Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1562 Guo Ye and the Wolf King

Chapter 1562 Guo Ye and the Wolf King

On Liangshan in Xianyang County outside Chang'an, Guo Jia set up a tomb for heroes.

Lu Bu, Jiang Jiong, Ma Chao and other heroes of troubled times are buried here. Not only that, Guo Jia also arranged many tablets here, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Du, Liu Bei, Ma Teng, Han Sui, etc., these are the heroes of the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms , and should be honored after death.It's a pity that after years of war, many people's bones could not be found, so Guo Jia had to order his subordinates to build a tomb.

Now there are more tombstones of Zhou Yu here.

After several days of exposure to the sun, Zhou Yu's body was already in disrepair, and the ashes of the members of Skynet were burned and transported back to Chang'an.

On the day of Zhou Yu's burial, Guo Jia and Xiao Qiao came together, along with Zhang He's wife Huang Wudie.

They met in Chang'an back then, and now their fate has ended in Chang'an, and the two are also doing their last bit for their friends.

it's over!
After the last pinch of soil was scattered, Guo Jiachang sighed.

Xiao Qiao wiped away her tears and stood up slowly.

"Husband, I want to be alone, can I?"

A pleading look flashed in her eyes.

you can!

Guo Jia nodded, turned and left.

The knot in his heart can't be untied all at once, he needs to give Xiao Qiao some space.

Xiao Qiao stared blankly at Zhou Yu's tombstone, feeling all sorts of feelings welling up in her heart.

She definitely doesn't love Zhou Yu, but for some reason, she still has a little pity for him in her heart.

She couldn't tell why.

As a married woman, she can't do this, but this shadow will always flash involuntarily.

Over the years, this has become a heart disease for Xiao Qiao.


Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

Despite his best efforts, he still can't quite change the ending.

This may be the inevitability of history.

Guo Jia abolished the general and served as the governor himself, so everyone's titles have changed.

Huang Wudie on the side suddenly said: "Actually, there is nothing between Madam and Zhou Yu, and this subordinate can testify to it."

When the two of them traveled together in Chang'an, they met Zhou Yu. The latter fell in love with Xiao Qiao at first sight, but Xiao Qiao's heart was always on Guo Jia, so she never pretended to Zhou Yu.

Huang Wudie didn't want Guo Jia to misunderstand Xiao Qiao because of this.

After all, she has a very good relationship with Xiao Qiao.

"I know!"

Guo Jia nodded, his eyes fell on Huang Wudie.

After many years, this heroic female general has also become the mother of several children.

"I don't blame her."

Guo Jia said calmly.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Huang Wudie felt relieved, but still hesitated to speak.

"What, do you have something to do?"

Guo Jia asked strangely.

Huang Wudie suddenly knelt down and said in a low voice: "Governor, the eldest daughter of my concubine is now in her prime..."

At the beginning, Guo Jia had arranged a marriage for Guo Ye, and Zhang Xi's daughter was one of them. With Guo Ye's border, this matter was delayed without limit.

Guo Jia was not in a hurry, but the Zhang family was a little anxious.

Seeing that their daughter was growing up day by day, the Zhang family really couldn't afford to wait, so Huang Wudie had the courage to ask.

Because of the marriage contract, their daughter has been staying in the boudoir.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Guo Ye has fallen out of favor, and Zhang Yun doesn't want his daughter to marry a prince who has fallen out of favor as a concubine, but since there is an agreement, there is no other way.

But they can't wait like this.

If Guo Jia intends to let Zhang Xi's daughter pass by, then everyone will be happy.

If Guo Jia didn't plan to let Zhang Yun's daughter pass by, then they would make another plan. Anyway, with the status of the two, the daughter would not worry about marrying.

Hearing Huang Wudie's words, Guo Jia couldn't help but slapped his head, and said with a wry smile: "Look at my memory, how can I even forget this kind of thing. Don't worry, I'll let someone arrange it immediately."

Thinking about it carefully, the kid Guo Ye has been in Beidi Xubian for some years, and he is in his early twenties now, so it is time for him to come back.

"I will immediately ask Guo Ye to come back and get married."

Guo Jia patted his chest and said.

Not only from Zhang He's family, but also from Xi Zhong's family, let's just play it off.

Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!
Hearing these words, Huang Wudie was overjoyed and relieved.

Since Guo Jia is willing to let Guo Ye come back, it means that this future son-in-law still has a chance.


Northern Fortress!

A group of cavalry galloped out suddenly, and Huangshan Mountain swept across the sky, startling countless wild wolves.

Whoosh whoosh!
Everyone bent their bows and set up arrows one after another, shooting feather arrows one after another.

Some wolves fell to the ground,

But the wolves are still running wildly, and the leading wolf king is still in front to guide the wolves.

At this time, a heroic figure suddenly rushed out of the cavalry, his upper body was tightly attached to the horse's back, and he held a large longbow in his hand.With his eyes fixed on the leading wolf king, a stern light burst out.

With the defeat of the Xiongnu Xianbei and Wuhuan, the entire grassland became the pasture of the Han Border County, and the Han people followed the example of the nomads and began to herd livestock.

Here, they don't worry about being bullied, because the army in the northern fortress will protect them.

The northern fortress is the only military town that Guo Jia left on the grassland. Their role is to guard the border for the big Han and prevent the nomads from returning to the grassland.

However, the nomads in the grassland had been scared by Guo Jia for a long time, and they hid in the depths of the grassland and never dared to come out again, so the army in the fortress was idle.

Recently, a pack of wolves appeared on the grassland, and they had besieged many herdsmen's livestock. The herdsmen were defeated, so they came to the fortress for help.

After receiving the request for help, the army in the fortress was dispatched immediately, and after more than ten days of scouting, they finally caught up with the pack of wolves.

With the order of the commander, the army strangled the wolves.

The wolves were routed under the encirclement and suppression of the army, and the army was also chasing after them, intending to wipe out this scourge on the grassland in one fell swoop.

The wolf king is strong and has a cunning temperament. He has led the wolves to break through the weak points of the official army's pursuit many times, and escaped from the official army's pursuit.

The thief was captured first, and the generals in the army began to focus their firepower on the wolf.

Whoosh whoosh!
The heroic boy shot three arrows.

What he holds in his hand is a walking bow, which is two or three circles larger than a riding bow, and he can pull a stiff bow on horseback, which shows his amazing arm strength.

The first arrow shot in front of the wolf, cutting off its path.The second arrow hit the wolf in the back and cut off its way back.The alpha wolf can only turn left and right.The third arrow pierced through the wolf's ears.

Good archery!
The crowd cheered in unison!

It is not difficult to shoot a wolf immediately, but it is not easy to shoot an arrow through both ears without hurting the fur.

This wolf king is majestic, and his fur is very smooth, which is very rare. It would be a pity if the injury was elsewhere.

As soon as the head wolf died, the wolf pack immediately scattered and fled, and the army chased it away, and it didn't take long for them all to be surrounded and killed.

The heroic young man rode his horse up to the wolf's head, jumped off the horse, and kicked the wolf's head.

"Good guy, for you, I have wasted all my strength."

As he spoke, he picked up the wolf king and put him on the horse.

This wolf is very plump, and it can be used for teething sacrifices after returning home.

At this moment, a knight flew over, and the knight shouted: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency, a letter from Chang'an. The governor told you to go back."

Hearing these words, the young man trembled, and the longbow in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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