Chapter 1573
Soon, the chaos in Jiangnan attracted the attention of Heishui.

"Miss, it's not good!"

Sima Zhuo hurried over and said, "Jiangdong is chaotic, the streets are full of troops, for safety's sake, let's leave quickly."

During this period of time, Heishui has been lurking around Jianye City, and they are the ones who have been directly damaged by the chaos, and several eyeliners have been exposed.

How is this going?

Diao Chan was puzzled and said, "Why does Sun Quan seem to go crazy all of a sudden?"

The south of the Yangtze River has always been peaceful, but suddenly swords are on the verge of tension. The army is hunting everywhere, and many checkpoints have been set up along the road. The situation is very tense.

Not sure!
Sima Zhuo shook his head, and their eyeliners didn't get any information.

"Miss, let's leave first, so as not to hurt Chiyu!"

He reminded tactfully.

Although I don't know what Sun Quan is doing, it is very dangerous for them to stay here.

do not panic!

Diao Chan thought for a while, and said, "It seems that something serious happened in Jianye. Otherwise, Sun Quan wouldn't make such a big move. I'll go and find out about this matter, and maybe I can collect some useful information for Chang'an."


Sima Zhuo hastily interrupted Diao Chan's words.

"Miss, the situation is very tense now, you must not take risks."

A rare opportunity!

Diao Chan has already made up his mind, planning to sneak into Jianye City to find out.


Sima Zhuo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by her.

"Uncle Zhuo, you don't have to worry about me. Except for the second senior brother, other people don't know my identity. It doesn't matter if I'm discovered. You should contact Chang'an right now. There is a change in Jiangnan. I'm trying to find out. .”

Seeing that Diao Chan had made up his mind, Sima Zhuo nodded helplessly.

Although this young lady is not of the old master's blood, she has inherited his stubborn temper.


"The princess and the young master are missing!"

Hearing this news, Pang Tong couldn't help being surprised.

Sun Shangxiang and Guo Jiang are Jiangnan's talismans. Once they are gone, Guo Jia will definitely not be polite to Jiangnan.

Could it be that my junior sister did it?
And only they have this motive.

The more Pang Tong thought about it, the more this happened.

The last time Sima Wei failed to bribe him, he came up with a divorce plan and spread the news of their meeting, which aroused Sun Quan's suspicion.

For the sake of the dead Sima Hui, Pang Tong didn't go into it. Anyway, there was already a rift between him and Sun Quan.

As long as Heishui doesn't go too far, Pang Tong can turn a blind eye.

But this time Sima Wei went too far and robbed Sun Shangxiang's mother and son, which is Jiangnan's greatest reliance.

Pang Tong stood up slowly, with a gloomy expression on his face.

If this is the case, he will naturally not show mercy to the black sailor.

Some things can be done, but some things can't be done. Robbing Sun Shangxiang's mother and son has already touched Pang Tong's bottom line.

Although he and Sun Quan are at odds now, but his heart is still towards Jiangnan, if Heishui wants to move Jiangnan, Fengchu will naturally not agree.

Just when Pang Tong was about to leave to look for Sima Wei, he came to the door to report, and a beautiful woman asked to see him.

From the servant's mouth, Pang Tong immediately knew that it was Sima Wei who came.

This girl is so daring, how dare she come to her door?
Just come!

Pang Tong got up to greet him, he wanted to see what this Sima Wei wanted to do?
"Little sister pays homage to senior brother!"

Seeing Pang Tong coming out to welcome him, Diao Chan generously blessed him.

"You came just in time!"

Pang Tong looked unhappy, and said, "Why did you take away Sun Shangxiang's mother and son? Don't you know that this has touched my bottom line? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

He was really angry.

What happened last time hasn't been settled for her yet, this girl dared to make an inch, even if Pang Tong cared about his teacher's face, he wouldn't let it go.

"Sun Shangxiang and Guo Jiang escaped?"

Hearing this news, Diao Chan was also taken aback.

If this is the case, Guo Jia will not have any scruples about Jiangnan.

"You escaped well, and you escaped in seconds. This princess is really extraordinary. It also saves us from going to the rescue."

Diao Chan smiled happily.

She knew that the matter was not simple. Instead of inquiring, she might as well meet Pang Tong directly. If he knew, he would definitely question herself.

Didn't you do it?

Seeing this, Pang Tong was also a little puzzled.

This is amazing!

If Heishui did it, he still has the confidence to recover it, because he has not been idle during this time, sending his men around to investigate the whereabouts of Heishui.

The phoenix chick has stood in the south of the Yangtze River for so long, so it's not for nothing.

To put it bluntly, Diao Chan's every move is under Pang Tong's surveillance.

Originally, Pang Tong had no intention of moving Sima Wei, but he would not ignore this matter.

"Senior brother, how did my little sister ever lie to you? We really didn't do it. Of course, we did have a mission to rescue their mother and child this time, but unfortunately there has been no progress. I don't know who is so powerful and helped us solve it. Difficulty. Little sister really wants to thank him in person."

Diao Chan said heartlessly.

Pang Tong didn't speak, and his two eyes kept fixed on Diao Chan's body, not letting go of even a slight change.

Soon, he was disappointed.

Diao Chan was very happy, it was a kind of joy from the heart, and at the same time she was a little gloating, making fun of Jiangnan's current situation.

It seems that it is really not dry black water!

After thinking of this, Pang Tong breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to worry again.

If it wasn't the black water, who would it be?
Judging from the news Pang Tong got, Sun Shangxiang's mother and son did not escape by themselves, and there must be someone to help.

So, who is this person?
Pang Tong fell into deep thought.


Diao Chan smiled and said, "Sun Shangxiang's mother and son are gone, and you Jiangnan have nothing to rely on. Sun Quan has a rift with you, so you might as well go back to Heishui."

She didn't miss any chance.

Ha ha!

Pang Tong also smiled, a little coldly.

"Girl, don't get complacent too early. If this matter wasn't done by you, Heishui, I'm afraid it would be a bit bad."

How to say?
Diao Chan asked puzzled.

When Sun Shangxiang's mother and son left Jiangnan, it was too late for them to be happy.

Pang Tong snorted, and said: "The princess's mother and son are in the south of the Yangtze River, and the King of Wu can still sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight with peace of mind, watching Guo Jia and his younger brother fight to the death. If the princess's mother and son are gone, the King of Wu has nothing to rely on. He will definitely stand on the side of the junior brother. The pressure on Guo Jia will inevitably double. How can Guo Jia be so relaxed with the strength of the Jin and Wu families? Have you ever seen the princess mother and son?"

Hearing this, Diao Chan was also a little dumbfounded.

She naturally knew that the junior brother Pang Tong was talking about was Sima Yi.

After thinking about it carefully, she also felt that what Pang Tong said made sense.

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son are gone, Sun Quan will inevitably stand on the opposite side of Guo Jia, and only Sima Yi will benefit in the end.

So this matter, Sima Yi is most likely.

(End of this chapter)

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