Chapter 1565
With Kuai Yue's surrender, the whole of Xiangfan fell into the hands of Guo Jia.

Jia Xu led a large army to move into Xiangyang, immediately released the list to calm the people, took over checkpoints in various places, appointed officials big and small, and was extremely busy.

Thirty thousand Jingzhou soldiers were also specially placed outside Xiangyang City by him.

In order to prevent these soldiers from causing trouble, he asked general Zhang Ren to lead his troops to station around, and when he took full control of Xiangfan, he completely dispersed these soldiers and incorporated them into the sequence of the Yizhou Army.

There is a big gap between the combat effectiveness of these soldiers and the Yizhou army that has fought many battles, and the absorption of the whole brain will only bring trouble.

But what Jia Xu didn't expect was that trouble came before he settled down.


Xiangyang, the military camp where Jingzhou surrendered.

General Wen Pin sat in the middle, and beside him sat a circle of generals from the Jingzhou Army.

After they were isolated by Jia Xu, they obviously felt uneasy.

"General Wen, what does Jia Xu mean? Gather us together and send a large army to monitor him. What does he want to do?"

A tall general stood up.

Everyone's eyes fell on the general.

This person is eight feet tall and has a face like a jujube. He is Wei Yan from Wuyang.

Wei Yan is famous for his bravery, he can be regarded as a brave general of the Jingzhou army, and now he is the number one brave general in Xiangyang, just under Wenpin.

It's just that this person has a withdrawn personality, a little arrogant and conceited, and has never been liked by the generals.

But this resonated with the generals.


An old general stood up and said, "Mr. Wen is right. We also surrendered with General Kuai, and Jia Xu occupied Xiangfan without any effort. General Kuai's family also went to Chang'an, which is not insincere." This Jia Xu gathered us outside the city, obviously he doesn’t believe us!”

Not bad!

Everyone said yes.

Kuai Yue surrendered to Guo Jia, and these surrendered generals were already a little uneasy, but now Jia Xu isolated them again, making them even more uneasy.

Don't speculate!

Wen Pin said in a deep voice: "Now the head of Xiangfan is Jia Inspector. Since we have surrendered, we can rest assured to wait for the Inspector to be summoned. There is no movement from the Inspector, so naturally we can't be anxious."

Although he is dissatisfied with Jia Xu's contempt, Wenpin can still put the overall situation first.

Besides, Xiangfan has already fallen into Jia Xu's hands, and Yizhou's [-] troops have already occupied this place, so it's too late for them to have any ideas.

Can't say that!

Wei Yan said proudly: "If Jia Xu really accepts us sincerely, we have nothing to say. I'm afraid he has other ideas, and we can't be fooled in a daze."

other ideas?

Everyone looked at Wei Yan with trepidation.

The latter suddenly lowered his voice: "Who is Jia Xu, I'm afraid you all have heard of it. He even deceived his own people, so how could he be soft-hearted to us soldiers? He isolated us, and it might not be safe to put us here. What kindness."

Jia Xu is notorious, almost comparable to his master Guo Jia. Hearing him coming, children dare not cry at night.

Because of this, Kuai Yue quickly joined Guo Jia.

This person is notoriously ruthless, he can deal ruthlessly with his own people, let alone these newcomers?

Wei Yan's few words immediately aroused fear among the generals.

For a moment, they felt helpless and at a loss.If Jia Xu really had malicious intentions, wouldn't they die without a place to die?
"Master Wen, don't talk nonsense!"

Wenpin retorted: "If Jia Shishi really wanted to do something, Cheng Cheng would have slaughtered us that day. How could he have waited until now? He has his own reasons for not seeing us. I don't want to make wild guesses, so as not to cause trouble for myself." .”

On the day Kuai Yue surrendered, Wenpin and others also surrendered, and Jia Xu also comforted them with warm words.

Wenpin doesn't think Jia Xu will target them, so he has been here to stabilize the morale of the army.

Ha ha!

Wei Yan suddenly sneered a few times, and said: "General Kuai was against the Huang family, and we all did our best. Now that Zhuge Liang has become a celebrity around Guo Jia, and Jia Xu is Zhuge Liang's senior brother, he will easily let him go." Over us? Does General Wen believe it himself?"


Everyone was talking again.

Back then, the Kuai family did many things against their conscience in order to monopolize Xiangfan, destroy the Cai family, attack the Huang family, and drive away the Pang family.

Especially the Huang family. At the beginning, the two families were in an alliance. When Zhuge Liang entered Sichuan, Kuai Yue suddenly attacked and captured Zigui, which was guarded by the Huang family, cutting off Zhuge Liang's retreat.

Zhuge Liang couldn't go back home, so he had to go to Guo Jia.

These generals were all participants in those battles back then. Can the Huang family swallow this breath?

Wenpin suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although Wei Yan used to act perversely, he rarely challenged his own authority, but why is this guy so bold today, provoking himself again and again?
It's not to provoke yourself, but to provoke the generals' dissatisfaction with Jia Xu.

Wei Yan!

Wenpin snorted and said, "When General Kuai was leaving, he handed over the army to Wenpin. I, Wenpin, will naturally protect everyone's rights and interests. If Jia Shishi really targets us, I, Wenpin, will be the first to disregard us." Agree. But before there is no definite evidence, I hope you will not sow discord."

He was also a little rude.

Wenpin can also be regarded as a senior general of the Jingzhou Army. He has been in the Jingzhou Army since Liu Biao's era and has a certain prestige in the army.

is it?

Wei Yan was not afraid, and said coldly: "General Wen, you and General Kuai are relatives. Before he left, he must have told Jia Xu to take care of you. Of course you are fine, but what about us? But without General Wen’s background, Jia Xu naturally wouldn’t take it seriously. General Wen will naturally be able to get promoted and make a fortune in a short time, and I’m afraid all the brothers will be dead.”

Wei Yan!

Wenpin was angry and anxious, and said: "You instigated everyone to hate the Yizhou Army, what is your intention? Do you want everyone to rebel?"

He can see now that this Wei Yan has something in his words, he has been bewitching everyone and isolating himself.

What about rebellion?
Wei Yan slapped the table and said angrily: "I've had enough of this cockiness. 3 people were rounded up like dogs and given a little food every day. You can bear it, but I can't bear it? I quit, so I will take people away. I don't believe it. Except Guo Jia, there is no master? I plan to vote for King Jin, and I want to go with me. It is natural for men to die standing up. It's better than being pissed off here."

He stood up while speaking.

In fact, Wei Yan has long been bewitched by Sima Yi, here to instigate the hatred of the surrendered soldiers, arouse the confrontation between the two sides, and gain benefits from it.

He is Sima Yi's dark son who was buried in Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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