Chapter 1567 Let It Go Crazy
The news of the Jingzhou army's riots quickly spread to Xiangyang, and Cui Zhouping immediately found Jia Xu's door.

When he came to the governor's mansion, he found Jia Xu drinking with his subordinates.

"Lord Inspector, it's not good, it's not good, the Jingzhou army is in trouble."

Cui Zhouping said anxiously.

There are 3 soldiers in Jingzhou, and once there is a disturbance, it is not a trivial matter. Xiangfan, which has just settled down, may fall into the flames of war again, and the people will also suffer.

Don't worry, Mr. Cui!
Jia Xu said calmly, "They can't mess up."

Said to raise a glass and drank it.

Tonight, he hosted all the famous people in Xiangyang and prominent figures from various ethnic groups.

Still can't get messed up?
Seeing that Jia Xu was a little bit arrogant, Cui Zhouping couldn't help but stamped his feet and said, "As far as I know, the Jingzhou army has already rushed out of the barracks and marched towards the Yizhou barracks. It is said that they have been treated unfairly, and they are looking for you Reasonable? Zhang Ren's army has already started, and the war between the two sides is imminent."

is it?

Jia Xu smiled lightly and said, "General Zhang will naturally handle this matter."

Then greet guests and friends to continue drinking.

My Lord Inspector!

Cui Zhouping said anxiously: "The sky is about to collapse, why are you still in the mood to drink? Hurry up and follow me to the barracks, otherwise it will be too late."

In fact, Cui Zhouping was also somewhat dissatisfied with Jia Xu's actions.

Since it was recruited to surrender, then resettlement is required. What do you mean by isolating the Jingzhou army?
You won't be satisfied if you replace yourself.

According to Cui Zhouping's intention, Jia Xu can show his face to appease the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army, and maybe this matter will subside.

Mr. Cui!
Jia Xu's face turned cold suddenly, and he said word by word: "I am the highest commander in Jingzhou, can you teach me how to do it?"

Cui Zhouping was stunned, not knowing what to say for a moment.

I have long heard that Jia Xu has a bad temper, and his colleagues don't like it. Now I have learned the lesson.

It doesn't matter what you say!

Cui Zhouping was also a little angry, and said: "Okay, Lord Inspector is the supreme commander of Jingzhou, you have the final say on things here. Cui is talking too much. But chaos is about to happen. If there is any good or bad in Xiangfan, the lord will blame it. Cui can't afford it."

Cui Zhouping made a great contribution to the surrender of Kuai Yue, and he also hoped that Guo Jia would take over a complete Xiangfan. If Xiangfan was in chaos now, Cui Zhouping would not take the blame.

You don't have to bear it!
Jia Xu proudly said: "Anything that happens in Xiangfan will be borne by Jia. Is there anything else for Mr. Cui? If there is nothing else, Jia still wants to entertain friends here, so I won't send them away."


Seeing Jia Xu being so proud, Cui Zhouping was furious.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going, I will definitely play the role of the governor for today's matter."


Jia Xu didn't even look at Cui Zhouping, who left angrily.

Lord Inspector!

Hearing this news, a group of celebrities and wealthy families couldn't sit still.

They just voted for a new leader, and now the army is about to rebel, how can they sit still?
Once the flames of war start, they will naturally be involved.

"Come, come, continue to drink. Don't worry about outside matters. I know that everyone is sincerely relying on the governor, so don't worry, the governor loves the people like his own son, and will definitely not treat you badly."

Jia Xu raised his glass again.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and they all made up their minds not to follow suit.


Lord Inspector!

After seeing off the celebrities and representatives of the great clans from all walks of life, a figure came to Jia Xu. It was the newly promoted Yizhou official Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan is a good person and very talented. After being recommended by Fazheng, he became Jia Xu's subordinate.

"What's going on?"

Jia Xu asked in a low voice.

"General Zhang has mobilized General Yan, and the [-] army is ready."

Jiang Wan replied.

very good!

Jia Xu nodded in satisfaction.

Zhang Ren is a rigorous person. Once the Jingzhou army changes, this person will not sit idly by.

Even without Jia Xu's order, Zhang Ren would not let go of any opportunity.

This is why Jia Xu placed Zhang Ren around the Jingzhou Army's barracks.

After years of fighting, the Yizhou Army has long been transformed into an elite soldier. How can the rich and noble soldiers of the Jingzhou Army be their opponents?

Once the war starts, the Jingzhou army will undoubtedly be defeated.

Zhang Ren mobilized Yan Yan's troops, and it seemed that he planned to wipe out the surrendered troops and prevent them from causing harm to the newly stabilized Xiangfan.

Lord Inspector!

Jiang Wan was a little puzzled.

"Lord Inspector has put the Jingzhou Army on hold for a while. Why hasn't he been appeased? If he had been appeased earlier, today's incident would have been avoided."

He also reminded Jia Xu tactfully.

The root cause of this incident was Jia Xu, if not for his negligence, the Jingzhou Army would not have made such a big mess.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu just smiled lightly, and said: "The Jingzhou army does not distinguish between good and bad. Kuai Yueyou is a mediocre military strategist. In order to enrich his own strength, anyone dares to join the army. There are people who rob houses, people with ulterior motives, and people who fish in troubled waters. Naturally, we cannot easily accept such a legion with a complicated situation and low combat effectiveness, otherwise there will be more chaos in the future. To accept it, we must go to war and goug out the rotten places. This chaos is good, and the rotten places will be exposed immediately It saves us from investigating."


Jiang Wan is also a smart person, so he understood it all at once.

It turned out that Jia Xu deliberately left Jingzhou's soldiers out of the air, and those people with ulterior motives would be exposed after a long time.

After the bad meat is eliminated, what is left is good meat, which can be safely absorbed at that time.

Jiang Wan learned another trick.

If you want to get rid of hidden dangers, you have to let it mess up. Once it gets messed up, everything will be exposed.

"General Zhang Ren didn't ask you for instructions to mobilize the army. This is exceeding his authority? Would you like to send someone to reprimand you, Mr. Inspector?"

Jiang Wan thought of another question.

Jia Xu is the supreme commander, Zhang Ren is just a general, and such a big matter as mobilizing the army must be approved by Jia Xu.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu just smiled lightly, and said, "The battlefield is ever-changing, and decisions can be made in an instant. You have to consult mediocre talents for everything. Zhang Ren has done a good job, and he is a general."


Jiang Wan was still a little worried, and said, "If something goes wrong, the governor will blame it..."


Jia Xu said disapprovingly: "Zhang Ren gave the order, and he was behind it when something went wrong. It has nothing to do with me. When the time comes, I will say that I don't know."

Jiang Wan was at a loss for words at once, and could not speak in a whisper.

When he came, Fazheng had reminded him that this boss was not an easy-going lamp, he even cheated himself.Tell Jiang Wan to be careful, don't put yourself in it.

Jiang Wan didn't believe it at first, but now he completely believed what Jia Xu said.

This boss is really a deep hole, he doesn't even blink his eyes when he cheats himself.

(End of this chapter)

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