Chapter 1561 Xiao Qiao is sick
In [-] A.D., the city of Lujiang was destroyed and Zhou Yu died.

The Zhong family without Zhou Yu was like Optimus Prime fell. In just one month, Sima Yi's army captured Shouchun, Yuan Shu committed suicide, and the Zhong family dynasty perished.

Sima Yi left his younger brother Sima Kui to guard Shouchun, and led the army back to Xudu.

Although Zhou Yu died, Sima Yi also paid a heavy price for defeating Lujiang. Sima Kui hung Zhou Yu's body outside the city of Lujiang for public display.

One night, Zhou Yu's body suddenly disappeared. Sima Kui was furious, killed the officials guarding the city, and sent people everywhere to search for Zhou Yu's body, but nothing happened in the end.

When the news reached Chang'an, Xiao Qiao suddenly fell ill. Although Zhou Yu was interested in her, her heart was already on Guo Jia.

Flowing water is intentional, falling flowers are ruthless.

Perhaps it was her ruthlessness that brought Zhou Yu to such an end.

She was originally kind-hearted, but now she just blamed herself for the crime.

"Sister, don't think too much about it. This is also a fixed number, why should you blame yourself?"

Big Joe on the side said in a low voice.

She knew what her sister was thinking, so she came to the room to relieve her whenever she was free.

Xiao Qiao didn't speak, but just stared into the distance in a daze.

If she had been able to treat Zhou Yu better with Yan Yuese, maybe this ending would not have happened.

If she had been more sensible at the time and hadn't been angry with Zhou Yu, maybe now Zhou Yu might be a capable minister under her husband.

in case……

Xiao Qiao shook his head helplessly.

There are not so many ifs in the world.

The biggest regret in her heart is that Zhou Yu turned against her husband Guo Jia because of herself, and refused to bow to death, and finally died tragically in Lujiang.

At times, she also thought, Zhou Yu might not have ended up like this without herself.

younger sister!

Da Qiao said earnestly: "You and I are both members of the Guo family now, even if you have any regrets before, don't be too sad. If you cause your husband's misunderstanding, wouldn't it be a small loss."

She was afraid that Xiao Qiao's excessive sadness would cause Guo Jia's disgust, and that would be a bit unbeautiful.

I know!
Xiao Qiao said in a low voice.

"What's not beautiful?"

A voice sounded, and Guo Jia walked in slowly.

He heard that Xiao Qiao was ill, so he rushed back immediately.


Seeing Guo Jia coming, Da Qiao was a little panicked. What she said just now was originally a secret between sisters, but now it fell into Guo Jia's ears, which made her a little uneasy.


Xiao Qiao struggled to sit up, but was stopped by Guo Jia when she wanted to get out of bed.

"If you're so sick, don't move around."

Guo Jia helped Xiao Qiao lie down, covered her with a quilt, and touched her forehead.

"Well, the fever has subsided. Take a good rest for a few days, and you'll be fine."

His eyes fell on Da Qiao. After giving birth to two sons, Da Qiao's figure has obviously gained weight, making her look even more radiant.

"You are a bit incompetent as an older sister. My younger sister has something on her mind. You should enlighten her more."

Seeing that Guo Jia didn't mean to blame herself, Da Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "What the husband said is true, I know. I will see if the medicine is ready."

Said and left in a hurry.

The two sisters married into the Guo family together, very much favored by Guo Jia, and Da Qiao gave birth to two sons smoothly, which can be regarded as very complete.It's just that Xiao Qiao is a bit rough. She has been married to the Guo family for so many years and has never been pregnant.This is also a big regret for the Qiao family.

Da Qiao also wanted her sister to have a happy ending, so she consciously left, leaving time for the two of them to be alone.

"This big Qiao, after having a son, my sister won't bother me much."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Women are like this. Before getting married, their hearts are on men. After getting married, their hearts are on children.

Husband, don't blame sister!
Xiao Qiao hurriedly said: "She has always taken care of me."

She didn't want to hurt her sister because of her own affairs.

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

This girl is still so kind, thanks to not letting her see Zhou Yu, otherwise she would feel even more guilty.

"Husband, it's my concubine's bad health that has delayed your business."

Xiao Qiao said apologetically.

The army is about to go out, and Guo Jia has been in the barracks for a few days. He heard that she was sick, so he hurried back.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled and said, "For me, coming back to see you is the business."

He knew that Xiao Qiao was kind-hearted, and he was a little brooding over Zhou Yu's death. If this incident caused the root cause of his illness, it would be a bit ugly.

Thank you my husband!

Xiao Qiao's heart warmed, and tears almost flowed down.

The better Guo Jia treats her, the more guilty she feels.


Guo Jia seemed to have thought of something, and said in a low voice, "I have already sent someone to retrieve his bones."

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao trembled and was speechless.

She naturally knew that he was Zhou Yu.

Guo Jia knew that she was a little bitter, not only did not blame her, but also took back Zhou Yu's bones.

Xiao Qiao couldn't help but burst into tears, and choked up, "Husband...I..."

Guo Jia wiped her tears softly, and said in a low voice, "I've met you once anyway, let's bury him properly."

Zhou Gongjin was at least one of the famous generals of the generation. Although he had a disagreement with Guo Jia during his lifetime, Guo Jia would not let him expose his corpse to the wilderness after his death.

What's more, this guy has always been Xiao Qiao's heart disease, and burying him well is also considered to help Xiao Qiao realize his thoughts, so why not do it?
Thank you... thank you husband!
Xiao Qiao couldn't help hugging Guo Jia, lying in his arms and crying loudly.

Guo Jia patted her on the back lightly, and said in a low voice: "Don't be sad, sometimes you can only choose one path in life, and you can't see the scenery on the right while walking to the left. Zhou Yu chose to oppose me, Maybe there is your reason, but more of it is unwillingness to be lonely. There is nothing to say about success and defeat. If I, Guo Jia, lose, the end may not be better than him. Remember, this is fate, you can’t force it .”

Although he changed Zhou Yu's fate, he failed to change Zhou Yu's fate in the end, and he died in his prime in the end.

According to the news from Skynet, Zhou Yu is already terminally ill. Even if Lujiang City is not destroyed, he will not live for a few days.

This is Zhou Yu's fate.

Calculated that he lived a few years longer than the later generations, and his official prestige was almost the same as that of the later generations. The only regret was that he did not get Xiao Qiao.

In fact, Guo Jia also felt a little guilty about this matter.

It turned out that Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao were a couple, and it was his arrival that broke up the two of them.

It's just that they didn't expect the two to meet again, and Zhou Yu would never forget Xiao Qiao until his death.

Maybe this is the so-called fate.

I see.

Xiao Qiao twitched and said, "I will never be stupid again."

Over the years, she has been accustomed to finding reasons from herself, and rarely thinks about other things. After Guo Jia reminded her, she suddenly understood.

Some things are simply out of her control.

(End of this chapter)

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