Chapter 1569
The riot of the Jingzhou Army was quickly suppressed by Zhang Ren, and the 1 army immediately collapsed, leaving only [-] Wenpins. State troops.

The next step is to clean up the rebels and stabilize the situation.

Although Sima Yi's strategy did not cause actual losses in Jingzhou, it also caused confusion on the southern front, and it was impossible for the Yizhou army to go north in a short time.

Simultaneously with the riots in Jingzhou, another ambush by Sima Yi also began to act.


In the evening, a black shadow appeared in Langya Palace.

"Sponsor, please go back, the temple is closed."

A Taoist politely blocked the way of the visitor.

As the Yellow Turban Dao and the Five Dou Rice Dao were destroyed one after another, the Daoist sects gradually declined, and the Langya Palace was only shrunk in a corner of the south of the Yangtze River.

This is their only place.

But Sun Quan is not a good man and a believer. On the one hand, he tried to force Langya Palace to work for him, and on the other hand, he closely monitored the Taoist sect.

The current Daoist sect is just lingering on its last breath.


The man in black smiled faintly, and said, "Then please report to the museum owner and Mr. Wu Jiao, and say that an old friend is visiting."

An old friend?

Hearing this, the Taoist was stunned for a moment, and looked up and down the visitor.

Zuo Ci and Yu Ji, the two elders of the Taoist sect, have long since ceased to care about world affairs, and have entrusted everything to their subordinates.

Sun Quan stared at Langya Palace covetously, and they could only act in a low-key manner.

This person's mouth is an old friend, so the Taoist is very vigilant.

"I'm sorry, the two real people have long stopped asking about world affairs, sir, you should leave earlier."

The Taoist didn't want to be troublesome, so he refused again.

Ha ha!

The visitor just smiled and took out a jade pendant.

"You send this jade pendant in, and the two gentlemen will definitely meet me."

This is……

Seeing that jade pendant, the Taoist couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat. This is the supreme gossip talisman of the Taoist sect.

Except for the late Daoist leader Nanhua Zhenren, those who can summon Taoist sects have never heard of other people having gossip orders.

"Sir, I'll be back in a mere pinch later."

The Taoist immediately took the token and entered Langya Palace.


Zuo Ci and Yu Ji were meditating in the quiet room when suddenly a gust of wind blew through and blew out the oil lamp in the room.

The two of them suddenly felt something in their hearts, and slowly opened their eyes.

"There is a wind blowing into the room, it seems that Jiangdong is in another catastrophe."

Yu Ji sighed.

Zuo Ci frowned, but shook his head and said: "Otherwise, it's better to be still than to be still. Life and death are easy. Jiangdong has long been a pool of stagnant water, and it will not be of any benefit to the Taoist sect if it remains silent during the term of office. It is better to let it move."

Daoism has been passed down from ancient times, and it has been going on for hundreds of years.

In the early Han Dynasty, the emperor advocated governance by doing nothing, and Taoism had a very high status. With Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposing all schools of thought and only respecting Confucianism, Taoism also gradually declined.

People in the Taoist school are naturally not happy about falling from a lofty position to the altar, so there was a court uprising caused by the Yellow Turban Taoism and the Five Dou Rice Sect.

But in the end it failed.

As the elders of the Taoist sect, Zuo Ci and Yu Ji also saw it in their eyes and were anxious about it.

The armed uprising was no longer feasible, and they began to explore another way, trying to put their treasure on the emerging forces.

Ever since, under Zuo Ci's planning, Zhang Ning successfully entered the gate of the Guo family, and gave birth to Guo Jia's eldest son, Guo Ye.

According to the plan of the Taoist sect, once Guo Ye succeeds to the throne, the world will naturally belong to the Taoist sect.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Zuo Ci saw that Guo Jia was not a creature in the pond, so he bet his treasure on him early in the morning, but what he didn't expect was that this creature in the pond had zero tolerance for Taoism.

Three times, five times and two times, drove the Taoist forces out of the north.

Now the Taoist sect can only linger under the wings of Jiangdong Sun Quan.

But this Sun Quan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the current Taoist sect still has some uses, otherwise he would have been eaten by him long ago.

How to get rid of Sun Quan's restraint, Zuo Ci and Yu Ji have been troubled by this matter.

It was a Taoist who hurried in.

"Two immortal masters, someone outside the door asked for an interview and brought this."

As he spoke, he took out the gossip token.

Gossip token!

Seeing this, the two couldn't help but their faces changed slightly.

This is the highest token of Taoism. With Nanhua's death, this token has disappeared for many years, and it suddenly appeared today.

Zuo Ci narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to play with the token, and said slowly: "That's right, it's the Eight Diagrams Order Talisman."

As a Taoist elder, he has seen this thing before.

After the death of Immortal Nan Hua, the whereabouts of this thing has been unknown, and Zuo Ci has searched for it for many years, but there is no news after all.

Yu Ji hurriedly asked: "Please come in quickly!"

To be able to take out this gossip command talisman must be someone who has a connection with Taoism.

This person suddenly appeared and used the gossip talisman, so there must be something important.

After a while, the man in black came to the quiet room.

It turned out to be General Lee!

Seeing the person coming, Zuo Ci and Yu Ji were a little surprised.

It was Li Su who came.

Since joining Jiangdong, Li Su has kept a low profile. Because he killed Zu Mao, he has always been hostile by Jiangdong veterans.

Later, when Sun Ben and Sun Quan fought for the throne, Li Su stood on Sun Ben's side. Now that Sun Quan is in power, he naturally doesn't like him very much, but since this man is his father's sworn brother, he didn't make things difficult for him, but just made him a general at will. Name, sent him home to retire.

Li Su cupped his fists and said with a smile: "You two gentlemen, I haven't seen you for many years. How have you been?"

When they were in Jiangdong back then, they were considered plain knowledge.

"General Li, where did this jade pendant come from?"

Zuo Ci looked at Li Su suspiciously.

This person is from Bingzhou, and he has nothing to do with the Taoist sect, so how can he have the token of the Taoist sect in his hand?
Yu Ji was also a little puzzled.

According to the information they knew, this Li Su was just a martial artist. Although he was sworn brother to Sun Jian, he was defeated in several political struggles, and now he is just an idle general.

Ha ha!

Li Su didn't answer Zuo Ci's question, but asked rhetorically: "Li Su heard that this gossip talisman is the supreme token of the Taoist sect, and holding it can mobilize all the power of the Taoist sect. I don't know if this rumor is true or not?"

Of course it's true!
Zuo Ci stretched out his hand and stroked the token for a while.

This is the supreme token of the Taoist sect, and it has always been in the hands of the master Nanhua Zhenren.

That's good……

Li Su smiled and said: "Now, I hold this token, will the two gentlemen help me?"

Hearing what Li Su said, Yu Ji suddenly said: "One moment, another moment. General Li, this token is a relic of the Taoist predecessors, and should belong to the Taoist. You are not a member of the Taoist, so naturally you cannot give orders to the Taoist."

A command talisman is a command talisman, but it also depends on who the user is. A three-year-old child can command the world with a command talisman?

This is a joke.

Strength is the most important thing.

Li Su didn't have the strength to command the Taoist sect yet.

 This book is coming to an end, thanks to the friends who have been chasing the book, the new book is under preparation, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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