Chapter 1571

Yu Ji shook his head hastily, and said: "Taoism aims to save the common people, refining puppets is only to eliminate demons and defend the way, not as a killing machine. In the past, Zhang Jiao did the opposite, abused the secret arts of the Taoism, and acted against the sky. It was a tragic death. The old man will never let this secret technique go out easily."

He rejected Nanhua back then, and now he will not agree to Sima Yi.

This thing is so hurtful, Yu Ji will never agree to anything.

Ha ha!

Li Su smiled and said: "Master Yu, Li knows that you are merciful. But compassion is not omnipotent. Otherwise, why would the Daoist sect need to protect the gods? Now that Guo Jia's army is heading south, King Jin and the Daoist sect are in danger, you old man And why be obsessed with it?"

No no no no!

Yu Ji shook his head resolutely, without any room for negotiation.

alright, alright!

Zuo Ci hastily interrupted the stubborn Yu Ji, and said with a smile: "General Li, don't mind, he's just such a bully. Let's not talk about the Vajra Puppet Art, let's talk about how to get King Wu to side with King Jin."

Although Zuo Ci didn't have a bottom line on the Vajra Puppet Technique, as the only old man who has participated in the research and development, he naturally has a certain chance of being able to restore it.

But this takes time.

Besides, the Taiping Essential Art and the Taiping Cave have been lost a long time ago, and it is not a matter of a day or two to find them.

Mr. Wujiao said yes!
Li Su also felt that he was a little radical, and said, "Let's talk about how to get rid of Sun Shangxiang's mother and son."

After Mrs. Wu's death, Sun Quan imprisoned his sister and nephew in a secret place, and outsiders didn't even know about it.

But this couldn't help Li Su.

"Right now, Sun Shangxiang's mother and son are being imprisoned in a separate courtyard on Zijin Mountain. The guard is Zhu Neng. He is Sun Quan's confidant. There are three thousand elite Wu troops around him. It is difficult to get rid of them."

Although Li Su knew where Sun Shangxiang was, he had no soldiers, and even a single-handed man could not destroy a thousand troops.

So I had to turn to Taoism for help.

Zuo Ci possessed the magical technique of Dunjia Tianshu, which can kill people invisible, so he is perfect to be an assassin.

No difficulty!

Zuo Ci said proudly.

In his eyes, there is no difficulty at all at this level.

Very good!
Seeing Zuo Ci agree to take action, Li Su was very excited.

Once Sun Shangxiang's mother and son died, Sun Quan had to stand on the opposite side of Guo Jia, and the two families had a greater grasp of Guo Jia.


Zuo Ci paused suddenly, and said, "Can't we kill them now?"

Li Su asked puzzledly.

Ha ha!

Zuo Ci said meaningfully: "The old Taoist can take their mother and son out, and when King Jin defeats Guo Jia, I will give them to King Jin."

He is not stupid either.

If Sima Yi couldn't beat Guo Jia, then the way to assassinate the mother and son would be completely over. With the mother and son in his hands, Zuo Ci still had a little leverage.

Li Su narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly after a long time.

The reason is that the Taoists still don't trust Sima Yi very much, so they also kept a hand.

it is good!
Li Su patted his thigh and said, "Just do it. At least Sun Quan has nowhere to go."

Even if they don't kill the two, Sun Quan has no support and must stand on the opposite side of Guo Jia. With Jiangnan helping Sima Yi share the firepower, Sima Yi can free up his hands to concentrate on dealing with Guo Jia.

make a deal!

The two exchanged hands, with smiles on their faces.


In the middle of the night, Zijin Mountain Bieyuan.

This is where Sun Shangxiang's mother and son were imprisoned.

The light inside was on, and Sun Shangxiang hadn't gone to bed yet. For some reason, she felt restless today and couldn't sleep.

Another year has passed.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years since she returned to Soochow, and Guo Jiang has grown from a brat to a handsome boy.

Feng Xiao, have you ever missed our mother and son in the past ten years?

Thinking of this, Sun Shangxiang couldn't help crying.

In the past ten years, she did not know how many tears she shed silently.

When he was young, he was frivolous, refused to listen to others' persuasion, and insisted on taking his son back to his mother's house. How could he have imagined that this farewell would last more than ten years.

When she entered Guo's house, she was still a teenage girl, and now she is a woman over the age of Sanxun.

I don't know if Guo Jia has forgotten her all these years.

At this moment, the sound of broken tiles suddenly came from above.


Sun Shangxiang immediately raised his vigilance.

She hurriedly put on her clothes, blew out the candle, and pulled out the long sword beside the bed.

Over the years, she has not wasted her efforts, but has become more and more diligent. She thinks that one day she will be able to rush out with her son.

With a crashing sound, the tiles on the top of the head were quietly lifted, and a black shadow suddenly fell down.

Fall silent!

Good work!
Sun Shangxiang secretly praised, jumping from such a high place without making a sound, this is definitely a master.

She didn't know who it was, she didn't make a sound, she was very excited.

Now Guo Jia is in full swing, even if Sun Quan had the guts, he wouldn't dare to send someone to assassinate him.

Besides, there are all his people around, so if he wants to kill Sun Shangxiang, he doesn't need to send someone to assassinate him.

Those who dare to come in at this time are either enemies or friends.

Perhaps Guo Jia sent someone to rescue their mother and child.

Sun Shangxiang held her breath and stared at the black shadow without moving. It took a long time for the black shadow to speak: "Mrs. Sun, I have no malicious intentions. Someone entrusted me to rescue you."

Hei Ying kept staring at Sun Shangxiang who was hiding behind the screen. Although it was night, he could still see Sun Shangxiang clearly.

who are you?
Seeing that the black shadow had already noticed her, Sun Shangxiang walked in without hiding it.

In order not to disturb the surrounding guards, she just lowered her voice.

Hei Ying smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you, mother and son, can leave."

Hearing that the man in black hid his head and showed his tail, Sun Shangxiang was a little unhappy.

"Don't dare to say your name, how can my wife go with you?"

Although she hoped that Guo Jia would send someone to pick them up, she still had to ask clearly to be on the safe side.

After all, there is no danger of being imprisoned here.

Once out, it's hard to say.

Sun Shangxiang can die, but he will never let his son take risks.

"Old man Zuo Ci!"

Seeing that Sun Shangxiang was suspicious, the man in black had no choice but to reveal his identity.

Mr. Wujiao!

Hearing that it was Zuo Ci who came, Sun Shangxiang heaved a sigh of relief.

She naturally recognized Zuo Ci.

But the question came again, how could Zuo Ci come to save her?It seems that this person is Sun Quan's lackey.

Zuo Ci glanced back, and calmly said: "This point is when the two guards are handing over, so the guards are relatively loose. If Madam wants to hear the reason, let's go out and talk about it first."

After receiving Li Su's detailed information, Zuo Ci sneaked into the other courtyard without any difficulty.

However, he didn't want to alarm the guards outside. After all, there were more than 1000 people, and once they fought, there was no way to save them.

(End of this chapter)

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