Chapter 1577 Dawn of Victory
Hearing Yu Ji's persuasion, Zuo Ci's face changed for a while, and finally he suddenly said furiously: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, he Guo Jia can go against the sky, why can't the old man change his fate against the sky? What a glory of Taoism in the past , Don't you feel ashamed of what has become now?"

He suddenly turned around and was about to catch up with Sun Shangxiang's carriage.

After all, the mother and son have a close relationship with Guo Jia, and they can use this as a bargaining chip when necessary to bargain with Guo Jia.

Don't be confused!

Seeing that Zuo Ci was chasing after him, Yu Ji immediately cast his spells to catch up.

Both Dunjia Tianshu and Taiping Qingling are Taoist magic books, each with its own magical function.

Although Zuo Ci's technique is strong, but this Yu Ji is not bad.

He was able to successfully entangle Zuo Ci.

The latter was a little anxious.

"Old Taoist Yu, I don't want to hurt you. Don't be ignorant, the mother and son must not let go. Otherwise, I will be rude."

Zuo Ci shouted.

At this moment, he has been occupied by the idea of ​​revitalizing the Daoist sect.

Zuo Ci, you can no longer be stubborn!

Yu Ji firmly blocked Zuo Ci's way.

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son are innocent at all, he can't watch them die under Zuo Ci's ambition.

Yu Laodao!

Zuo Ci said angrily, "Are you trying to fight against me?"

He was already a little bit annoyed.

Yu Ji didn't speak, just looked at him coldly, for the sake of Taoism, Zuo Ci had already gone astray, he couldn't watch him continue to go astray.


Zuo Ci said angrily again: "You are not my opponent, don't seek your own death."

Said and rushed up.

Yu Ji greeted him calmly.

In order to catch up with Sun Shangxiang's mother and son, Zuo Ci started to use his strength. The sooner he finishes Yu Ji, the better he will have a chance to catch up.

But Yu Ji is not so easy to clean up.

Zuo Ci involuntarily used his true skills, and of course he didn't want to hurt this old man.

But Yu Ji didn't dodge or dodge, and forcibly received Zuo Ci's big move.

With a puff, Yu Ji couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

This mouthful of blood immediately stunned Zuo Ci.

"Old Daoist, what do you mean, why don't you hide?"

Zuo Ci asked in surprise.

This level of attack can't do anything to Yu Ji. The reason why he was injured is because he didn't intend to resist.

Although Zuo Ci was old, he was very skilled. If Yu Ji didn't dodge or dodge, he couldn't take it anymore, and his ribs were broken.

Ha ha!

Yu Ji spat out a mouthful of blood again, and said with a smile: "Stop it, don't be obsessed with it. The wind blows the candle out, this is also the way, why should we protect the candle?"

When Li Su came to the door, he happened to meet Ji Feng who was blowing the candle in the wind, and the two had different views on this.

Yu Ji believes that it is better to be still than to move, and it is better to let nature take its course.

But Zuo Ci thinks it's good to move, and only by moving the Taoism can he fish in troubled waters.

For this reason, the two had a big fight.

Now Yu Ji was hit hard by Zuo Ci, half of his life was lost, and he didn't forget to drive to Zuo Ci.

It is also true that the wind blows the candles out, so why should we protect the candles?
Zuo Ci murmured a few words, and suddenly laughed a few times.

"Yeah, why should we escort the candlelight instead of opening the windows and letting the wind blow more violently?"

Yu Ji's words suddenly enlightened him, and he was enlightened in an instant.

How did Taoism exist thousands of years ago?
If Taoism can benefit the country and the people, it will naturally be passed down through the ages, so why should they worry about it?

Let everything take its course!

Zuo Ci sighed, and slowly helped Yu Ji up.

"We're going home!"

The tall and thin body picked up Yu Ji, and walked forward slowly.


Let's say that after Sun Shangxiang's mother and son boarded the carriage, the coachman ran all the way, bypassing countless checkpoints, and came to a secluded ferry.

"Ma'am, son. Jiang Xia is on the opposite side. We have prepared a boat to take you back."

Thank you!

Sun Shangxiang suppressed his excited voice.

In a flash, she had been away from Guo Jia for more than ten years.She has not forgotten Guo Jia for a moment in the past ten years. If her wish finally comes true, Sun Shangxiang will be very excited.

Ma'am don't have to thank me!

The driver suddenly took off his bamboo hat, revealing a beautiful face.

" are..."

Seeing this woman, Sun Shangxiang was suddenly taken aback, because she seemed to know this person, but she couldn't seem to remember her name.

"I'm Diaochan!"

The visitor explained with a smile.


Hearing this name, Sun Shangxiang suddenly realized that the woman in front of her was the pretty girl who was next to Guo Jia back then.

Don't know how she got here.

Seemingly aware of Sun Shangxiang's doubts, Diao Chan smiled slightly and said, "I was ordered to lurk in the south of the Yangtze River. Daoist Yu found me and wants to hand over your mother and child to me. I also promised him that I will not embarrass their sect."

In order to prevent Zuo Ci from continuing to make mistakes, Yu Ji did not hesitate to sacrifice himself to wake him up, and even secretly sent Sun Shangxiang's mother and son away to stop Zuo Ci's thoughts.

Diao Chan also took the opportunity to get Sun Shangxiang's mother and son into his hands.

This can be regarded as solving one of Guo Jia's scruples.

That's it!

Sun Shangxiang nodded.

It's just that she still has some doubts, how could Diao Chan be here, and how could she become a spy?

But Diao Chan naturally didn't have time to explain this matter, she wanted to send Sun Shangxiang across the river first, so she blew a whistle immediately.

When Diao Chan crossed the river, he left some behind.

After a while, a small boat appeared by the river.

"Madam, son, you go to Jiangxia first, Lusu Ganning and others are there, they will escort you to Chang'an. The little girl has important business, so I won't accompany you."

Diao Chan said with a smile.

She still wants to stay and monitor Pang Tong, so naturally she can't leave.

Thank you!

Sun Shangxiang was eager to return home, and immediately took her son into the boat.

She also could see that the current Diao Chan was no longer the former Diao Chan, this woman showed confidence in every gesture.

Sun Shangxiang suddenly felt sad.

It has been more than ten years, she has been trapped in Soochow for more than ten years, has a little girl beside Guo Jia grown up to this point?

This time, Sun Shangxiang was even more hopeless.

She wished she could return to Guo Jia's side immediately and win his favor.

After a meal, the boat had already crossed the river and stopped at the pier opposite.

A team of people rushed over immediately and took Sun Shangxiang's mother and son away.

Lu Su, who was stationed in Jiangxia, also got the news, and immediately sent someone to pick up Sun Shangxiang's mother and son.

See here.

Diao Chan on the shore was relieved.

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son were sent away, and there was no one in the south of the Yangtze River who could threaten Guo Jia. As long as Guo Jia defeated Sima Yi, the second senior brother Pang Tong would vote for Guo Jia without hesitation.

everything is over!
Diao Chan suddenly looked up at the sky.

Dawn has appeared in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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