Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1581 Does not count the gains and losses of 1 city and 1 pool

Chapter 1581

Sima Yi took civilians and suicide bombers as his forerunners, and caught Guo Jia by surprise for a while.

But Guo Jia immediately ordered to attack across the board.

Since Sima Yi is shameless and playful, how could he know the Virgin Mary?

Kill it, anyway, these can't be called common people.

Just treat it as a zombie!
Guo Jia gave an order, and the army began to mobilize. In order to prevent accidental injury, the artillerymen all died down, and it was crossbowmen and cavalry who did it.

The crossbowman shot tens of thousands of arrows, covering the puppet army.

But the performance of these puppets still horrified them.

Each puppet had a few arrows inserted into its body, and some were even inserted into the vital points. However, they still limped towards the barracks, as if those arrows did not pose any threat to them.

Except for a small number of feather arrows that hit the joints that can affect the puppet's actions, the rest have no effect.

Pound's thousand heavy cavalry had already rushed forward.

These thousand heavy cavalry were wearing heavy armor, like small tanks, directly crushing them.

The puppet army was immediately overwhelmed. After all, they were civilians, not the army, but their instincts were controlled by Fu Shui, and they were not yet invulnerable.

So the heavy cavalry opened a gap at once.

Close the crossbow, close the crossbow!
Gao Shun hurriedly said: "The light cavalry is divided into formations, flanked by two sides, and attack!"

Since bows and crossbows are useless to them, they can only dispatch cavalry to attack.

He also saw that it was cheap, that swords and guns didn't mean much to them, and charging on horseback was more effective.

Under Gao Shun's command, the puppet army began to fall to the ground one by one.

not good!

The leading man in black felt bad.

They thought that Guo Jia would take the safety of the people into consideration, so they dared not do anything, so that their dead soldiers could launch wave after wave of attacks.

But they seem to have overestimated Guo Jia's kindness. They didn't take these common people seriously at all, and even dispatched the cavalry.

In this way, it is impossible for King Jin's raid plan to succeed.

Thinking of this, the man in black suddenly blew the horn.

This is the signal to retreat.

Of course, these signals were blown to those dead men in black, and the puppets were already under control, so they couldn't hear them at all.

After receiving the signal to retreat, those dead men in black quickly retreated.

These people are dead soldiers carefully cultivated by Sima Yi, so naturally they can't make unnecessary sacrifices.

Taking advantage of their black clothes, they disappeared around Luoyang.

Without their command, the puppet team immediately fell into chaos and was defeated by Guo Jia's cavalry.

At dawn, the effect of the medicine wore off, and the common people gradually came to their senses and fled in all directions.

The alarm was lifted, and Guo Jia once again cracked Sima Yi's plot.

However, after this catastrophe, Yunzhou also lost a lot, even lost two artillery positions, and could not continue to attack Luoyang for the time being.


The news quickly spread to Yingchuan.

"Prince Jin, our slain soldier is back. Last night's actions did not achieve the expected results."

Niu Jin whispered.

He was fully expecting to catch Guo Jia by surprise this time, although he might not be able to defeat them, but he would have to cause them heavy losses.

But the development of things was beyond his expectation.

Guo Jia actually ordered the slaughter of puppets without hesitation, and did not put the lives of the people first, which made their plan come to naught.

Ha ha!

Sima Yi just smiled lightly, and said: "Guo Jia is not a pedantic person. You can't apply the way of a scholar to him. This man is ruthless and decisive. He has exterminated hundreds of thousands of barbarians in the north for more than ten years. Will you give up Luoyang City because of just 10,000+ people?"

He was very calm about the result.

If Guo Jia was timid, how could he achieve today's achievements.

Sima Yi had expected that this action would not pose a threat to Guo Jia.

Niu Jin stopped talking.

Guo Jia is certainly not an ordinary person, but neither is this lord who uses the name of the common people as a weapon.

"Next, what should we do? Do we want to arrest more people next time?"

Niu Jin asked in a low voice.

No need!
Sima Yi shook his head.

"Even if I capture millions of people in my jurisdiction to make puppets, Guo Jia will destroy them all without blinking. In the end, this crime will still fall on my head. Even if I destroy Guo Jia , there are no people in the jurisdiction, so what's the point?"

In fact, this time, Sima Yi also wanted to test Guo Jia's determination. If Guo Jia retreated, he would definitely increase the number of puppets next time.

But Guo Jia fought back without hesitation. Sima Yi knew that the people could not threaten Guo Jia, so he also gave up the idea of ​​turning the people into puppets.


Niu Jin hesitated and said, "If there were no puppets and dead soldiers to restrain Luoyang City, wouldn't Luoyang City be in danger? We are not Guo Jia's opponents either!"

Don't panic!

Without raising his head, Sima Yi said, "This time we are fighting an all-out war, not one city or one pool. The Luoyang battlefield is just a part of the whole battle. As long as other places win, the victory of this war still belongs to us."

other places?

Niu Jin was stunned again.

This is the sad part of following a wise protagonist. In many places, he will not discuss with you at all.

Judging by the tone of the lord, I don't know what kind of chess pieces he has placed in other places.


New wild city!
Guard Guo Huai carefully looked at the map on the table.

He has been stationed in Xinye by Jin Wang Sima Yi for half a year.

Xinye County is a stronghold used by the Jin State to prevent Xiangfan from going north.

In the past, it was Kuaiyue who defended, but now it is the Yizhou Army.

Guo Huai is a newly-rising young general in these years. He is deeply trusted by Sima Yi and has made a lot of contributions.

He had just received news that Guo Jia's army had arrived in Luoyang, and the two sides had launched a fierce battle.

This is an all-out war, and it affects the whole body.

As soon as Luoyang started fighting, the Jizhou Army on the north bank of the Yellow River and the Yizhou Army in Xiangfan began to move around.

Yizhou General Zhang Ren's Yan Yan Pioneer has even reached a place fifty miles away from Xinye to set up camp.

The enemy was outnumbered, so Guo Huai withdrew his troops, guarded the city tightly, and waited for work at ease.

Even if Zhang Ren attacked across the board, Guo Huai was confident that he could stop it.

At this moment, a scribe suddenly came in, it was Chen Qun, a famous scholar from Yingchuan.

"Is Mr. Changwen still asleep?"

Guo Huai immediately stood up.

Although he was born as a general, he respects scholars very much, especially celebrities like Chen Qun.

Chen Qunzi Changwen, a famous scholar in Yingchuan, Xun Yu's son-in-law.

After Xun Yu's death, Chen Qun and Zhong Yao defected to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi also trusted Chen Qun very much, and put him on the southern line to resist Xiangfan.

"My lord's secret order!"

Chen Qun suddenly took out a letter and whispered a few words.

Hearing this secret order, Guo Huai couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He opened his mouth to say something, but finally nodded.

"Follow the command!"

Chen Qun said again, because this was Sima Yi's order, and the two dared not disobey it!
(End of this chapter)

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