Chapter 1580 Suicide Attack

The artillery fired more than a dozen flares, and there were more than a dozen fires on the ground.

Those figures passed through the fire without hesitation, and their bodies were already ignited by the fire. They were not moved at all, and they still dragged their bodies forward.

Lord, this...!
Xi Zhong and several senior generals also saw the puppet army outside.

Their faces were also extremely pale.

These people have also experienced the tempering of the battlefield, but they are still shocked to see such a strange expression today.

In the dark night, 10,000+ disheveled people were walking towards them.

What a weird picture is this?

Although these people are used to the market, this is the first time they have seen such a scene.

"Are they bewitched?"

A general said hesitantly.

Not bewitched!

Guo Jia shook his head.

Even if it is bewitched by evil spirits, it is impossible for 10,000+ people to be bewitched by evil spirits at the same time.

It should be controlled by people.

But who has the ability to control so many people?

At this time, there should be no t virus.

"Great... Governor!"

A general suddenly called out, saying: "This... seems to be... the talisman water of the Yellow Turban Dao."

It was Liao Hua who spoke. As Zhang Jiao's confidant, he still had a fresh memory of the Yellow Turban Dao's Fu Shui.

The talisman water of the Yellow Turban Road.

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, picked up the binoculars and took a closer look. Sure enough, there were strange symbols drawn on the faces and foreheads of these people.

The talismans of the Yellow Turban Dao are all deceptive things. If you draw the symbols, you will be invulnerable?

There must be something weird about it!
"Liao Hua, can you recognize the symbols painted on their faces?"

Guo Jia asked.

Liao Hua is a senior member of the Yellow Turban Dao, so he should know these things.

Hearing this, the latter also picked up the binoculars and observed carefully for a while, and said: "Back to the governor, if your subordinates look good, it should be our Yellow Turban Dao's supernatural powers and the five buckets of rice's Vajra Talisman."

Knowing that Guo Jia was not clear about it, he immediately explained: "Pursuing supernatural powers is to use talisman water to invite the immortals to descend to the mortal body and be blessed by the gods. The five-doumi diamond talisman refers to taking the elixir to obtain vajra supernatural powers in a short period of time, so as to achieve invulnerability. .However, most of these are tricks to deceive people. Even the subordinates don’t believe it.”

Taiping Dao has been destroyed, and Liao Hua has defected to Guo Jia, so it is natural to tell the truth.

Not all!

Guo Jia suddenly remembered something, and said: "Back when I fought Zhang Bao in Nangong County, he had a kind of dead warrior called a yellow scarf warrior. Taking medicinal wine before the battle can be powerful without fear of pain, just like this one."

He still remembers those yellow turban dead soldiers.

That battle almost cost Guo Jia his life.


Liao Hua was very embarrassed, and said: "Although this subordinate is the confidant of General Tiangong, the dead soldiers of the Yellow Turban are the core secrets of the Yellow Turban Dao, and only the three generals know about it. However, my subordinate heard that this thing should be left by Nanhua Daoist Yes. Perhaps Miss knows something."

He really doesn't know anymore.

Even if Zhang Jiao trusted him, the less he knew about core things like the Yellow Turban Warrior, the better.

She doesn't know either!
Guo Jia shook his head. He remembered that he had asked this question before, but Zhang Ning was not very clear about it.

It seems that Sima Yi got the formula of this yellow scarf dead man from nowhere, and drove the surrounding people to fight against Guo Jia.


Gao Shun, who was in charge of deploying defenses on the front line, suddenly shouted: "The common people have stepped into the warning zone, should we attack?"

Can't attack!

Xi Zhong suddenly said: "Most of these people are coerced by Sima Yi, and the crime is not fatal. Once we forcefully attack, we will definitely get a bloodthirsty name, which will be very detrimental to the future succession of the lord. The subordinates suggest that we retreat first. The common people are also flesh and blood, so it is impossible to continue to pursue them."

He is also thinking about Guo Jia's future.

Guo Jia's face was also a little cloudy.

He also knew that it was unknown to massacre the people, but letting them in would cause great damage.

Sima Yi is really insidious and cunning, he uses common people as weapons to deal with Guo Jia, Guo Jia will feel very uncomfortable whether he kills or not.

To kill or not to kill?
Guo Jia was also a little confused.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion, instantly razing Guo Jia's artillery position to the ground.

what happened?

The explosion was very powerful, and the gimbal was also affected.

The generals were also staggering.

"Zhao Dachui, what's the matter with you? What's the juncture, and you still make such a big mistake?"

Guo Jia asked angrily.

Zhao Dachui was also like an ant on a hot pot, and it took him a while to figure out the situation.

For convenience, Guo Jia set up six artillery positions outside the camp, and the one that exploded at this moment was one of them.

"My lord, it's not a mistake!"

Zhao Dachui gritted his teeth and said: "Someone sneaked into our artillery position quietly. They were dressed in black...with gunpowder bags tied to their bodies, shouting Long live the king of Jin, and threw themselves into the fire when they came to our position. Our position That's how it got ruined."

Then there was an explosion in another position. Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the position discovered the bombs in time and killed him when he rushed over.

But it still exploded.

Guo Jia's eyes widened again.

He was once again refreshed by Sima Yi.

Can you still look like this?

Grass mud horse, isn't this a terrorist bomb?

How did Sima Yi figure out this thing?

There was an army of puppets in front of him, and there were also human flesh and bullets. Guo Jiadeng was in a dilemma.

Everyone also found it very difficult.

Let's fight, there are some innocent people in front of us, I can't bear to slaughter them.

Don't fight, there are also those men in black who made suicide attacks. They all have gunpowder strapped to their bodies, and if they are not careful, they will cause huge damage to the troops.

Feng Shui turns.

During the day, they bullied others, and at night it was their turn to bully them.

"Great Governor, hurry up and retreat."

Xi Zhong paused and said, "Let's go back to Hangu Pass before making any plans."

What he was really worried about were these common people. With the checkpoints as barriers, it would be difficult for these puppets to chase them over.

Can't go back!

Guo Jia flatly refused.

Based on his understanding of Sima Yi, as long as he compromises this time, the next time he will be greeted by more unarmed people.

At that time, Guo Jia will be even more passive.

In order to solve this problem once and for all, Guo Jia suddenly waved his hand, gritted his teeth and said a word.


Right now, he has no choice but to stop killing with killing.

If a compromise is made this time, Sima Yi will create more puppet legions next time, and it will be the people of the Central Plains who will suffer.

Guo Jia could only bite the bullet and order the army to kill.

Because only in this way can Sima Yi's small plan go bankrupt.

As long as Guo Jia is not soft on these puppets, Sima Yi will know that this trick will not work against Guo Jia.

Gao Shun and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They are also a little bit aggrieved by just being beaten and not fighting back.

The cavalry began to move out, with Pound's thousand heavy cavalry at the forefront.

Against these dense formations, their heavy cavalry has an advantage.

With one stroke of his sword, Pound led the heavy cavalry to charge over.

Once a war starts, these are the enemies, and they have no psychological barriers.

As for the others, let's talk about it first.

(End of this chapter)

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