Chapter 1572 Mother and Son Escape
Do not!
Sun Shangxiang said coldly: "It's better for you to speak clearly, otherwise I will call the guards over. Although your martial arts are powerful, I can also alert the guards before you kill me."

With that said, he picked up a copper lamp.

If she drops the copper lamp at this time, she can immediately alarm the guards outside.

Mrs. Sun!
Zuo Ci said helplessly: "Someone asked me to kill you!"

kill me!
Hearing this, Sun Shangxiang suddenly raised his vigilance.


Zuo Ci shook his head, and said: "The old Taoist has suddenly changed his mind now. If you cooperate, the old Taoist will also take you out of here. Of course, if you refuse to cooperate, then the old Taoist can only kill people."

Sun Shangxiang was a little puzzled.

If they were just killing their mother and child, why did Zuo Ci take their mother and child away?
"This is complicated. If Mrs. Sun wants to escape Sun Quan's control, this is the only chance."

Zuo Ci said seriously.

He also understood Sun Shangxiang's situation, instead of hiding here as Sun Quan's hostage, he might as well take the opportunity to leave, at least there is still some chance.

"What about after going out?"

Sun Shangxiang hesitated.

"Mrs. Sun, since the old Taoist doesn't intend to kill you, of course he doesn't have any malicious intentions. Otherwise, there is no need to rescue you in person. But the old Taoist will not just let you go like this. I hope you can stay incognito for a while."

Zuo Ci said so.

Sun Shangxiang gritted her teeth and said: "In the end, you still want to imprison us, but you want to transfer our mother and son from here to another place. Since they are all prisoners, why should I listen to you."

Then he raised the copper lamp in his hand.

Ha ha!

Zuo Ci smiled faintly, and said: "Although the situation is the same, the ending is different. If you follow the old way, you have half the chance to return to Guo Jia's side, and of course you also have half the chance to die."

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son could not die in the hands of the Daoist sect, otherwise Guo Jia would definitely kill them all after gaining power.

But their mother and son can't stay here, otherwise Sun Quan will still stand on the sidelines.

After rescuing Sun Shangxiang's mother and son, the Daoists will definitely help Sima Yi fight Guo Jia with all their strength. If Sima Yi wins, Sun Shangxiang's mother and son will naturally die.But if Guo Jia wins, the Daoist sect will also leave a leeway, and ask Guo Jia to let the Daoist sect take the lives of the mother and son.

Sun Shangxiang's face was a little uncertain, she didn't know what plan Zuo Ci had in mind, but it was easy to kill herself and her son with this man's martial arts.

It doesn't matter if she dies, but the son can't die, he still needs to get well or get together with his father, Guo Jia.

time is limited!
Zuo Ci smiled faintly, and said: "Either you two die now. Or you two leave with the old Taoist. Madame, please do what you want."

Sun Shangxiang was a little hesitant.

If they don't agree, their mother and son may die here at this moment.

But if they agree, they will fall into Zuo Ci's hands, and they will live or die.

After a long time, Sun Shangxiang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you, but you have to swear to protect the safety of my son Guo Jiang."

no problem!
Zuo Ci nodded, and said: "The old Taoist swears by his identity as the elder of the Taoist sect that he will never hurt Guo Jiang."

it is good!
Sun Shangxiang is also a decisive person, since he reached a cooperation with Zuo Ci, he immediately went to his son's room and pulled his sleeping son up.


The confused Guo Jiang shouted.

Sun Shangxiang hurriedly covered his mouth.

"Son, keep quiet, someone is coming to save us."

Guo Jiang nodded hurriedly, expressing his understanding.

He quietly put on his clothes, and followed his mother to Zuo Ci.

This is Mr. Guo Jiang!
Zuo Ci looked up and down a few times, then nodded slowly.

Mr. Wujiao!

Sun Shangxiang said in a deep voice: "We are ready. There are more than 1000 guards around. If we want to get out smoothly, we must get rid of them."

At this moment, Guo Jiang's waking up may have attracted the attention of the outside world.

do not panic!

Zuo Ci smiled slightly, and said: "The old Taoist has his own tricks!"

As he spoke, he took out a package and opened it to reveal two military uniforms.

"Hurry up and put on these clothes, the old man will take you away."

Although Zuo Ci can go high and low, Sun Shangxiang and his mother can't, so he is also prepared.

very good!

Seeing these two sets of clothes, Sun Shangxiang's eyes lit up, and she put on those clothes without avoiding suspicion.

Guo Jiang also changed into clothes.

At this moment, the mother and son looked like two ordinary soldiers.

Zuo Ci suddenly jumped up the hole and came to the roof, he let down a rope.

"You two, wrap the rope around your waist quickly, and the old man will pull you up."

Surrounded by guards, Zuo Ci planned to escape from the roof.

The mother and son did not dare to neglect, and came to the roof one after another.

The two of them followed Zuo Ci to the edge of the house, and the three figures quickly disappeared into the night.


Early the next morning, the guards realized that the mother and son had disappeared, and immediately reported to Sun Quan.

darn thing!

Sun Quan kicked Zhu Yi to the ground.

"Are you all dead? Why did the two living people disappear? There are 1000 troops stationed around, how did they escape?"

Zhu Yi wept sadly, and said helplessly: "Everything was normal last night, and the princess didn't make any changes, but the maids woke up tonight and found that the princess and the young master were gone. There was a hole in the princess's room, which must have come from escaped on the roof."

Idiot, bastard!
Sun Quan was furious: "Even if they can climb up, but there are so many of you, how did they get out?"

Zhu Yi was speechless.

For so many years, Sun Shangxiang's mother and son have always behaved very well, and Zhu Yi also relaxed his vigilance, unexpectedly running away overnight.

"Fool, don't hurry up!"

Sun Quan said furiously, "Even if they escape, they won't be able to go far. All the intersections and checkpoints are blocked. They must be captured alive. Otherwise, you don't want to come back."

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhu Yi couldn't help but shivered, and crawled out.


Sun Quan is also like an ant on a hot pan.

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son are his greatest reliance, as long as they are in his hands, even if Guo Jia comes, he will not dare to do anything wrong.

So Sun Quan can sit back and relax.

Well now, the two ran away.

Whether he died on the road or fled back to Chang'an, Guo Jia would naturally not be polite to Jiangnan anymore.

"Come here, search the whole city, and they must not let their mother and child go."

Sun Quan said out of breath, and personally led people to chase after him.

These two people are his talismans. Once they are gone, Jiangnan's good days will come to an end.

Soon, Jiangdong was in turmoil, checkpoints were everywhere, and teams of officers and soldiers searched from house to house, and the situation was very tense.

(End of this chapter)

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