Chapter 1578
Guo Jia's [-]-strong army, with Zhao Yun as the vanguard general, led [-] cavalry, cleared the obstacles all the way, and pushed them to the city of Luoyang!
As the western fortress of Jin State, Luoyang City has a very important geographical location. Sima Yi deployed [-] heavy troops here.

Not only that, Sima Yi personally led an army of [-] to station in Yingchuan as a support force for Luoyang.

This time, he also took out all the things at the bottom of the box.

Sima Yi, led by general Le Jin and fierce general Wang Shuang, led only [-] cavalry to station between Yingchuan and Luoyang to prevent the cavalry of the Yunzhou Army from raiding.Several strongholds were set up along the way to serve as strongholds against the Yunzhou Army.

Not many days later, Guo Jia personally led an army to the city of Luoyang.

A general came in a hurry, it was the infantry general Liao Hua.

"Reporting to the Governor, Luoyang is ahead. It has been found out that there are [-] troops stationed there, [-] people are strong, and the guard is Zhong Yao."

Zhong Yao!
Hearing this news, Guo Jia suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of Zhong Yao, he was also a celebrity of the Yingchuan generation, but now he has devoted himself to Sima Yi's sect. According to national intelligence, Cao Cao also died in his hands.

"The carriage is coming forward, I want to catch up with Mr. Yuan Chang."

Guo Jia ordered.

My lord can't!

Xi Zhong beside him hastily dissuaded him: "Sima Yi stole our artillery in Yunzhou. If it is placed on the city wall, it will pose a threat to the governor from a condescending position. The governor must not be careless."

This time, only Xi Zhong accompanied Guo Jia, and Zhuge Liang was sent to Chang'an by Guo Jia.

It's not that he doesn't want to use Wolong, it's just that he doesn't need to make such a big fuss.

Ha ha!

Hearing Xi Zhong's dissuasion, Guo Jia just smiled and said, "Don't worry, they can't make red cannons with their current technology, we just need to pay attention to precautions."

When he was in Hanzhong, Guo Jia once captured one of Sima Yi's artillerymen, and learned about the general situation of Sima Yi's artillery from him.

In view of the limitations of materials and gunpowder, Sima Yi's artillery workshop could not make big ones like red cannons, but could only make some simple small cannons.

The small cannon is very powerful at close range, but it is a bit weak when shooting at long distances.

Guo Jia's carriage slowly came to the open ground in front of the city gate.

The city of Luoyang is tall and thick, with enough food and grass, and Zhong Yao is a resourceful person, and he will pay a heavy price for his hard work.

"Mr. Yuanchang is here, can you come out and see me?"

Guo Jia raised his voice.

After a while, Zhong Yao's figure appeared at the top of the city.

"Zhong Yao is here again, what advice does the governor have?"

Mr. Yuan Chang!

Guo Jia sneered and said, "Your Zhong family have been virtuous officials of the Han Dynasty in all dynasties. Sima Yi poisoned Emperor Xian and established himself as king. You don't die to serve the imperial court, but you help the tyrant to do evil. If you die, you will have the face to meet the ancestors of the Zhong family." Zong?"

As a native of Yingchuan, Guo Jia knew Zhong Yao quite well.

Although the family background of the Zhong family is not as profound as that of the Yuan family in Runan and the fourth generation of the Hongnong Yang family, it is also a loyal family.

It's a pity that what Zhong Yao is doing now is not loyal at all.

Zhong Yao suddenly blushed, murmured speechlessly, and said after a while, "Guo Jia, don't use your tongue. The Han Dynasty has already been riddled with holes. My lord, the King of Jin, stood in place of the Han Dynasty, which is an act of obeying the heavens and responding to the people."

What a good man!
Guo Jia waved his sleeves and said: "The great man has not been destroyed. I, Guo Jia, still enshrine the emperors of the past. Sima Yi's crime of killing the king and usurping the throne is unforgivable. Mr. Zhong must not be obsessed with his obsession, or he will regret it for the rest of his life!"

The reason why he has not been self-reliant for a long time is that he intends to borrow the banner of the big man.

At this time, not long after the death of the Great Han Dynasty, people still have the concept of Hantong in their hearts. Guo Jia took over Hantong to destroy Sima Yi, and it was a matter of course.

Zhong Yao stopped talking.

He also had no choice. When Cao Cao was killed, the Zhong family had to be tied up with Sima Yi.

"Without further ado!"

Zhong Yao gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty handed over Luoyang to me, that is his trust in me. Even if I die, I will die on the top of the city. Guo Jia, let me come here!"

The soldiers behind him also made noises.

"Guo Jia let the horse come here!"

"Our Luoyang is indestructible."

"Those who invade my territory will be defeated!"

Seeing that the people on the top of the wall were still a little obsessed, Guo Jia shook his head helplessly.

"Prepare the artillery, let them see what a real artillery is."

Zhao Dachui immediately responded, and led the artillery into battle.

This time, Guo Jia brought all of the family's wealth, and the red cannons were also mounted on wheels and transported by mules and horses.

Ten red cannons lined up aimed at the city.

This is the top weapon of Guo Jia's side. It has a very long range, and it can destroy the enemy's city wall with solid bullets.

Zhao Dachui personally directed his men to reload and aimed at the top of the city.

"Come on, Commander, the Red Artillery Team is ready."

Zhao Dachui reported it to Guo Jia again.

it is good!
Guo Jia snorted, and said, "Just let these country bumpkins open their eyes. He thinks that the city wall is tall and thick. Hehe, he is still too young. Zhao Dahammer, aim at their main city wall and bombard me."

Zhao Dachui was very excited, and the command flag in his hand was waving.

Bang bang bang!

The ten red-clothed cannons let out a roar and fired shells one after another.

These red cannonballs drew an arc and flew towards the city wall.

Under the force of the gunpowder, the shell flew into the air, and then hit the city head under the influence of gravity.

Boom, boom!
The wall was splashed by the shells, exposing the earth bricks inside. A single shell could smash a deep pit half a meter in diameter.

Ten red-clothed cannons fired non-stop for an hour, and immediately smashed the west gate of Luoyang City to the ground, and the city tower was also razed to the ground.

It's not that Guo Jia stopped with good intentions, but that the continuous shooting of the gun body is too hot and needs to cool down for a while, otherwise it will cause an accident.

Furthermore, Guo Jia didn't want to forcibly attack Luoyang City, as the loss would be too heavy to be worthwhile.


Zhong You looked at the front with a disheartened face, and the Luoyang defenders also looked at their opponents in frustration.

They haven't done anything yet, and the city defense they rely on is about to be finished.

Although there are cannons at the head of Luoyang City, their range is not even half of that of others, and they can only be beaten in front of their red cannons.

How is this fight going?
People's artillery has a long range and great power. They can destroy their cities by firing from a distance. They can't fight back just by being beaten, and this battle is also aggrieved.

"General, there is no way to fight this battle!"

The generals defending the city complained one after another.

If you can't fight back just by being beaten, you can't fight this battle at all.

Zhong Yao felt aggrieved, but what could he do?
Even if your own artillery is not an opponent of others?
If you fall behind, you will be beaten!
(End of this chapter)

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