Chapter 1575 The Total War Begins

Pang Tong has been operating in Jiangnan for many years, Feng Chu's name is naturally not in vain, and these people are only part of his dark forces.

"You are very smart!"

Pang Tong couldn't help smiling.

Naturally, he would not come to Langya Palace alone. These phoenix-feathered guards also secretly protected him, but it was difficult for Pang Tongyi to send out a signal even if the man in black frowned.

So Diao Chan stood up immediately and helped Pang Tong attract the firepower, and the latter successfully sent the signal.

Seeing the man in black who shot into a hedgehog, Pang Tong couldn't help shaking his head.

But this time he didn't come in vain.

In addition to knowing that the Taoist sect had robbed Sun Shangxiang's mother and son, he also knew that there was another person who colluded with Sima Yi.


Diao Chan suddenly said: "Don't struggle anymore, the senior brother and the third senior brother have already returned to Chang'an. As long as the senior brother is willing, I can guarantee that Feng Xiao will treat you with the courtesy of the superior."

Pang Tong is half of Jiangnan. If he can be persuaded, the whole of Jiangnan is within reach.

Ha ha!

Hearing Diao Chan convince himself again, Pang Tong suddenly smiled.


Pang Tong suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Do you know what I like the most?"

Diao Chan asked subconsciously.

Pang Tong took out something, which was the jade pendant around his waist, and threw it on the stone with all his strength.

The jade pendant immediately made a crisp sound and scattered in all directions.

"Life is short for dozens of years. You must not be mediocre. You should do some earth-shattering events, so that you will no longer lose what you have learned. Junior sister, you can go. Don't stay in Jiangnan, otherwise the brother will not know You buckled it down and threatened Guo Jia."

Rather Stick to your guns!
Pang Tong told Diao Chan with practical actions.

"Even if you successfully emptied Sun Quan and kept Jiangnan, what's next? Do you really want to settle down in a corner of Jiangnan? Don't deceive yourself, Second Senior Brother, there is no difference between you and Senior Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother. They are both unwilling to be lonely. That’s all. You have no ambitions, so you will eventually become a stepping stone for others’ ambitions. You just feel that surrendering to Guo Jia now will not prove your ability, nor will you be able to leave a name in the history.”

Diao Chan unceremoniously exposed Pang Tong's true colors.

He did think so.

The four masters of Heishui have their own strengths. Now Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang have become Guo Jia's right-hand man, and Sima Yi has also become king. Only Pang Tong is still a little unsatisfactory, and he is still a little bit at odds with Sun Quan.

Pang Tong was naturally unwilling to defect to Guo Jia at this time.

"Brother, do you know what is to the east of the sea?"

Diao Chan also came prepared this time.

East of the sea?

Pang Tong frowned and said, "Is it an overseas fairy mountain?"

He has never been out at sea in his life, so naturally he doesn't know what is to the east of the sea.

It's Fuso!
Diaochan smiled and said, "There is also a vast land to the east of the sea. According to Fengxiao, it is bigger than us big men. There are many people living there. It is still in the primitive tribal stage. After Fengxiao ruled the world, he will send The boat incorporated Fuso into the territory."


Pang Tong couldn't help being a little stunned.

It was the first time he had heard of it.

But these are not the main point. The important point is that he heard that Guo Jia will expand the territory and expand the overseas territory after he unifies the world. Once he succeeds, it will be famous in history.

Not only that!

Diaochan pointed to the south, the north and the west, and said seriously: "There are vast and boundless lands thousands of miles away, as Feng Xiao said. These will also belong to our Han people in the future. He wants to extend the land of the great Han to any place in the world. A piece of land. He wants to build the Han into the strongest country. He wants to make the Han people the masters of all the land.”

He... did he really say that?
Pang Tong was also a little excited.

If Guo Jia really did this, his name will last forever.

of course……

Diao Chan also laughed and said, "Feng Xiao thinks that I am not strong enough alone, and I urgently need you capable people and strangers to help. This is an ancient achievement, and all the participants will leave a strong mark in history. Brother, don't you want to participate?"

Pang Tong's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Of course he thought that if someone really gave him such a chance, Pang Tong would die without complaint.

He dreams of being famous forever.

very good!

Seeing Pang Tong's eager eyes, Diao Chan knew that he was already tempted.

Sure enough, Guo Jia knew Pang Tong best.

This person is neither greedy for money nor power, but keen on fame.

His greatest wish is to be famous in history.


Pang Tong took a deep breath again, and said, "You shouldn't be talking nonsense, you're tricking me into working for Guo Jia."

He has never heard of those overseas places.

Diao Chan suddenly raised his right hand, and said solemnly: "I, Sima Wei, swear in the name of the ancestors of Heishui. If there is even half a lie in what I said just now, I will be struck by lightning and die. Overseas lands do exist. A few years ago, Feng Xiao They once sent ships to visit and brought back a large number of crops in Fusang. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are one of them. You should know this.”

Pang Tong was surprised and said, "You mean those crops that yield thousands of catties per mu are brought back from overseas?"

He had also heard of these two high-yield crops at the beginning, and sent people to Yizhou to get some back, but unfortunately Yizhou was too tightly blocked, and his people had no chance.

Not bad!

Diao Chan shrugged and said: "Now you should know why we built that kind of tall sea ship, it was to prepare for marching overseas. Once Feng Xiao unifies the Central Plains, he will lay hands on overseas. Senior brother , it's not too late."

Pang Tong's face was uncertain for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth suddenly and said, "Okay, I believe you once. But I won't do it now either. When Guo Jia defeats Sima Yi, it's the same time I join him in Jiangnan. If he can't even deal with Sima Yi, he is not worthy of me, Pang Tong."

One word is for sure!

Diao Chan was overjoyed.

Once Pang Tong is settled, the whole of Jiangnan is at your fingertips.

Next, Guo Jia only needs to do his best to eliminate Sima Yi.

Without Jiangnan's participation, how could Sima Yi be Guo Jia's opponent?
Fengxiao, Fengxiao, I, Diaochan, have made great contributions to you again, so don't let me down.

Diao Chan said silently in her heart.


A sneeze!

Guo Jia, who was studying the battle plan with several generals in the Dudu Mansion, sneezed, and he couldn't help rubbing his nose.

It's not a trivial matter to start a full-scale stand with Sima Yi, so he naturally has to fight in person.

This start of the war, the flames of war can spread to half of the continent, and the number of soldiers on both sides has reached 50 million, which can be regarded as a national war.

Naturally, Guo Jia did not dare to take it lightly, and enlisted several think tanks to study the battle plan.

Both Jizhou and Yizhou are local armies, but they are just pretending not to be serious. The road to Chang'an is the real main force.

If you don't fight, you will die. Once you start a war, you will destroy the enemy.

So be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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