Chapter 1564 Sima Yi's Backhand
Poisonous Jia Xu!

Hearing this name, Kuai Yue's expression changed.

If the name Guo Jia is notorious, then the name Jia Xu is even more frightening.

The first battle of Chang'an made the poisoner famous all over the world, and the first battle of Nansan counties made Jia Xu's reputation reach the peak.

The problems that the Han Dynasty had not solved for hundreds of years were solved by him in a few words. It was precisely because of his few words that 10,000+ people died in Southwest China.

Really, there are such subordinates as there are masters.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu are both rare breeds in 1000 years, and they actually met in this era, and there are still two of them.

Kuai Yue felt infinite sadness in his heart.

Why do you think he was born in this era?

Not to mention Guo Jia, but Jia Xu.

God, you still make people die?
If it was really Jia Xu who came to take Jingzhou, the entire Xiangfan might be wiped out.

Although Kuai Yue can be regarded as a hero, he is still far from the level of the Heishui Four Heroes.

So one Jia Xu is enough to kill him.

Seeing that Kuai was getting more and more scared, Cui Zhouping couldn't help being a little funny. The name of a poisoner is naturally cruel, and ordinary princes are a little terrified when they hear it.

This also greatly increased the power of diplomacy.

Different degrees!

Cui Zhouping added fuel to the flames, and said earnestly: "You think about it. It's too late for you to join the governor. The icing on the cake is like sending charcoal in the snow. Now is the critical period for the decisive battle between the governor and Sima Yi. You hand over a complete Xiangfan to the governor. , This is also a great achievement. The governor is kind, maybe he will leave a career for your Kuai family. But you have to wait for Jia Xu to come, and the credit will be half of others. In case Jia Xu is greedy for credit, Wouldn’t your Kuai family have been wronged for missing so few strokes in the memorabilia? Naturally, you know which is more important.”

Hearing what Cui Zhouping said, Kuai Yue's face turned pale again.

He originally intended to wait for Jia Xu's soldiers to come to the city before surrendering, and he could last for a few days.In case there is another miracle in this process, maybe.

When the Yunzhou Navy was dispatched before, Kuai Yue wanted to surrender, but Sima Yi suddenly launched an attack, and the Yunzhou Navy was beaten to pieces, which once again gave Kuai Yue a chance to survive.

This time, he wanted to repeat the old plan, but unexpectedly it didn't work.

If, as Cui Zhouping said, Jia Xu became greedy, the fate of the Kuai family would be a bit grim.

Kuai Yue hesitated for a moment.

In fact, he still had some concerns. At the beginning, when the Kuai family dominated Xiangfan, he suddenly attacked the Huang family and completely wiped out Zhuge Liang's strength in Xiangfan.

Zhuge Liang took refuge in Chang'an a long time ago, and now he is a celebrity under Guo Jia's subordinates. What if Zhuge Liang settles old scores?
A favorite of Guo Jia and a newcomer, that was a one-sided massacre.

Even if Zhuge Liang didn't say anything on the surface, as a minister, it would be easy for him to find trouble behind his back.

Seemingly understanding Kuai Yue's worry, Cui Zhouping smiled and said, "When I came here, I received a letter from an old friend of yours, and he asked me to pass it on to you."

As he spoke, he took out a letter and handed it to Kuai Yue.

Old friend?

Kuai Yue was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but opened the envelope, only glanced at it, and suddenly his body trembled.

This letter was written by Zhuge Liang.

He wrote it in the form of a family letter, because Zhuge Liang's sister is the daughter-in-law of the Kuai family, so the two are also called brothers.

Ashamed, ashamed!
After reading this letter, Kuai Yue looked ashamed.

He didn't expect Zhuge Liang to be so magnanimous. He wiped out all the grievances and grievances of the past, and persuaded Kuai Yue to let go, so that the people of Xiangfan could avoid a war.

After a long time, Kuai Yue raised his head and said firmly.

"Brother Zhouping, I have already decided. In order to save the people of Xiangfan from the flames of war, I, Kuai Yue, am willing to surrender to the governor."

As he spoke, he took out the official seal and documents.

good good!
Seeing that Kuai Yue finally surrendered, Cui Zhouping also felt relieved.


Cui Zhouping smiled and cupped his fists.

Kuai Yue also heaved a sigh of relief.

For now, that's all there is to it.

Although he is not a big man, he is also a native of Jingzhou. Being able to save the people of Xiangfan from the flames of war can be regarded as his final contribution to his hometown.

In the autumn of [-] A.D., Kuai Yue surrendered to Guo Jia, let go of the southwestern ban, and let the Yizhou army enter Xiangfan. In the same year, the Yizhou army occupied Xiangfan, recruited [-] Jingzhou troops, and opened up Jiangxia. state hand.

After handing over Xiangyang to Jia Xu, Kuai Yue immediately led the Kuai family to go north to Chang'an.

Guo Jia was very happy. He granted Kuaiyue the honorary doctor as one of the Nine Ministers, and gave the Kuai family a very generous arrangement.


"Kuai Yue is a soft bone!"

Sima Yi cursed angrily.

Although he knew that Kuai Yue was unreliable, he did not expect to surrender so soon and handed over Xiangfan.

"My lord, what shall we do?"

Niu Jin who was at the side asked in fear.

Xiangfan was a buffer between Guo Jia and Sima Yi. Originally, they thought that no matter how bad Kuai Yue was, he would be able to support him for a while so that they could make full preparations.

But they overestimated Kuaiyue's integrity and Guo Jia's capital. Kuaiyue had already taken refuge in Guo Jia, and the Yizhou army had already occupied Xiangfan.

With [-] soldiers from Yizhou, [-] soldiers from Xiangfan, and [-] sailors from Jiangxia, Guo Jia's strength on the southern front is a full [-], which is definitely not good news for Xu Du.

no need to worry!

Sima Yi smiled sinisterly, and said, "Xiangfan is not something they can eat if they want. This time, they ate too fast, and they easily got stuck in their necks."

In fact, he has also made some preparations in Xiangfan over the years.

Now is the time for those preparations to come into play.

Niu Jin was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sima Yi puzzled.

Does this King Jin have any tricks?
Sima Yi didn't speak, but only speculatively said: "Okay, it's almost time, and it's time for Jiangnan to take action. My Sima Yi's money is not so easy to swallow."

Niu Jin was shocked suddenly, and said: "What the king said is..."

Not bad!

Sima Yi nodded, and said with a sneer, "They have eaten so much from me, Sima Yi, for so many years, and now it's time to pay it back."


Niu Jin nodded vigorously and left in a hurry.

Once the people in Jiangnan make a move, Sun Quan will be forced to side with Xu Du. Only when Jin and Wu unite can they fight against Guo Jia.

Sun Quan!

Sima Yi snorted coldly, and said, "Don't you feel safe because of the hostages you have? If the hostages are gone, what do you think you will do?"

He wants to force Sun Quan to stand with him, because only the two join forces to have a chance of winning against Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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