Chapter 1576 The Last Good Fortune
Chang'an, the ultimate battle between Guo Jia and Sima Yi is finally about to start.

Although the two sides invested 50 million troops in this battle, it was the 10,000+ troops between the Eastern Capital and the Western Capital that really decided the outcome.

This is where the elite of both sides lies.

Guo Jia decided to take out all his family background this time.

There are [-] cavalry, including [-] heavy cavalry.

There were [-] infantrymen, including Gao Shun's fallen soldiers from Juyi's first ascended soldiers.

Two thousand artillery, including five hundred large and small artillery pieces.

Another [-] people were mobilized as auxiliary soldiers, and Zhuge Liang was the logistics manager, who was in charge of the supply of food and grass.

After everything was ready, Guo Jia received another message from Diao Chan. After learning that Pang Tong was willing to surrender, Guo Jia completely relaxed.

Without Jiang Nan's constraints, he can deal with Sima Yi with peace of mind.

Food, logistics, army, everything was ready, Guo Jia suddenly waved the brush in his hand, and the battle began.


Xudu, Jin Palace.

" reported that after the [-] banned troops of the Yunzhou Army left Tongguan, they rushed to Luoyang in mighty force. Luoyang guard Zhong Yao was in a hurry."

" reported that the Yizhou army also launched an offensive, and Zhang Ren led an army of [-] to fight our army in Xinye."

"Reported that the Jizhou army began to cross the river southward, and General Zhonghui gathered superior forces to fight Yu Jin at Baima."

For a while, Guo Jia started a full-scale war against Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's face was a little gloomy, because he had just received news that Feng Chu Pang Tong suddenly launched a coup, imprisoned Sun Quan, killed Li Su, and took control of the entire Jiangnan in one fell swoop.

It seems that this second senior brother has not been busy all these years, and he has won the entire Jiangnan in one fell swoop.

Originally Jiangnan changed hands, Sima Yi should be happy, after all, he and Pang Tong are senior brothers, but what makes him feel cold is that this senior brother did not intend to cooperate with him, but chose to continue to wait and see, and got rid of Sima Yi The fierce general Li Su who tried his best to buy.

This time, Sima Yi and Sun Quan's plan against Guo Jia was completely bankrupt.

But fortunately, before that, he got help from the Taoist sect, and Zuo Ci finally helped Sima Yi restore the Vajra Puppet Technique.

Based on this, Sima Yi created a total of 5000 dead soldiers overnight.

Zuo Ci improved the formula of puppetry.Completely liberated the power of talisman water and medicine, and also reduced the side effects.

It was the appearance of these five thousand dead men that gave Sima Yi a reassurance.

He knew that Yunzhou's firearms were sharp, but with these five thousand dead soldiers, he could compete with Guo Jia.


Since Sun Shangxiang's mother and son were rescued by Zuo Ci, they have been secretly hidden by the Taoist sect. At first, Sun Quan thought that Sun Quan would dig three feet to find them, but Zuo Ci made a lot of preparations.

Unexpectedly, Pang Tong suddenly launched an attack, imprisoned Sun Quan, killed several Sun Quan's confidant generals, and controlled the entire Jiangnan.

Daoists didn't expect the rabbit to rise and falcon to fall.

Zuo Ci didn't know what Pang Tong was thinking, so he kept the disciples lurking underground without any movement.

After a long time, Yu Ji became a little anxious.

He didn't really support Zuo Ci's cooperation with Sima Yi at first, and let out such a harmless method as vajra puppetry.

The two quarreled for a while and broke up unhappy.

In the middle of the night, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Sun Shangxiang's mother and son, it was Yu Ji.

"Yu Immortal!"

Seeing Yu Ji coming, Sun Shangxiang stood up in surprise. She grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, so she knew Yu Ji naturally.

"Little princess, take the child and follow me! That old immortal Zuo Ci is crazy, and completely violates the Taoism's purpose of saving the common people."

Yu Ji said in a low voice: "Our Langya Palace has received a lot of favors from your father in the south of the Yangtze River. The old man can't watch you and the child die."

As he spoke, he hugged Guo Jiang and walked out first.

Surprised and delighted, Sun Shangxiang followed Yu Ji out of the dungeon.

Yu Ji took the mother and son for a while, and then boarded a carriage.

"Princess, now Jiangnan has changed hands again, and your brother Sun Quan has also been imprisoned by Pang Tong. The old man doesn't know what Pang Tong's plans are, so he plans to send you across the river and go directly to Jiangxia."

Jiang Xia stationed Guo Jia's [-] navy, which is considered Guo Jia's territory.

Only in Guo Jia's territory can the mother and son be considered safe.

Thank you, old fairy!
Sun Shangxiang was so grateful that she hurriedly supported her son and bowed.

Yu Ji waved his hand, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Princess, if possible, I hope you can say something nice to the Taoist sect in the future, so that Guo Jia can let the Taoist sect survive."

Don't worry, old fairy!
Sun Shangxiang agreed without saying anything else, just said that Yu Ji saved their mother and child, and she wanted to help.

Let's go!

Yu Ji waved his hand and watched the mother and son leave.

It took a long time for a black shadow to appear in front of him.

"Hehe, Yu Ji, you are so cunning. The old way is a bad person and invites their mother and son, but you are a bad person and let their mother and son go."

It is Zuo Ci who is strangely angry.

He also just got the news that Yu Ji had released Sun Shangxiang's mother and son.

"Wujiao, don't be obsessed with your obsession. The Daoist sect can't stand the toss anymore."

Yu Ji said sadly.

He is a Taoist conservative, and he did not agree with the radical approach of Taiping Dao at the beginning.

The Taoist sect that has undergone radical measures is even more vitally injured.

The Tao of Taiping and the Tao of Heavenly Masters were all completely damaged, only the branch of Langya Palace lingered in the south of the Yangtze River.

Not bad.

At this point, Zuo Ci still didn't give up, he wanted to make a final fight, put the treasure on Sima Yi's body, and even helped him restore the production process of the Vajra Puppet Art.

But this is no longer helpful.

Taoism originally followed the heavens and responded to the people to save the common people, but what has the whole world made them toss all these years?
This is absolutely against the sky!

Yu Ji didn't want to make the same mistakes again and again, so he let Sun Shangxiang's mother and son go in private, which was considered a good relationship for the Taoist sect.

Zuo Ci didn't speak, just sighed, and said after a long time: "The old man is not reconciled!"

At that time, he had a unique insight, so he took a fancy to Guo Jia and wanted to bet the great treasure on him.

He did not hesitate to send his apprentice away, teach him techniques, and prolong his life.

But I didn't expect this guy to be too ambitious, and he didn't allow the Daoist sect to override him at all. The two sides broke up again, and the Daoist sect forces were completely driven out of the north by Guo Jia.

From then on, Zuo Ci couldn't lift his head up in Taoism.

forget it!
Yu Ji sighed, and said: "The general trend is set, don't struggle anymore, any more struggle will only increase your troubles in vain."

He understood Zuo Ci's thoughts.

The purpose of both of them is to carry forward the Taoism.

The current situation is no longer affected by the two of them.

The Battle of the Central Plains has already fallen on Guo Jia and Sima Yi.

If Guo Jia wins, the Daoist sect will have no way out, and if Sima Yi wins, the Daoist sect will not have much way out.

This is the status quo of Daomen.

(End of this chapter)

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