Chapter 1579 The Puppet Army

Zhong Yao was also aggrieved.

But what if he is aggrieved?

The range of their artillery is several miles away?

Their cannons and catapults couldn't even shoot them, so they could only watch helplessly as they were beaten.

They didn't dare to send out ground troops, because the opponent's cavalry was watching over them. Once they took the initiative to attack the ground troops, they would definitely be crushed by the opponent's cavalry.

"Soldiers, don't be discouraged. Yunzhou artillery is powerful, but we are waiting for work, and we still occupy a favorable location. Besides, they come from a long distance, and the logistics, food and gunpowder are very tight. As long as we can grit our teeth and hold on, they must be the ones who will be defeated. .”

Zhong Yao shouted loudly to cheer everyone up.

The Yunzhou artillery took the lead, and the defenders were already frightened, so he naturally wanted to appease them.

He believed that Sima Yi, who was stationed in Yingchuan, would never sit back and watch Luoyang fall.


Yingchuan, Sima Yi agreed.

A piece of news reported on Sima Yi's desk case.

"The vanguard Zhao Yun led an army of [-] across Luoyang, and confronted the general Le Jin Wang Shuang in the wild. Both sides had their own fears and did not act rashly."

"Guo Jia's army advanced to the city of Luoyang and attacked the city with artillery. The city of Luoyang was severely damaged."

"General Zhong Yao took the lead and commanded the soldiers with ease. He guarded the top of the city and refused to take a step back. The army was greatly encouraged and their morale was high."

very good!

Hearing the news, Sima Yi smiled.

Sure enough, Zhong Yao did not disappoint him.

It seems that it will be difficult for Guo Jia to win Luoyang City in a short time.

King Jin!

Niu Jin on the side suddenly said: "Guo Jia's artillery is very sharp, just one hour of bombardment will seriously damage the west city. If they attack all day long, the city wall will definitely be destroyed."

He is still very afraid of Guo Jia's red cannon.

Do not worry!

Sima Yi said indifferently: "If the artillery continues to shoot, the body will heat up, and accidents will easily occur. One hour is already the limit of the red cannon. As long as the repair work in Luoyang can keep up, there will be nothing in a short time. question."

Although he couldn't make a cannon in red, he still had a good understanding of the performance of the cannon.


Niu Jin hesitated: "It's not an option to just be beaten like this."

Although it took a certain amount of time to smash the city wall with artillery, it was forced to defend the city after all.

Naturally, you won't just be beaten!
Sima Yi chuckled and said, "I have prepared a big gift for Guo Jia, I hope he can receive it."

Great gift?

Hearing what the lord said, Niu Jin was a little puzzled, suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "My lord, don't you..."

Not bad!

Sima Yi snorted, and said, "Raising soldiers for a thousand days is only for a while. Now that it has been launched, I can't keep it. It's time for Guo Jia to see how powerful we are."

Your lord is wise!

Niu Jin praised, a big stone fell in his heart.

This time, Guo Jia said that he might suffer a big loss.


Around Luoyang, many people in black gathered, and they all held a strange magic weapon in their hands.

The sky is Lingling, the earth is Lingling!
The man in black chanted a spell and dangled a magic weapon in his hand as he passed one village after another.

Behind them followed groups of civilians. These people were disheveled, as if they had come out of sleep. Their eyes shone with a bewitching red light, and they followed behind the man in black with mechanical steps.

This is the puppet art of stealing the door.

During the day, they secretly put the talisman water into the wells where the residents lived, and at night they used spells to summon the puppets.

These forcibly summoned puppets, without any consciousness, became their powerful weapons under the command of the men in black.

In recent years, there has been less war in Luoyang, and many people live together here.

So there are many recruits.

The man in black quickly assembled a puppet team of tens of thousands of people.

This is Sima Yi's gift to Guo Jia.


The puppets piled up more and more, and soon formed a huge team.

Under the command of the man in black, they rushed to Guo Jia's camp.


The first to spot the puppet team was the cavalry scout.

Most rested, but they couldn't rest or they would be taken over by the enemy.

As scouts, they have experienced many battles and are very familiar with various emergencies.

But when they saw the mighty people walking towards them, they were also terrified.

Just imagine how scary it would be if thousands of people walk towards you with red eyes in the middle of the night.

Many people immediately freaked out.

It was the first time they encountered such a weird thing.

His legs trembled a little and he couldn't move.

Send signal!
The leading scout ignited the gunpowder arrow and shot it into the air, illuminating the land at the same time.

Seeing the densely packed figures, the leader couldn't help but pee in fright.

This is not tens of thousands, this is at least a scale starting from [-].

When did there come so many people who are neither human nor ghost?
Soon, these scouts were overwhelmed by the puppets, and there were only bursts of wailing.


The scout's warning successfully aroused the vigilance of the camp.

Guo Jia also woke up in his sleep.

"Where are there so many people? It must be Sima Yi's fault!"

He was a little puzzled.

Just got the news that a large number of people came from the south and appeared in every corner around Luoyang City.

"My lord, these people are a little abnormal. They seem to be manipulated, like puppets. Many scouts have been surrounded by them. Once they were surrounded, they didn't come out alive."

Xi Zhong was a little shocked
Guo Jia was stunned again.

He suddenly put on his clothes and got on the Zhongjun Yuntai.

"Zhao Dahammer, use the catapult to fire ten flares!"

Guo Jia yelled.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking at night, Guo Jia also prepared flares, but he didn't expect it to come in handy in this way.

Zhao Dachui responded and ordered the catapult to get ready.

Three two one, let it go!

Ten gun carriages fired flares in all directions.

For a moment, the earth was illuminated.

When Guo Jia on the cloud platform saw the situation outside the camp clearly, he couldn't help but gasped.


How can there be so many.

There are swaying figures on the east, west and south sides of the camp.

This scale is at least 10,000+.

These people could no longer be called human beings, because their eyes shone with a bewitching red light, and their walking postures were also very mechanical. Some of them had blood on their mouths and hands, and they didn't know if they had eaten something.

Resident Evil?
Guo Jia's back began to sweat.

The situation in front of him quickly reminded him of the zombie army.

The same cold blood, the same machinery.

How the hell is that possible?

Could it be that the T-Virus and Little Red Umbrella also crossed over?

Guo Jia stared blankly, and a burst of anxiety began to well up in his heart.

He suddenly realized that the current situation was out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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