Chapter 1568 Black-bellied boss

After seeing the dark underbelly of this boss, Jiang Wan knew the opportunity and retreated.

This boss is too shrewd and very calculating. It seems that the Jingzhou army's rebellion has long been expected, and Zhang Ren's killing first and then playing it did not exceed his calculations.

Whether it is a pawn from Jingzhou or a general from Yizhou, they are all pawns in the hands of this boss.

The boss must have felt that the Jingzhou army was mixed, and he didn't want to accept it, so he left it outside.

After a long time of drying, those unstable factors will jump out by themselves, and it is precisely because of this reason that the Jingzhou army made chaos.

Once the Jingzhou army was in chaos, Jia Xu had a reason to attack them, cut off hidden dangers, and save the chaff.

What made Jiang Wan even more chilling was that Jia Xu didn't need to do this at all, it was done with just one Zhang Ren.General Zhang, who is upright and calm, will never tolerate these rebels destroying Xiangfan.

What's even better is that Zhang Ren and Jia Xu are also at odds with each other, so they wouldn't come to ask him for instructions on such things.

Will be outside, your life will be affected!

The Jingzhou army and the Yizhou army are close at hand, so Zhang Ren doesn't have to kill first and then play.

Killing two birds with one stone, and leaving himself clean, without any responsibility.

Jiang Wan couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart.

Only then did he fully understand the meaning of a poisoner.

This thing is to deceive others and deceive oneself.

He has made up his mind that he must stay away from this boss in the future, otherwise he will count the money for him if he sells it?

Seeing Jiang Wan's awe-inspiring eyes, Jia Xu just smiled lightly.

It's not that he doesn't know how to win people's hearts, nor does he not know how to treat his subordinates well.

But he is a poisonous man in Guo Jia's eyes, a person who can only do harm and harm others.

Once he really starts to win people over and treat his subordinates kindly, the end may be coming soon.

When he was in Chang'an, he wanted to build Chang'an well, but in the end he gave Guo Jia the blame.

Now the people of Chang'an must hate him in every way when he mentions his name.

Jia Xu never wanted to understand a question, why Guo Jiafei let him be the scapegoat in the first place.

When he actually got to the place, he finally figured it out.

The lord was still afraid of him in his heart, otherwise it would be impossible for him to take the blame, so it would be difficult for Jia Xu to gain a foothold in Chang'an.It is equivalent to indirectly kicking Jia Xu out of the political center of Chang'an.

The protagonist, Guo Jia, is extremely intelligent, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can keep up with him.

Zhuge Liang is one, but Guo Jia is very reassuring about him, because although this person is talented, he is a bit foolish and loyal. Once he accepts his heart, he will be devoted to him for the rest of his life.

Jia Xu is also one of them.

Guo Jia is not very relieved of him, because he is difficult to control.

So now Jia Xu figured it out.

He can only be a poisonous warrior who doesn't fit in with others, only makes bad moves, and makes his colleagues hate him.

Only in this way can we live in peace for the rest of our lives.

Although Jia Xu really wanted to be a good person, the current situation made it impossible for him to choose.

This has to be said to be ironic.


Let's say that under the instigation of Wei Yan, the Jingzhou Army assembled a large group of people and rushed towards the Yizhou Army.

Zhang Ren has long been ready for battle, and the [-] army has already set up a battle.

"Brothers, the Yizhou army wants to catch us all. We can't just capture them all and kill them all. Xiangfan is ours!"

Wei Yan shouted loudly.

He successfully assembled [-] rebels and set up an attack formation.

Sima Yi's order to him was to disturb Xiangfan, and the more chaos Xiangfan had, the better.But Wei Yan also had ambitions. He knew that there were [-] Yizhou troops, of which only [-] were stationed in front of him. If the [-] troops were defeated by surprise, he would be able to completely occupy Xiangfan.

Occupying the fertile land of Xiangfan by himself is naturally better than being a dog for Sima Yi, so Wei Yan hurriedly led people to attack the camp of the Yizhou Army.

It has to be said that Wei Yan is still somewhat capable. Although he did not rank among the top five tiger generals in Shuhan in later generations, he became the prefect of Hanzhong.

Hanzhong is the north gate of Shuhan, which is a key position and very important.

At the beginning, the ministers of the Shu Han Dynasty all acquiesced that they belonged to Zhang Fei. After all, Zhang Fei had deep qualifications and was Liu Bei's confidant.

Facts have once again proved Liu Daer's ability to know people. Wei Yan has guarded Hanzhong for many years, but Cao Wei has never been close.

Later, when Liu Bei died of illness, Zhuge Liang monopolized the power and recalled Wei Yan, but only let him play the role of a thug in front of the tent. Wei Yan never took charge of his own side throughout his life.

Although Zhuge Liang has sharp eyesight, he misjudged the wrong person one after another, and wasted a general like Wei Yan. This can be regarded as the black spot of Zhuge Liang's life.

Of course, the current Wei Yan has not grown to that point, he is just a pawn in Sima Yi's hands.

Wei Yan also didn't have the awareness to be a pawn, so he was only thinking about how to kill the Yizhou army and dominate Xiangfan.

His calculations were also good.

For such a big matter as mobilizing the army, it is impossible for Zhang Ren not to be strict with his boss.

The Yizhou garrison was still some distance away from Xiangyang. Zhang Ren sent someone to report to Jia Xu, and coming and going would definitely delay time.

When Jia Xu's order comes down, the battle should be over.

This battle is fought with one word, hurry up!

Therefore, after Wei Yan successfully seized power, he immediately led the army to the barracks of the Yizhou Army.

It's a pity that he met Jia Xu, who didn't follow the routine, and Zhang Ren, who was steady and dared to take risks.

So it's sad!
The Yizhou army had already set up a pocket formation, and when the Jingzhou army entered the ambush, they began to close their mouths.

In recent years, Yizhou has been fighting continuously, and Zhang Ren has already trained an iron army.

In their eyes, the fighting power of the Jingzhou Army was simply not enough.

A fierce attack immediately stunned these rich and noble soldiers, and then the two wings pierced through, quickly destroying the Jingzhou army's formation.

Finally, when Yan Yan's army reached the predetermined position, Zhang Ren issued the order for a general attack.

For a moment, the [-] army rushed towards the Jingzhou army like a tiger on the mountain, and beat them to pieces. Wei Yan was unable to support himself, so he had to flee with his cronies in a hurry.

In one night, [-] Jingzhou troops were completely lost.

This time, Zhang Ren showed no mercy. It would be a disaster to keep these hidden dangers, and it would be better to eliminate them all at once.

After the rebels in Jingzhou were wiped out, Zhang Ren leisurely sent an envoy to ask Jia Xu for instructions.

Jia Xu simply covered her head and fell asleep, ignoring it.

Anyway, things have gone in the direction he expected.

After destroying the rebels, Zhang Ren surrounded the camp of the Jingzhou army with his army, and Wenpin, who stayed behind in the camp, led the remaining [-] soldiers to surrender.

Those who stay can be regarded as the backbone of the Jingzhou Army.

They were not involved in the rebellion.

Zhang Ren said a few words of relief to Wenpin, and incorporated this backbone force into the camp of the Yizhou Army.

After fighting a battle, they also lost a lot, and naturally they would not be polite when they saw such a good soldier.

Xiangfan fell into peace again.

(End of this chapter)

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