Chapter 1586 Reversing the Universe
Xinye County.

Jia Xu calmly looked at the scroll on the table.

This is the specific amount of losses since entering Xinye County.

More than 6000 people were lost, 1 of whom became puppets of the enemy.

"Lord Inspector! Your subordinates are ineffective in fighting and have shamed the Yizhou Army. Please punish me."

Zhang Ren felt ashamed.

In just a dozen days, the Yizhou Army reduced its personnel from 5 to 3. The loss was very heavy, and he could not bear this responsibility at all.

What makes Zhang Ren even more embarrassing is that after suffering such a big loss, he doesn't even know what the enemy looks like.

Lord Inspector!

Yan Yan also clasped her fists and said: "The last general is also responsible for this matter. If I can remind General Zhang in time, maybe there will be no loss today."

Although she was imprisoned by Zhang Ren for a while, Yan Yan was also very loyal and did not clear up her responsibilities.

No, no!
Zhang Ren hurriedly said: "Old General Yan has reminded me in time, but I didn't pay attention to it and went my own way, which caused the army to suffer such a big loss. This is my responsibility and has nothing to do with others. Zhang Ren is willing to die! "

As he spoke, he drew his sword in hand.

He is also an arrogant person. It was his idea to enter Xinye County, and he did not discuss it with Jia Xu. If he suffered such a serious loss, he would naturally be obliged to do so.

Zhang Ren has always wanted to compete with this boss, but unfortunately this time he has no face to face it.

With the style of this bitter boss, how could he easily spare himself?
So he simply took the responsibility on his own, so as not to be humiliated again.

Willing to die?
Jia Xu suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhang Ren with a half-smile.

"With so many people lost, can you just die?"

"Your stupidity, you have lost [-] brothers, and you are dead, can their wronged souls be appeased?
"There are still [-] brothers who have become puppets of the enemy, living a life of neither human nor ghost, are you willing to die?"

"You brought these brothers out of Yizhou all by yourself. Do you think you can be worthy of them if you die?"

What Zhang Ren said was ashamed!

Indeed, the loss of nearly one-third of the troops was beyond his comprehension once he died.

"Zhang is at the discretion of the governor."

Zhang Ren sighed, and slowly knelt down on the ground.

Losing so many people, not even touching a single hair of the enemy, even if his body is broken into thousands of pieces, it cannot be recovered.

Zhang Ren!

Jia Xu suddenly shouted: "The lord entrusted you with the military affairs on the southern front, is this how you repay him? You are the sinner of the whole world."

Zhang Ren was sweating profusely again.

He suddenly felt that he was really ashamed of the sky, ashamed of the king, and ashamed of his brother.

Zhang Ren drew out his saber and wiped it on his neck without hesitation.

Jia Xu's words once again made him feel shameless living in the world.


A powerful hand suddenly grasped Zhang Ren's long sword, and the sharp blade immediately cut through Jia Xu's palm.

But Jia Xu was unmoved, and the blood flowed down the tip of the sword to the ground drop by drop, hitting everyone's hearts heavily.

Lord Inspector!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Zhang Ren also grew his mouth and couldn't speak.

To be honest, after losing so many people, Jia Xu had every reason to kill Zhang Ren. Even if he didn't want to kill Zhang Ren and let Zhang Ren commit suicide, there was nothing wrong with it.

But he prevented Zhang Ren from committing suicide.

Stand up for me!
Jia Xu shouted again: "Look, the souls of 6000 people in the sky are condensed in Xinye, and they all died because of you. Can you commit suicide and leave? Otherwise, Zhang Ren, you are a coward, and you are worthy of your dead brother Are you worthy of the Lord's trust? Are you worthy of the souls of 6000 people?"

The voice was not loud, but pierced Zhang Ren's chest again like a sharp sword.

stand up!

Jia Xu suddenly used force to lift Zhang Ren up.

"Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. If you have to wipe your neck and commit suicide after losing a battle, wouldn't it embarrass your brothers even more. You can't die, you owe the Yizhou army, you owe the lord, you owe everyone who believed in you to give your life It’s for your brothers. If it’s a man’s, cheer me up, don’t be as hypocritical as a girl. Even if you die, you have to die on the battlefield for me.”

Zhang Ren was stunned.

He never expected that a sarcastic and polite boss would have such a violent side.

But Jia Xu's words reverberated in his heart like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

Zhang Ren suddenly understood.

He cannot die.

The revenge of the [-] brothers had to be avenged.

The shame of the Yizhou Army had to be washed away.

He can't die!

He died sorry for the dead brother.

He is dead and sorry for those who trusted him.

Even if you die, you have to die on the battlefield.

Get off your fucking puppet!
Get the hell out of Guo Huai!

Fuck off, Sima Yi!
He's going to kill them all!
He wants to avenge his dead brother.

He wants to avenge those [-] puppet brothers whose lives would be worse than death.

Oh oh oh!
Zhang Ren suddenly roared like a beast.

After a while, he stood up resolutely.

"Lord Inspector, what you said is true. From today onwards, Zhang Ren's life is not his own. If the brothers' revenge is not avenged, and the shame of the Yizhou Army is not washed away, I, Zhang Ren, will not die. Even if I die , I’m going to finish all these things too.”

Zhang Ren figured it out.

He was reminded by Jia Xu's words.

Death doesn't solve anything.

He wants to live.

Not for myself!
Jia Xu looked around the crowd for a few times, and then slowly let go of the blade.

"You are my subordinates, your shame will be washed away by the blood of my chief officer, but the shame of the Yizhou Army will be washed away by the blood of the enemy."

"Lord Inspector!"

Yan Yan Lei Tong also knelt down on the ground.

"We are willing to die together with General Zhang! To avenge the dead brothers and to avenge the shame of [-] innocent souls."

Kneeling together were the generals of other battalions.

They were also moved by Jia Xu's words.

To live is to fight for breath.

This breath can not be breathed out, and they can't die with peace.

"We are willing to die!"

All the soldiers in the city also knelt down.

Since the establishment of the Yizhou Army, they have not suffered such serious losses, nor have they suffered such humiliation.

The shame will naturally be washed away with blood.

very good!

Seeing this, Jia Xu nodded in satisfaction.

Since the disastrous defeat, the entire Yizhou army has been shrouded in an atmosphere of fear.

This is a dangerous sign.

Even if the enemy doesn't attack the city, it won't take long for the morale of the army to collapse, and the entire army will be defeated without a fight.

What Jia Xu wants to do is not to defeat the enemy, nor is he to turn defeat into victory immediately. What he wants to do is to gather the lost confidence of everyone again.

Kill the Jin army and avenge the dead brother!
Jia Xu waved his arms.

Kill the Jin army and avenge the dead brother.

Zhang Ren and others also waved their right arms.

Kill the Jin army and avenge the dead brother!
All the soldiers also roared angrily.

Slogans resounded through the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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