Chapter 1589
While the southern front was in full swing, the northern war officially kicked off.

Xu Shu was the first person to follow Guo Jia back then. As a classmate and a good friend, Guo Jia trusted him very much and put him in an important position in Jizhou.

You must know that Guo Jia only had two states in his hands at the beginning, one was Yunzhou, and the other was Jizhou.

As a business center, Yunzhou is supplied by Jizhou. Without the supply from Jizhou, the border flower of Yunzhou will soon wither. In other words, if you master Jizhou, you can master everything.

Therefore, the position of governor of Jizhou is very important, even stronger than that of Xizhong, governor of Yunzhou.

Of course, Xu Shu lived up to expectations, and worked in this position for 20 years.

Jizhou has fertile land and a large population, and it is the general rear of Yunzhou.

The reason why Guo Jia has been fighting in the South and North with peace of mind over the years is that Jizhou has provided all the logistics.

To say that Guo Jia was able to get to where he is today, there are two people who have contributed, one is Xi Zhong, and the other is Xu Shu.

Xu Shu is an all-around talent, able to stabilize the country with literature, and stabilize the country with martial arts.Get on the horse to manage the army, and get off the horse to manage the people.

In recent years, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Ma Teng and other princes have all coveted the fertile land of Jizhou all the time, and countless conflicts broke out between the two sides, but May Day was not defeated by Xu Shu.

In the end, only Xu Shu had the last laugh.

During Xu Shu's tenure, Jizhou has been very stable, silently providing support for Yunzhou, and making great contributions to the development of Yunzhou.

Cheng Yu and Ju Shou were famous ministers of a generation, and they were willing to be led by Xu Shu.

Yu Jin, Zhang He, and Gao Lan are also peerless famous generals, and they have always obeyed Xu Shuyan.

So for this general attack, Guo Jia handed over the North Route Army to Xu Shu without hesitation.

After receiving the mission, Xu Shu didn't dare to neglect, and immediately organized his subordinates to study a relatively safe combat plan.

He also knew that the main force in this battle was the Forbidden Army in Chang'an, and both the Yizhou Army and the Jizhou Army served as auxiliary tasks.

There is a Yellow River between Jizhou and Yanzhou Yuzhou. Zhong Hui, a new famous general of the Jin Kingdom, led his army to set up a camp in Baima, an important town on the south bank of the Yellow River, to closely monitor every move on the other side.

Xu Shu only needed to hold back the enemy army on the other side and buy time for the army in the middle.

However, in order to better complete this task, Xu Shu spent a lot of thought and chose three breakthrough points as feints.

Among them, Zhang He led an army of [-] to attack Qingzhou.

Yu Jin led an army of [-] to attack Mengjin.

Xu Shu led an army of [-] and stationed on the other side of the white horse.

The two sides face each other across the river, fearing each other!
In general, Zhong Hui waited for work with ease, taking advantage of the geographical advantage.

However, Jizhou's army is strong and strong, and it has the advantage of Renhe.

At the beginning, Xu Shu remained on the sidelines.

The Jizhou army did not move, nor did Zhonghui on the other side.

Although Zhong Hui was young, he knew the art of war quite well. He sent people to set up a warning beacon tower on the south bank, and dug fortifications at places where the enemy might force their way through to establish a defense system. land.

Once the opponent invades, he will mobilize nearby troops to defeat the enemy with superior troops.

Zhong Hui's intentions are also very obvious. In another month, the Yellow River will enter the flood season, when the current will be turbulent. At this time, forcibly crossing the Yellow River is courting death.

So as long as he can last for a month, he can successfully put his opponent on the other side.

Xu Shu's immobility is exactly what Zhong Hui wanted.

But Xu Shu couldn't just wait like this. He also knew the flood season of the Yellow River. Once the Yellow River entered the flood season, it would be difficult for even a god to fly across.

Zhong Hui on the other side can immediately put his troops into the Luoyang battlefield, and start a strategy of double-teaming Guo Jia's central army.

So Xu Shu couldn't wait forever, he wanted to drag Zhonghui to the south bank completely.


Baima, Zhonghui Camp!
"Report, General Zhong, it's not good, the Jizhou army has crossed the river!"

A general stumbled up to Zhong Hui.

Xu Shu finally couldn't bear it anymore!

Zhong Hui also nodded slowly.

He also knew that Xu Shu would not stay forever.

So crossing the river is also a matter of course.

But Zhong Hui is not afraid, he has already made complete preparations.

"Where did the Jizhou Army cross?"

Zhong Hui immediately walked to the front of the map.

This map is also circled and dotted, leaving a lot of handwriting.

In the previous time, Zhong Hui had carefully deduced countless times, no matter where the Jizhou army attacked from?He has ways to deal with it.

"It's Mengjin, it's Mengjin. Now Mengjin has fallen. The Jizhou Army has already crossed the Yellow River in Yujin."

The visitor said with a sad face.

Chung would almost fall to the ground.

This is impossible!

The bell roared.

He deployed two thousand elite soldiers in Mengjin. With the strength of the checkpoint city, Yu Jin's army could not fly over so quickly even with wings.

General, we are all fooled!
The visitor said with a mournful face: "We thought that Guo Jia was defeated by the King of Jin and had been recharging his energy at Hangu Pass. We were deceived by him. He clearly did not move, and secretly sent General Yang Fan to lead five thousand cavalry around After crossing Luoyang, they attacked Mengjin on a starry night. These five thousand fine cavalry were archers raised by Guo Jia according to the cavalry of the Huns. These archers were recruited by herdsmen around the grassland, and they took two horses to drive the cattle and sheep. Therefore, no supplies are needed, and they can continue Combat. Yang Fan led [-] cavalry to bypass Luoyang's defense line and raided Mengjin. The [-] cavalry defeated our position in Mengjin, and Yu Jin's [-] infantry also took the opportunity to kill them."

Zhong Hui suddenly became dizzy for a while.

Are Guo Jia and Xu Shu joining forces?

This is really a miscalculation!
Only then did he realize that this was an all-out war.

The offensive and defensive battle of the Yellow River is only one part of it.

As a newly promoted young general of the Jin Kingdom, he is familiar with military books and war strategies, and has a very clear understanding of the situation in front of him.

He also made countless preparations, as if to reveal that Xu Shu could take every step.

It's a pity that it fell short.

He didn't expect that Guo Jia of the Central Route Army would suddenly attack and destroy Zhong Hui's stronghold in Mengjin.

From the perspective of the battle itself, Yang Fan's raid did not benefit the Luoyang Battle, but was a waste of energy.

But for the Northern Front Campaign, this was a crucial step.

Taking down Mengjin is tantamount to inserting a nail into the south bank.

Can affect the entire campaign if necessary.

Guo Jia is worthy of being a genius. While fighting the current battle, he can also take care of other battlefields and send troops to give important assistance to his teammates.

Is this a genius?

Zhong Hui shook his body for a while, and suddenly sat on the ground weakly.

In the end, he still couldn't prevent Guo Jia and Xu Shu from joining forces.

Compared with Guo Jia and Xu Shu, he is still too young.


Zhong Hui shouted weakly: "Retreat to Yangcheng, build a second line of defense, block Yu Jin, and prevent him from going down the river and destroying our stronghold on the south bank."

(End of this chapter)

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