Chapter 1582 Willing to go alone

Yizhou Army Camp.

Since the outbreak of the war, Zhang Ren has led the army to advance to the vicinity of Xinye.

Guo Huai, the general of the Jin State, was a talented general. He led an army of [-] to manage Xinye very firmly. Zhang Ren launched several raids, but none of them took any advantage.

Although Guo Jia's order to the Yizhou army was to harass the enemy, not to rape the enemy, Zhang Ren only needed to hold back the Jin army on the front line of Xinye.

This task is very easy. It is easy for [-] Yizhou troops to hold back [-] Jin troops.

But Zhang Ren is not so easy to be satisfied. He also wants to make contributions and achieve a great reputation.

Therefore, on the basis of holding down the enemy, look for opportunities to defeat the enemy.

A scout walked in.

"General, the enemy has withdrawn."

Hearing the news, Zhang Ren couldn't help being surprised.

This battle hasn't been fought yet, and the enemy is terrified?

No, Guo Huai is not a mediocre person, how could he give up the line of defense that he has been operating for many years?
Could it be, what kind of conspiracy is this?
If it was a conspiracy, it would be too much for Guo Huai to give up Xinye, a strategically important place.

Had to take a risk!

Zhang Ren frowned immediately.

He walked left and right for a while, and suddenly said: "Order Yan Yan, the vanguard, to take a team of people to go into Xinye to investigate. If there is no problem, let the left and right troops enter Xinye."

Xinye is the bridgehead in the south of Jin State, and if you take it, you can drive straight into the hinterland of Henan.

Occupying Xinye, Zhang Ren has taken the initiative, can attack when advancing, and defend when retreating.

Even if Guo Huai took risks, he had to try.


Lei Tong on the side suddenly reminded: "Should I inform Lord Inspector of this matter?"

The Lord Inspector he was talking about was naturally Jia Xu.

Since he was tricked by Jia Xu last time, Zhang Ren didn't treat his boss well.

No need!

Zhang Ren shook his head and said: "Soldiers are precious and fast. I am the commander-in-chief, and I have the right to make decisions on the fly. If I ask for instructions on everything, the opportunity to fight will be gone long ago."

Besides, Jia Xu is still based in Xiangyang this time, and the two sides are far away, so it is inconvenient to come and go.

Lei Tong had no choice but to take orders.

Since Zhang Ren said so, he would naturally do the same. Anyway, what happened is Zhang Ren's responsibility.


After receiving Zhang Ren's order, veteran Yan Yan sent a thousand advance troops into Xinye.

Guo Huai retreated calmly, Xinye City was basically undamaged, and the people were also moved out.

It has long been an empty city.

After checking and finding no similarities and differences, Yan Yan immediately sent someone to report to Zhang Ren on a flying horse, saying that Xinye City had been taken.

Zhang Ren was naturally overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered a total of 2 left and right troops to enter and station in Xinye, while he himself led the army to Xinye.

After the army was stationed in Xinye, everything was normal at the beginning, but soon General Yan Yan discovered that something was wrong, because the number of soldiers he sent to patrol outside the city was decreasing every day.

Each battalion lost three or five people today, and another seven or eight people the next day. After three days, the number of missing soldiers reached several hundred.

At the beginning, Yan Yan thought it was the soldiers deserting, but after a long time, she felt that something was wrong.

Now that the army has occupied Xinye and has the initiative, there is no need for soldiers to flee.

Besides, even if they flee, it is impossible to have hundreds of people.

Yan Yan ordered his men to thoroughly investigate the missing soldiers, but after many days of investigation, nothing unusual was found.

On this day, he personally led people to hide outside the city to monitor those subordinates who were patrolling outside.

The gang began to patrol outside the city talking and laughing, but after a while, they suddenly remembered a hoarse and piercing drumbeat.

Hearing the sound of these drums, the soldiers froze for a moment, and many began to wriggle in accordance with the rhythm of the drums.

After a while, the drumbeat became stronger and stronger, and these people twisted stronger and stronger, and finally stood still.

When these soldiers stopped moving, a few black-clothed men suddenly appeared around them, holding strange snare drums, walking in front of these soldiers, and those soldiers seemed to be possessed by a demon, swaying and following those black men. The clothes man left.

Seeing this weird scene, Yan Yan and a group of subordinates were shocked.

Is this witchcraft?
Yan Yan opened his eyes wide.

Although he was not young, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

No wonder all the soldiers he sent disappeared, they were all abducted by these strange men in black.

That drum sound was weird.

When the drums sounded, Yan Yan and his subordinates also felt that their hearts beat faster and they were very uncomfortable. Fortunately, they were farther away, and it would be much better if they blocked their ears.

But the patrolling soldiers didn't have such good luck. They were already confused by the sound of drums, and they were led away like puppets.

After realizing the truth, Yan Yan immediately led his men back to Xinye City, closed the gate of the city tightly, stopped sending people out to inspect, and reported to Zhang Ren behind him on a flying horse.

As a result, [-] troops were trapped in Xinye County.


"There are still such weird things?"

After receiving Yan Yan's news, Zhang Ren was also taken aback.

Although it had been expected that there was a plot by Guo Huai to retreat, he did not expect it to be such a weird scene.

Zhang Ren frowned. As a native of Yizhou, he had seen the tricks of Wudou Mijiao before, but they were also low-level deceptions.

Surely the Five Dou Rice Sect can't do something that can win people's hearts with the sound of drums?

What exactly is this means?
If you can't find a way to solve it, wouldn't it be unnecessary to fight this battle? People are tempted away by the opponent, so naturally there is no need to fight.

"General, this is witchcraft!"

Lei Tong was shocked and said: "This witchcraft is not something we can resist, we should report it to Lord Inspector and let him make a decision."


Zhang Ren shook his head again.

He gave the order to attack Xinye, Jia Xu didn't know it at all, even if he knew, there was nothing he could do, after all Zhang Ren was the general.

Now that he encountered difficulties, if Zhang Ren went back to ask Jia Xu for advice, he would definitely be humiliated by this bitter boss.

Besides, Zhang Ren is also a little unbelievable.

He was also a person who crawled out of the pile of dead people on the battlefield, so he naturally didn't believe in witchcraft.

There must be something wrong?
Zhang Yiren gritted his teeth and said: "The whole army has entered Xinye, I want to see with my own eyes who is this holy party?"

Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over good, and Zhang Ren did not believe that so many people could not defeat the opponent's crooked ways.

Lei Tong frowned, but didn't make a sound.There is some disagreement in my heart.

They are military generals, marching and fighting are no problem, but how can they win if the opponent uses witchcraft and sorcery?
Naturally, this kind of matter has to be decided by the superior. After all, he is a literati and has a lot of experience, so there may be any way to solve it.

Zhang Ren was a bit willful in doing so.

(End of this chapter)

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