Chapter 1587
After stabilizing the morale of the army, Jia Xu immediately issued orders.

First, open up new water sources, take the running water from the surrounding rivers as drinking water, fill up all the wells in Xinye City, and prevent the enemy from poisoning the water.

Second, the puppets are driven by rhythm. Jia Xu installed dozens of drums on the city wall. Once the enemy attacked, he would order the soldiers to beat the gongs and drums to destroy the enemy's rhythm.

Without the drive of the rhythm, the puppets are like a group of headless flies. Not only can they not effectively kill the enemy, but they can also kill each other, causing great harm to their own people.

Third, the entire army shrunk its defensive positions and used the Wengcheng Shanzhai on the city wall as its stronghold to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it.

With three orders, the offensive momentum of the opponent's puppet troops was immediately curbed.

The order from the top is strict, all the troops are united, and the whole Xinye is as stable as Mount Tai.

The men in black drove the puppet army to launch several attacks, but all failed.

Jia Xu is a well-known poisonous man, and he doesn't show mercy to the puppets, as long as they dare to come, they will be beaten violently.

Does he care if he is the same robe from the past?

The reason why the Yizhou Army was hit hard at the beginning was because of this loss.

Seeing their former brothers staggeringly approaching, many soldiers hesitated.

This hesitation was defeated.

But Jia Xu gave a death order, no matter who it is, as long as they dare to enter within three feet of the city wall, they will be killed without mercy.

These people can no longer be called human beings, and they are no longer my comrades. Instead of letting them live in such a muddle, it is better to end their lives and let them be freed earlier.

Many men in black who fished in troubled waters were also killed.

The man in black became a little anxious.

Although the puppet is infinitely powerful and fearless of life and death, it has a fatal flaw.

They are still flesh and blood.

A body of flesh and blood must be supported by nourishment.

After becoming puppets, they lost the ability to eat, and could only use their body's instincts to fight.

In other words, these puppets are one-time consumables.

Even if the Yizhou army doesn't kill them, they will perish after a long time.

So the [-] puppets are also decreasing day by day.

The situation began to turn around, and gradually tilted towards the Yizhou Army.

Jia Xu's purpose is very clear, which is to stick to it.

Although the Yizhou Army suffered heavy losses, there are still more than [-] people, and these [-] people have maintained a considerable threat.

Guo Huai's army did not dare to act rashly.

He has already complained about these crooked men in black.

If this bastard hadn't intervened, the Xinye defense line would still be in his hands, and the entire southern front would be impenetrable.

Well now, in order to lure the Yizhou army into the urn, the man in black asked him to give up the Xinye defense line.

The Yizhou army has entered the urn, but the men in black are unable to deal with them.

The Xinye line of defense is the castle on the southern front of the entire Jin country. Once it is broken, the entire Jin country will be exposed to the enemy's attack.

Guo Jia had no choice but to establish a second line of defense in the north.

He didn't dare to pin his hopes on those crooked men in black.

In this battle, the role of the Yizhou Army is to contain the enemy on the southern front. As long as they can contain Guo Huai so that they cannot return to Xudu, they will be able to win a strategic victory.

The entire southern front fell into a stalemate again.


well done!
After receiving the battle report from the southern front, Guo Jia was relieved.

It was indeed a wise move to keep the old fox in Yizhou at the beginning. Although this poisonous man is usually a little slippery, he can still be relied on at critical times.

If he hadn't been ordered in the face of danger and stabilized the situation on the southern front, Guo Jia's side would have had to spend a lot of time.

The southern line is stable, and Guo Jia only needs to conquer Luoyang to open up the situation.

"Report, my lord! The two ladies have already arrived."

Just in time!

Guo Jia stood up excitedly.

The reason why he rested for so long was to wait for these two ladies.

"I have seen my husband!"

After a while, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi came to Guo Jia's camp.

"You're welcome, come here!"

Guo Jia helped up the two wives with his own hands.

Since Guo Ye was demoted to the Northland, Zhang Ning has also kept a low profile a lot, and has stayed in the mansion all these years.

Thank you my husband!

The two still saluted, and sat gently beside Guo Jia.

"You all know the matter. Sima Yi somehow got some evil spells, which can refine puppets. The people around Luoyang have already suffered. If I continue to attack, Sima Yi jumps over the wall in a hurry, and hundreds of thousands of people in Luoyang city It will be a catastrophe if the common people are turned into puppets. The reason why I let the two ladies come here is to hear your opinions."

Guo Jiasi said slowly.

He has always suspected that Sima Yi's methods are the same as those of the Yellow Turban dead warriors back then, but it seems that they are not as clever as the methods of the Yellow Turban Dao.

That's why the second daughter was called to the front line.


Zhang Ning said first: "When my late father sent my concubine to Master, he did not pass on the essentials of Taiping to me. I also got this book from Liao Hua later. It's a pity that I got this book At that time, it was already somewhat incomplete. According to Liao Hua's confession, Master should have taken it away."

Although Guo Jia has turned against Zuo Ci at this moment, Zhang Ning still respects Zuo Ci as a teacher for one day and a father for life.

Guo Jia nodded. He also asked Zhang Ning about this matter.

"Didn't your father tell you about the Yellow Turban Soldier before?"

Guo Jia asked again.

In the battle of Nangong City, Guo Jia almost died, but the memory of these yellow scarves is still fresh.

Zhang Ning shook his head.

She really doesn't know much about the Yellow Turban dead soldiers.


Zhang Qi at the side suddenly said: "I have heard about this incident myself."

Guo Jia looked at Zhang Qi in surprise, and suddenly felt anticipation in his heart.

Both the Yellow Turban Taoism and the Five Dou Rice Sect came from the Taoist sect, so there is no connection between them.

Zhang Qi thought for a while, and said: "I once learned from my father that Nanhua Daoist of the Yellow Turban Dao in the past invited my grandfather Zhang Ling, Yu Ji and Zuo Ci to study a new kind of Daoism. He wanted to gather four The power of the great book of heaven, to see through the secrets of the sky. But Mr. Yu Ji didn't seem to agree, so in the end only my grandfather and Zuo Ci went. The three of them studied in Zhongnan Mountain for a long time, but finally ended in failure. Not long after my grandfather came back Then he disappeared. Before he died, he wrote a letter saying that this kind of magic was harmful to Tianhe, and advised him to seal up the forbidden magic and never pass it on. Nanhua Zhenren did not seal it up, but passed it on to Zhang Jiao, the general of Tiangong. This is the yellow scarf The origin of the dead."

That's it!

Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly realized.

He has also heard of the Four Heavenly Books of Taoism, but he has benefited a lot from learning just a little bit of the Dunjia Heavenly Book.

Gathering the power of the four heavenly scriptures, it might be possible to produce some heaven-defying things.

It seems that Sima Yi should have obtained this forbidden technique from Taoism.

Daomen once again stood on the opposite side of himself.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's complexion became ugly again.

(End of this chapter)

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