Chapter 1588
In fact, Guo Jia still took good care of local religions, so he didn't do anything wrong.

The Yellow Turban Dao left some incense, and the Five Dou Rice Sect was not completely extinct.

As long as the Daomen can be safe and sound, he will not embarrass them.

It's a pity that Zuo Ci and others have too much appetite, and they want to sit on an equal footing with Guo Jia and share the country, which Guo Jia absolutely does not agree to.

The popularization rate of education in Dahan is very low, 90.00% of the people are literate, and these people are easily swayed by religion.

Guo Jia doesn't want to cause another Yellow Turban Rebellion in the future.

So he completely banned the Taoist sects in his territory, but he didn't kill them all. As long as they openly made troubles and preached, Guo Jia would turn a blind eye.

After all, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi are both wives of the Guo family, and Guo Jia won't do too much for their sake.

It's a pity that Daomen didn't appreciate it, but provoked Guo Jia one after another, and now he openly stood on Sima Yi's side, offering puppet techniques and other harmful techniques.

This has touched Guo Jia's bottom line.

Seeing Guo Jia's expression, Zhang Ning felt a little scared in his heart.

She knew Guo Jia's temper. If this matter was really done by a Taoist sect, he would definitely not let it go.

"Husband, perhaps this matter was not done by the Taoist sect, or it may be that Sima Yi found it through other means. I can personally go to see my teacher and ask him to work for Yunzhou."

After all, he was born in a Taoist sect, and Zhang Ning still has his heart in the sect.

Sister Ning is right!

Zhang Qi also echoed: "The Daoist sect is already powerful, and it is not enough to pose a threat to us. Husband, for the sake of the past, don't embarrass them too much."

She is also a member of the Taoist sect, so if she has the opportunity, she still wants to say something nice to the sect.

Past love?

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said nothing.

If there is any relationship between Daomen and himself, it is the two women in front of him.

Guo Jia believed that he had not treated the Daoist sect badly, so he did not have any affection.

"The Daoist sect goes against the sky, and people and gods are angry, so there is no need to talk about affection."

He thinks that he has exhausted his benevolence and righteousness, but if the Daoist sect dies by itself, he doesn't mind destroying the organization, anyway, new representatives will be born in the future.

At this moment, a member of Skynet hurriedly came to Guo Jia.

"My lord, according to the latest news, Mrs. Sun and Young Master have successfully escaped from Jiangnan and are on their way here now."

Did they escape?
Hearing this news, Guo Jia was also taken aback.

Counting, their mother and son have been imprisoned in Jiangnan for more than ten years.

Guo Jiang was still a kid when he left, so he should be an adult by now.

"Quick, quick, send someone to bring them back."

He was also a little excited.

Although he has not rescued Sun Shangxiang's mother and son these years, he has not cut off his longing for the two.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't do anything to Sun Quan.

Now that the mother and son have returned safely, Guo Jia also let go of her last thoughts.

After ignoring their mother and son for ten years, Guo Jia was indeed ashamed of them.

"In addition, there is a letter from Jiangnan."

Then the members took out a letter again.

Diao Chan's Secret Letter!
Seeing the logo on the envelope, Guo Jia immediately understood that it was Diao Chan who sent it back.

Maybe it has something to do with what's in front of me.

Guo Jia immediately picked up the secret letter and began to decipher it. It took a long time to understand what happened.

It turns out that Jiangnan has undergone drastic changes.

Sun Quan is finished, and now Pang Tong is in power, and Diao Chan also said that this person intends to take refuge in Yunzhou. As long as Guo Jia can kill Sima Yi, he will lead the people in the south of the Yangtze River to surrender.

Sun Shangxiang's mother and son were rescued by Taoism, and the purpose was also to blackmail Guo Jia, but Yu Ji's repentance finally allowed the mother and son to return safely.

It seems that Daomen did the right thing in the end and sent Sun Shangxiang's mother and son back. For the sake of this matter, Guo Jia stopped killing them all.

This letter also confirmed Guo Jia's conjecture that the secret technique in Sima Yi's hand came from Taoism.

Diao Chan made great achievements this time, not only successfully captured Jiangnan, but also saved Sun Shangxiang's mother and son by the way.

When you come back, you must pamper this great hero.

Vajra puppetry?
Guo Jia narrowed his eyes again.

The Taoist sect is really powerful, and it can still make such a thing.

Fortunately, Yu Ji didn't get involved, otherwise the power of the four heavenly books would be assembled, and I don't know what other heaven-defying things could be produced.

According to Diao Chan's intelligence, Sima Yi's army has trained nearly [-] King Kong puppets.

If Sima Yi's men can be compared to the Yellow Turban slain, the problem will be troublesome.

Naturally, Guo Jia didn't want to fight with thousands of Yellow Turban dead soldiers. Even with artillery in hand, the pressure was still great.

We must find a way to deal with these fearless things.

"The two of you immediately wrote to Yu Ji, asking him to find a way to eliminate these dead men. If he can do it, I can give Daoist a way out."

Guo Jia said to Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi were overjoyed.

"Husband, don't worry, the concubine and sister Qi are in contact with the Taoist leader, and I hope he can find a way to restrain these puppets. I only hope that the husband can let the Taoist sect survive."

Zhang Ning said hurriedly.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction, and the person who tied the bell was needed to untie the bell.

Since this set of things was researched by them, they will naturally have to contribute to eliminating these things.

This is also a great joy.

Judging from the battle report sent by Jia Xu, this thing should be driven by melody. On the battlefield, you only need to use drums to disrupt the enemy's melody to achieve the strategy of disturbing the enemy.

But the drums are a bit muffled, and it's hard to cover up those strange rhythms.

But Guo Jia has a better way, which is to break their rhythm with the sound of the piano.

At that time, hundreds of thousands of Yaoqin will be placed in the camp, and the sound of the piano will definitely be able to suppress the sound of the opponent's flute.

Thousands of pianos competing for beauty need a core guide.

In terms of qin art, there is no one better than Cai Yong in the world. Although this old man died of illness, his direct descendant Cai Wenji is still there.

As long as Cai Meimei makes a move, she will definitely be able to handle this core.

Most of the women in the backyard of the Guo family have some skills. It is not a problem to find a few excellent luthiers. Even if there are not enough people in the backyard of the Guo family, Guo Jia can still recruit luthiers in Chang'an City.

At that time, the Yaoqin team headed by Cai Yan will definitely be able to suppress the opponent's rhythm.

That's it!
Guo Jia did what he said. On the one hand, he sent people back to invite Cai Yan to go out, and on the other hand, he prepared his troops and prepared to attack Luoyang again.

At present, this world has become Guo Jia's pocket, and as long as he gnaws on Sima Yi, the whole world will be at his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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