Chapter 1563 wobbly
This boy is Guo Jia's eldest son, Guo Ye.

Now, he has been in the northern stronghold for several years.

"Father, let me go back?"

Guo Ye asked in disbelief.

Not bad!

The soldiers on the side smiled and said: "Congratulations, Eldest Young Master, you have completed your merits and virtues. You have practiced in the fortress for several years, and you will definitely be named marquis and general after you return. Don't forget us brothers when the time comes."

Guo Ye couldn't help but burst into tears.

When Guo Jia left him here and ignored him, he once thought that he had no chance.

But now it seems that the father has not forgotten himself.

Thinking of this, Guo Ye took a deep breath, and slowly scanned the grassland where he had lived for several years. For some reason, he fell in love with this place, the feeling of galloping on the grassland.

Years of tempering had made him used to everything on the grassland and the bumps on the horse's back.

Guo Ye has already figured it out, and he doesn't want to be the heir anymore. He wants to guard the grassland forever and live here for the rest of his life.

When he returns this time, he will definitely explain everything to his father, Guo Jia.


Guo Ye excitedly said: "Skin off this wolf king, the fur is my gift to my father. Wolf meat is our dinner at night."

This wolf king is very majestic, and his fur is very soft, which is rare even on the grassland.

Everyone laughed.

Under normal circumstances, they seldom eat wolf meat, because it is not very tasty, but eating the wolf king is of extraordinary significance, and they can still accept it.

As a result, some skilled craftsmen began to skin wolves. The grasslands are rich in furs, which can be made into clothing.

Guo Ye's arrow shot into the wolf king's left ear, shot out from the right ear, and pierced through the brain, leaving only a hole, keeping a complete fur as much as possible.

After the craftsmen carefully peel off the wolf skin, process it with saltpeter, and then dry it in the shade, a beautiful wolf king fur is made.

Although wolf fur is not as good as the fur of tigers and leopards, it is still Guo Ye's wish.

In the evening, the northern fortress held a large banquet to celebrate the eldest son's return to Chang'an.



Kuai Yue walked up and down anxiously.

He is waiting for someone, someone who can decide his fate.

Of the four sons of Xiangyang in the past, now only the Kuai family is left.

Facts have proved that Kuai Yue is not a good leader, and Xiangfan is shrinking day by day under his governance, and the population has begun to flow out.

Given time, Xiangfan will surely fall into the hands of others.

Right now, Kuai Yue has only two paths, one is to seek refuge with Guo Jia, and the other is to completely surrender to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi is insidious, and Kuai Yue also has a deep understanding. For so many years, Kuai Yue has always shown his favor to Sima Yi, but the latter seems to only want to use him as a buffer between Xudu and Chang'an, and has no intention of accepting Kuai Yue. His official positions are also marginal official positions that are not painful or itchy.

Kuai Yue naturally didn't want to take advantage of Sima Yi's fire, so he tentatively defected to Guo Jia.

At least he thinks that compared to Sima Yi, this Guo Jia still keeps his word.

When Guo Jia rushed back to Chang'an from Chengdu, Kuai Yue had contacted him and revealed Sima Yi's plan to ambush him.

This can be regarded as the first time that Kuai Yue has shown affection to Guo Jia.

But Guo Jia didn't seem to appreciate it too much, so he just sent someone to tell him to offer Xiangfan obediently, and then the whole family came to Chang'an, and they could still enjoy the glory and wealth. Otherwise, if they broke Xiangfan, the Kuai family would be wiped out.

After thinking about it, Kuai Yue still planned to join Guo Jia, but he was a little reluctant to part with the power in his hand, so he was always hesitant.

"My lord, Cui Zhouping is here!"

Hearing these words, Kuai Yue's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Please hurry up!"

Since Cui Zhouping took refuge in Guo Jia, he has always existed as Guo Jia's emissary, and he has always communicated with Xiangfan in the south of the Yangtze River.

After a while, a figure walked in, it was Cui Zhouping.

"Brother Zhouping!"

Kuai Yue hurried forward and took Cui Zhouping's hand.

When Cui Zhouping was in Jingzhou, he had a good relationship with Kuai Yue, and the communication between Kuai Yue and Guo Jia was through Cui Zhouping.

"Different degree, how did you think about what happened some time ago?"

Cui Zhouping smiled slightly.

These years, he can be regarded as a rising star, from a run-down prefect to Guo Jia's envoy, even Sun Quan in Jiangnan is very polite to him.

"Brother Zhouping, Xiangfan is suffering from internal and external troubles, and it is considered to be in crisis. Brother wants to join the governor, but he can't leave a mess to Chang'an. How about this, you can say something nice to brother, three months, three months When the time comes, my whole family will go north.”

Kuai Yue also had a good plan in mind.

Seeing that Guo Jia and Sima Yi are about to fight, Guo Jia is surprisingly strong, and Sima Yi is not weak.More importantly, he also has Yunzhou's artillery in his hands.Once the two started working together, Guo Jia couldn't care about Xiangfan anymore.

The more Kuai wanted to sit back and watch the changes, Guo Jiasheng had won, so of course he said nothing, the whole family went north to Chang'an, and became the Marquis of Ping'an.

When the time comes, Guo Jia will win without a fight and get a complete Xiangfan?

If Sima Yi wins, Kuai Yue will naturally not be willing to hand over his rights.

Different degrees!
Cui Zhouping is not a fool either, he is naturally aware of Kuai Yue's little calculations, he is angry and funny, he is still playing tricks at any time.

As everyone knows, this is cleverness being misunderstood by cleverness.

"You are confused."

Cuizhou Ping paused and said, "Why do you think the imperial army under the governor's command has been slow to move? Isn't it because Xiangfan has not been pacified? If Xiangfan is not pacified for a day, the Yunzhou army cannot attack Sima Yi. So as long as Xiangfan is pacified, The governor will do his best to destroy Sima Yi. Do you think he will let you be safe and sound for three months?"


Kuai Yue was stunned. He never expected that it was Xiangfan, not Xudu, that Guo Jia was eager to win?
It doesn't make sense!
Guo Jia should know that he has no ambitions. As long as Yunzhou destroys Sima Yi, Kuai Yue will surrender and take down the entire Xiangfan without a single soldier. Why not do it?

But what Cui Zhouping said also reminded him.

Although Guo Jia's strength is strong, his troops are somewhat scattered, and it is difficult to form a unified dispatch.

If each fights separately, it will not be able to achieve the effect of force superiority.

So fighting Xiangfan is also the only way.

After figuring this out, Kuai Yue panicked even more.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even have the last chance to wait and see.

Cui Zhouping squinted at Kuai Yue a few times, and shook his head slightly in his heart.

In all fairness, this Kuai Yue is also a character, but it is a pity that he does not have the ability to make decisions, and Jiye will make wedding dresses for others sooner or later.

"Do you know who attacked Xiangfan this time? That's Jia Xu, the governor of Yizhou. I think you must have heard of this man, right?"

Cui Zhouping made trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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