Chapter 1560

Since Zhou Yu entered Lujiang, he had never left the Dudu's Mansion.

He has decided to be with the city.

At this moment, Zhou Yu was wearing white clothes, long hair shawl, bare feet, holding a sword in his hand, dancing slowly.

"When a husband lives in the world, he makes a name for himself; when he makes a name for himself, he comforts his life. When he comforts his life, I will get drunk; when I get drunk, I will sing madly!"

One person, one sword, singing barefoot, indescribably free and easy.

The entire Governor's Mansion was already empty, only two boys accompanied him.

Two maidservants, one holding the qin and the other holding the Xiao, danced and played music in conjunction with Zhou Yu's dance.

Zhou Yu danced for a while, then suddenly laughed a few times, picked up the wine jar beside him and took a sip.

"Guo Jia, Guo Jia, although I don't have a good impression of you, I want to thank you for making this kind of fine wine. A man is born in the world, and he should do whatever he wants. How can there be no wine?"

As he spoke, he took another sip, then smashed the wine jar, staggered a few steps, and continued to sing.

"Captain, Commander!"

A group of people rushed into the Dudu's Mansion in Lujiang in a panic.

The leader was covered in blood, and it was Zhou Yu's confidant general Chen Wu.

He was originally Liu Yao's subordinate, but after Yuan Shu drove Liu Yao away, Chen Wu joined Yuan Shu again and became Zhou Yu's subordinate.

"Captain, you still have the mind to drink here. The city is broken. The Jin army will soon occupy the full title. I will fight to the death to escort the governor to leave."

Chen Wu clasped his fists and said.

He was very loyal to the young governor and did not want him to die in Lujiang.


Zhou Yu suddenly laughed a few times, and said: "You can leave, the people of Lujiang can leave, but I, Zhou Yu, can't leave."

He staggered a few steps, and said to himself: "Since I left Chang'an, I know that there is no place for me, Zhou Yu, in the world."

Yuan Shu was not the master of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhou Yu knew in his heart that the reason why he defected to Yuan Shu was because Yuan Shu and Guo Jia couldn't deal with each other.

Now that Yuan Shu is finished, he can also go to other princes, but these people are not Guo Jia's opponents, and sooner or later the world will belong to Guo Jia.

Zhou Yu would never seek refuge with Guo Jia in his life, so he would rather die in Lujiang.


Chen Wu hurriedly said: "If the green hills remain, we are not afraid of running out of firewood. Even if the Lujiang River is lost, we still have Shouchun. There is no need to die here."

He naturally didn't know what Zhou Yu was thinking.


Zhou Yu laughed again, and said, "Shouchun? Shouchun is also in danger. Forget it, I already plan to live and die with Lujiang. You... let's go!"

He had already decided to die, and he couldn't bear to implicate these subordinates who had followed him for many years.


Chen Wu and the others were a little dumbfounded.

Although this Lujiang River is Zhou Yu's hometown, there is no need to die in the city.

Besides, the enemy is outnumbered, they can hold on for so many days, and they are worthy of the people of Lujiang.

"Captain, we also know that Yuan Gong is dying, but we can go to Jiangnan. Sun Quan in the south of the Yangtze River has made great efforts to govern the land under the jurisdiction of six counties, with 10,000+ armour. With the ability of the governor, he will definitely be able to show his strengths."

Chen Wuyu said earnestly.

Sun Quan!

Zhou Yu smiled lightly. If it had been before, he might have considered returning to Jiangnan, but after meeting with Lu Su, he dismissed this idea again.

Anyway, Sun Quan can't last long, Guo Jia will eventually occupy Jiangnan, and he still can't escape this fate.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Yu smiled wryly again and said, "I've already made up my mind."


Chen Wuyi said indignantly: "How can the superintendent, who is an elite in the world, die here? Come, carry the superintendent and leave."

Speaking of treating others, he stepped forward and forced Zhou Yu to leave.

Who dares!

Zhou Yu suddenly put a horizontal sword on his neck, and said coldly: "I am your governor in life, and I will be your governor in death. If anyone dares to touch me, I will kill myself."

As he spoke, he exerted a little force, and a bloody mouth was instantly cut off his neck.


Chen Wu and the others knelt down again.

"You... why bother?"

He couldn't help crying a little.


Everyone was crying too.

These people are all elites who won't frown even with swords and guns on their necks, but at this moment they are begging Zhou Yu to leave.

There was a flash of enthusiasm in Zhou Yu's heart, and he said slowly: "Brothers, I, Zhou Yu, am lucky to be able to fight with you. But I am too tired and want to rest. You... go your separate ways!"

He also couldn't bear these subordinates to die in Lujiang by himself, so he persuaded them to flee for their own lives.

If the governor does not leave, neither will we!

Chen Wu shouted loudly.

Swear to live and die with the governor!
Everyone also shouted in unison.


Zhou Yu paused and said, "I'm already terminally ill, and dying in battle is a kind of relief. You all still have a bright future, so why bother to seek your own death. Listen to me, there are three queries in Jin's siege, and you should break out of the siege to the south. When Jiang Xia approached Lu Su, he said that I asked you to join him. Lu Su is my good friend, and he will definitely not treat you badly."


Chen Wu wanted to say something, but Zhou Yu roared angrily.

"Is it because you see me dead with your own eyes before you feel at ease?"

As he spoke, he exerted force on his hand again, and blood flowed down.

Dudu take care!

Chen Wu left with tears in his eyes.

Seeing that Zhou Yu was determined to die, he stopped persuading him and led his men to break out of the siege with tears.

Now that the governor has made a decision, they can't destroy Zhou Yu's loyalty.

Seeing the backs of Chen Wu and others going away, Zhou Yu sighed. He suddenly felt some abdominal pain, and a trail of blood slowly left at the corner of his mouth.

His eyes suddenly fell on the two maidservants beside him, and a soft light flashed in his heart again.

He bought these two women from the brothel.

The reason why I bought them was because they resembled Xiao Qiao.

Zhou Yu brought them with him also to comfort the pain of lovesickness.

"Now that the city is broken, there are violent soldiers everywhere. You two weak girls have also escaped their claws. There is a secret room behind the rockery in this courtyard, which hides a lot of food and water. The two of you go in quickly, and the reserves inside can Let you hold on for a long time. Come out when the dust settles."

Zhou Yu said in a low voice.

He was already unable to protect the two women, so he could only let them hide first and come out after the limelight passed.With the looks of the two of them, someone will definitely take them in.

The two women glanced at each other, and suddenly they both showed absolute disbelief.

"Our sister's life was given by the governor. Now that the governor is going, how can we be the only child? Governor, let's go first!"

As they spoke, the two of them pulled out their daggers and stabbed them into their respective chests.

Blood once again stained the compound.

The corner of Zhou Yu's mouth twitched a few times, and suddenly he laughed out loud, tears streaming down his face.

Before, he had drugged the wine, and now the drug's properties also took effect.

Two tears of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, making his eyes blurred, but there was still a fair figure in his eyes.


Zhou Yu exhausted his last strength, shouted, and suddenly fell to the ground and died.

(End of this chapter)

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