Chapter 1585 Jia Xu is here
New wild city!
Yan Yan told Zhang Ren all about the disappearance of the soldiers.

Zhang Ren stared at Yan Yan carefully, not even letting go of any expression on his face.

He has always expressed serious doubts about Yan Yan's words.

"General, what I said is true."

Yan Yan said dumbfoundedly.

He also knew that his experience was a little weird.

But this kind of thing happened.

"The old general doesn't need to blame himself, I know about this!"

Zhang Ren nodded.

He didn't believe a word of Yan Yan's words.

No matter how powerful the witchcraft is, it is impossible for one's own people to follow along willingly with a beating of gongs and drums.

This is simply Yan Yan's nonsense, and he will make excuses for himself.

Losing more than 1000 people is not a trivial matter, Yan Yan must find a reliable excuse.

But it seems that Zhang Ren doesn't believe this excuse.

Maybe it was the false image created by those fugitives themselves, and Yan Yan mistook it for the truth.

Besides, Yan Yan is now a veteran in his 60s, and he might be wrong if he is too old.

General Zhang!
Yan Yan was a little unhappy, he blew his beard and said, "You don't believe me? People around me have testified to this matter."

Yan Yan was not the only one who saw this strange situation that night, but also a group of soldiers around him.

"This matter, the general will investigate!"

Zhang Ren nodded.

He didn't want to be serious with Yan Yan because of this, after all, they were all old subordinates he brought out from Yizhou.

Seeing Zhang Ren's expression, Yan Yan knew that the other party did not believe him, and immediately said angrily: "General Zhang, although I, Yan Yan, am old, I can tell the difference. It is my responsibility for soldiers to get lost, and I have no shirkable responsibility. You The old man would never frown. But this matter is absolutely true. Those people's drums are weird, even if we are far away, we feel that our minds have been affected. You must not take it lightly Of course!"

He is not afraid of being punished, but he is afraid that Zhang Ren will not believe in himself.


Seeing that he was obsessed with obsession, Zhang Ren's face darkened immediately, and said: "Come here, Yan Yan, as the front-line commander, has lost a large number of soldiers. I will order you to stop all duties and return to the camp to wake up. After the investigation of this matter is clear, do it again." disposal."

He originally wanted to erase this section, but Yan Yan was a little ignorant, so don't blame him for being businesslike.


Yan Yan hurriedly said: "This matter is very strange, the general must not take it lightly! The final general suggests that Lord Inspector and Lord be played, and ask them to make a decision."

Although I don't know what methods those people used, the old man is keenly aware of the danger.

Where is law enforcement in the military?

Zhang Ren shouted.

Outside the tent, a member of the military's law enforcement team came in and escorted Yan Yan out.

"General Zhang, General Zhang, this matter is no small matter. You must report to Lord Inspector immediately and ask him to make a decision. Don't go your own way!"

Yan Yan left helplessly, and still did not forget to remind Zhang Ren before leaving.

"This old fool!"

After Yan Yan left, Zhang Ren couldn't help shaking his head.

If he reported such absurd things, wouldn't that make the vicious boss laugh out loud?

This matter must not be reported to the public, at most it needs to be investigated in private.

General Thunder Copper!

Zhang Ren suddenly said: "Next, you will take over the vanguard position, command Yan Yan's troops, repair the new fields, and expand the defense line. Investigate the whereabouts of Guo Huai's army."

Thunder Copper also nodded.

Pioneer is a good job. He originally wanted to win it, but unfortunately his qualifications are not as good as Yan Yan, so this old general took the lead.

Now that Yan Yan made a mistake and was suspended by Zhang Ren, Lei Tong's opportunity came.

But he is also cautious.

"From what Old General Yan said, it seems that it is not easy for a soldier to get lost. The general should be more cautious."

Lei Tong said tactfully.

He believed Yan Yan's words somewhat.


Zhang Ren couldn't help but slapped the table and said angrily: "Why do you believe this nonsense? If the other party really has this kind of means, they can lure our people out without anyone noticing. Then why hasn't there been any movement during this period of time?" ? I think someone is playing tricks."

By the way, Zhang Ren has been here for a few days, and no soldiers have escaped, nor have we seen any strange men in black.

So Zhang Ren concluded that Yan Yan was lying.

He is a rigorous person, the most intolerable thing is subordinates cheating.


Lei Tong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Ren.

"What to do, the battle is imminent, don't think about it!"

After being reprimanded by Zhang Ren, Lei Tong stopped talking and immediately retreated.


After several days of no movement, Zhang Ren also relaxed his vigilance. He began to send out scouts to inquire about Guo Huai's news.

As a result, the defense of Xinye County was lax.

Sima Yi's men in black seized the opportunity and continued to capture the Yizhou army. In just three days, another 1000 people disappeared.

This completely angered Zhang Ren. He still stubbornly believed that someone was deliberately making trouble and instigating the soldiers to flee.

In order to hunt down these fugitive soldiers, Zhang Ren once again sent a large army to hunt them down, and ordered that once the fugitive soldiers were captured, they would be executed on the spot, in order to enforce the military law.

However, after many days of hunting, not only did not capture any fugitive soldiers, but lost many hunting troops.

In a few days, another 2000 people disappeared.

As a result, plus those who were missing before, the Yizhou Army has lost three to 4000 people.

The men in black have changed from stealthy actions in the dark to plundering in broad daylight.

This has changed, and 1 people in the Yizhou Army have become their puppets.The puppet's attack, which is not afraid of pain and death, immediately beat the Yizhou army to pieces.
The men in black manipulated the puppet army to attack the Yizhou Army's troops, and Guo Huai was not idle, and he began to lead the army to wipe out the small troops in Yunzhou.

Although the puppet is powerful, Guo Huai is not far behind.

As a soldier, he couldn't be robbed of the limelight by a puppet, right?

For a while, the Yizhou army retreated steadily.

Only then did Zhang Ren feel that something was wrong, and it was already too late to gather the troops.

Under the double attack of those puppets and Guo Huai's army, the vanguard of the Yizhou Army was defeated and retreated to the surrounding area of ​​Xinye County again.

The Yizhou Army would rather fight Guo Huai than face those puppet legions?
Where have they seen such a thing that is not afraid of death?
Only now did Zhang Ren realize that he had wrongly blamed Yan Yan, but already, the Yizhou Army had changed from [-] to more than [-].

The strategy has also changed from offense to defense, not only to defend Guo Huai's [-] army, but also to guard against these elusive men in black and the puppet army who are not afraid of death.

Zhang Rendeng was a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Yan Yan had experience. He suggested that Zhang Ren withdraw the troops outside the city, defend the city, and ask for help from the rear.

Zhang Ren had no choice but to adopt Yan Yan's suggestion and began to ask for help from the rear.

Just then, Jia Xu came.

(End of this chapter)

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