.

Only at this time did he realize that sometimes weapons are more advantageous than strategies, especially heavy weapons like artillery.

A cannon shot out, hundreds of steps were destroyed, no matter what strategy you have, it is useless.

Sima Yi also became ruthless and wanted to arm his troops with firearms, but he didn't realize how difficult it was until he actually started making.

First of all, the problem of raw materials.

Although he had already figured out the formula of one saltpeter, two yellows and three charcoals, except for charcoal, which was easy to make, the rest of the saltpeter and sulfur needed to be purchased.

Sulfur is fine, it's very common, and there are mines in many places.

But saltpeter is a bit difficult. Sima Yi has spent all his efforts, and only bought a small part.

Only then did he realize that it was too late, because most of the saltpeter in Dahan had already been bought by Yunzhou.

Not to mention that the mass production of gunpowder was affected, the consumption of copper and iron needed to make the cannon was also an astronomical figure. Sima Yi was faced with a situation where he was short of money just by building the timely door cannon.

Only then did he understand why Yunzhou had artillery, but did not mass-produce it, but only installed it in the navy and artillery teams.

Because this stuff is too expensive.

A centurion can be maintained for as much money as is expended in making a good cannon.

With Guo Jia's wealth and wealth, he can't arm all the troops with artillery, let alone Sima Yi, who is much inferior in financial and material resources?

Where did this monster come from?
Sima Yi was a little at a loss.

So in the past few years, he has also been careful to avoid conflicts with Guo Jia.

"Use our gunpowder first, Yuan Shu is also frightened at the moment, a bombardment is enough to make him tremble with fear."

Sima Yi said helplessly.

He didn't expect to kill Yuan Shu with just a few cannons.

we can only do this!

Niu Jin responded.

In terms of artillery technology, Yunzhou is still the strongest.


Boom, boom!
Sima Yi's army launched a fierce attack. This time, he stopped hiding and moved the artillery out.

Dozens of artillery bombarded Lujiang City

Although Sima Yi's artillery is not as good as Yunzhou's artillery, there is still no problem in leveling an earthen city with all his strength.

This time Sima Yi didn't skimp on ammunition, and used all the money he brought.

Dozens of cannons bombarded for a long time, and after blasting and wounding people, misfired and exploded half of them, they finally cut off half of the city's head, and a section of the city wall collapsed.

The general of the Jin Kingdom gave a shout and rushed forward first.

This time the King of Jin issued a death order and must take Lujiang City.

Kill it!

The soldiers guarding the city also roared and fought with the soldiers of Jin.

They also know that they have no way to survive, and the enemy will not let them go after occupying the city. Instead of being killed, it is better to fight the enemy now.

The war set off a bloody storm.

But the originally meager defenders of the city were no match for the soldiers of the Jin State, and soon the flags of the State of Jin were planted in several key points of the city.

Although the soldiers defending the city were still fighting desperately, they were powerless, and it was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

Lujiang fell.

Sima Yi won.

(End of this chapter)

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