Chapter 1583
Zhang Ren went his own way, and [-] troops stationed in Xinye. For the sake of safety, he divided the army into two parts, stationed outside the city and inside the city respectively.

Strange to say, when Zhang Ren was stationed in Xinye, the loss of soldiers never happened again.

Only then did Zhang Ren feel relieved, thinking that his righteousness suppressed the opponent's crooked ways.

Winning Xinye was also a great achievement, so Zhang Ren wrote a letter and addressed it to Jia Xu.

Although the two of them didn't quite deal with each other, the necessary procedures still had to be followed.

In addition, he also demonstrated to Jia Xu.

Winning Xinye without a fight, Zhang Ren also made his first contribution.


"Zhang Ren won Xinye?"

After receiving the news, Jia Xu was also forced.

In this battle, the two had a clear division of labor. Zhang Ren led the army to fight, and Jia Xu was in charge of sitting in Xiangfan and ensuring logistics.

Strategically, Jia Xu and Guo Jia also coincided with each other. The Yizhou Army only served to contain the enemy's southern line of troops and gave up the main offensive position to the Forbidden Army.

It's not that Jia Xu doesn't want to fight for it, and it's not that he doesn't have self-motivation, but that the Yizhou Army is simply incomparable with Guo Jia's Forbidden Army?

There are [-] cavalry alone, including [-] heavy cavalry.

The infantry are all the best of the best, Gao Shun's trap camp, Ju Yi's first dead soldiers, infantry crossbows, crossbows and catapults, they have everything that one expects to find.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that they still have artillery.

As soon as the artillery came out, all the gods and horses were floating clouds.

When that guy puts it up, a mountain has been leveled for you, what can Sima Yi do to block it?
So this is basically a one-sided victory.

The family of the forbidden army can clean up Sima Yi, and the two armies of Yizhou and Jizhou are here to make soy sauce.

Jia Xu had seen through this result a long time ago, so he was very conscious of playing soy sauce, and let Zhang Ren do it. Anyway, no matter how good he can fight, he is not as good as other artillery.

At that time, when Sima Yi's central army is finished, the other two groups will also surrender. The Jizhou and Yizhou armies can clean up the battlefield. There is no need to desperately at this time, it is a waste of soldiers' lives.

But this incident seems to be somewhat beyond Jia Xu's expectations.

Zhang Ren actually successfully won Xinye.

Where is Xinye?
Guo Huai, a famous general of Jin State, has been running a defense line for many years. He defended against Kuaiyue earlier, and now he began to defend against Yizhou Army.

Guo Huai himself is not a weak person. He has been operating in Xinye for so many years and has enough food and grass. Even if Zhang Ren attacks with all his strength, he may not be able to take advantage of it for a while.

But he suddenly gave up Xinye and handed over this strategic location to Zhang Ren?
This is totally unscientific!
Jia Xu immediately became vigilant.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Guo Huai is a general, he will not make such a mistake, not to mention that he has a resourceful Chen Qun by his side.

There must be a conspiracy?

Thinking of this, Jia Xu hurriedly said, "Is there any news from Luoyang?"

As a feudal official in Xinjiang, Jia Xu has the Skynet channel in his hands, so he can get accurate information at the first time.

After a while, a Skynet member hurried over.

"Lord Inspector, news from Luoyang has just arrived, please take a look!"

Jia Xu took the message and looked at it carefully, and suddenly her back was sweating.

That's it!

The battle of Luoyang was originally going smoothly, but Sima Yi suddenly did not know what method he used to control the innocent people around him, and relied on them to attack Guo Jia's barracks.

Fortunately, Guo Jia made a decisive decision and launched an attack on the crowd, otherwise this battle would definitely fail.


Jia Xu murmured a few words, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, according to the news from Luoyang, these puppets must have drunk something before they could be controlled.

Why does Sima Yi still have such a hand?
Why haven't I heard of it before?
They must have drugged the surrounding water sources, so they were able to control so many people overnight.

not good?

Jia Xu's face changed drastically, and he suddenly realized a serious problem.

At this moment, Zhang Ren's army is gathered in Xinye City. If someone puts medicine in the water source, wouldn't these 5 people be in danger?

Thinking of this, Jia Xu couldn't sit still anymore.

He stood up abruptly.

The reason why Guo Huai gave up Xinye must be a conspiracy.

This conspiracy may not be related to those puppets.

Once Zhang Ren's army is recruited, the South Route Army will be defeated.

Not only that, Guo Huai was no longer threatened, so he could go north to attack the rear of the imperial army, or send his army south to attack Xiangfan.

No matter which one, it has a huge influence on the battle of Luoyang.

Can't wait!

Maybe Guo Huai had already put the medicine in the water source in Xinye City, and Zhang Ren's army might have already been recruited.

Jia Xu made a prompt decision and led his cronies to Xinye County.

Although he didn't want to make any contribution, he couldn't just watch the Yizhou army suffer a crushing defeat.

"Send an order to Zhang Ren to retreat immediately, and those who disobey the order will be executed."

"Decree that Jiang Wan will temporarily take over the position of governor, strictly guard against death, protect the water sources in the territory, and prevent anyone from entering the city."

After explaining two things, Jia Xu left immediately.

He hoped that there would be time to rush there at this time.


Jin army camp!

"General Guo, Mr. Chen, during this period of time, we have tried and tested, and have initially captured a thousand puppets of the Yizhou Army."

A tall man in black said in a low voice.

1000 people?

Chen Qun frowned and said, "Is it a little bit missing?"

He is also one of the few insiders, and he is still very curious about these puppets.

There are 5 people in the entire Yizhou Army, and 1000 people are nothing at 5.

Quite a lot!
The man in black smiled and said, "These are young men with armor and weapons, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than those of ordinary people. Besides, we have already drugged their water sources, and basically all 5 people have been recruited. In time, these people will be our puppets."

The Taoist puppet technique is inspired by talisman water and magical weapons, and once successful, it will become an obedient team.

The puppets of the common people outside Luoyang City are just an experiment by them, and the potency and effectiveness of the medicine have not reached the maximum.

This batch of puppets is far better than the last time, both in terms of quality and combat effectiveness.

If the entire Yizhou army can be refined into a puppet army, then they will be invincible.

"What's the use of this puppet? Can it block swords? What's the point if it can't be blocked? It's just some meat shields that can walk."

Guo Huai on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

He is a military general, he is particular about marching and deploying troops, and he doesn't have any good impression of these crooked ways.

Ha ha!

The man in black just smiled and said, "Then let General Guo open his eyes!"

As he spoke, he whistled, and several of his subordinates came forward with a dull-looking puppet of the Yizhou Army.

The man in black suddenly drew his knife and chopped off one of the puppet's hands, and the puppet walked forward without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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