Chapter 1591 General Puppet

Let's say that after Wang Shuang left, he immediately ordered his troops and horses, ready to go to the battlefield.

The dispatch of three thousand troops was not a small movement. In order to avoid the spies in Yunzhou, he decided to set off late at night.

Passing through a small valley in Mang Mountain, you can go straight to Mengjin, and appear behind the Jizhou Army without anyone noticing.

Just as Wang Shuang's army quietly entered the valley, there was a piercing flute sound on the mountainside.

There is an enemy attack?
Hearing this voice, Wang Shuang immediately guessed that there was an ambush.

But soon he knew something was wrong.

The sound of the flute became more and more piercing, and his heart beat faster and faster, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

As the valley echoed, the voices grew louder and continued to haunt their hearts.

Many soldiers couldn't help but began to tear their clothes and pull their chests, trying to dig out their hearts.

Because they feel that there is a voice around them that has been tempting them to do so.

Not long after, the [-] troops had already stayed where they were, and finally they couldn't resist the temptation of the sound of the flute, and lost their minds.

Only Wang Shuang supported it hard.

After all, he is a fierce general of the Jin Dynasty, and his physical fitness and mind are beyond the reach of ordinary people.So it can last till now.

"Hehe, as expected of a fierce general of the Jin Kingdom, he has been able to hold on until now."

A group of men in black appeared halfway up the mountain, and the leader was Sima Yi's confidant in Luoyang.

It's you?

Seeing the man in black, Wang Shuang's eyes were tearing.

He had met this person once before, and he also knew that he was someone close to King Jin.

"What is King Jin going to do? Why did you attack my brother?"

Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and asked.

No reason?
The man said lightly: "The King of Jin is our master, so we naturally have to share our worries for the King of Jin. You have rebellious thoughts in your heart, and you should be executed for your crime. But I want to fulfill your wish for the sake of your service for the Jin Kingdom for many years." Loyalty."

He suddenly took out a strange magic weapon, and chanted while shaking it.

Wang Shuang suddenly felt dizzy, his body trembled involuntarily, and his hands and feet began to lose control.

This... is puppetry?

He had seen the puppets of the people near Luoyang, and he felt despair again.

Not bad!

The man in black smiled and said, "It's the puppet technique. If you are lucky, you may be able to become the first general puppet of Jin."

Golems are also graded.

Ordinary people refine low-level puppets, warriors and young adults refine middle-level puppets, and the dead soldiers around Sima Yi become high-level puppets.

Needless to say, low-level puppets are all based on instinct and can only be used as cannon fodder. Their lifespan is extremely short, and they can survive for three to two months at most without food.

The mid-level puppets retain some of their abilities during their lifetime and have good fighting skills. They are the basic strength of the puppet army.Longer lifespan.

High-level puppets not only retain most of the energy they had during their lifetime, but also retain part of their humanity. They can eat to supplement the energy of their bodies and have a certain lifespan.

But in view of Wang Shuang's physique, the man in black intends to refine him into a higher puppet.

So they are ready.

Before leaving, Wang Shuang and others drank Zhuangxing wine, which contained puppet charm water.

Wang Shuang's wine bowl increased even more.

ah ah ah...

Wang Shuang suddenly roared a few times, covered his head with his hands, and his body began to swell under the urging of Fu Shui.

Puchi, puchi!
The skin cracked due to tension, blood flowed out instantly, new muscles grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to secrete a milky white mucus.

Wang Shuang's armor cracked, and the huge pain made him very painful. He kept grinding on the ground, and the blood, stones, broken armor and pieces were mixed together, sticking to his newly grown body.

It took a while before Wang Shuang stopped howling.

When he stood up again, he was more than ten feet tall, and his weight was more than three times that of before.

The skin outside the body is mixed with a lot of broken stones and nails, forming a natural protective layer.

A pair of eyes glowed a bewitching red, making one chill.

"General puppet, general puppet finally appeared!"

Seeing his masterpiece, the man in black was so excited that he almost cried.

Since getting the puppet, he has studied it carefully for a long time, and successively developed low-level, middle-level and high-level puppets.

But he is still a little dissatisfied, because according to the effect of the puppet technique, it is possible to refine more advanced puppets.

It's a pity that he hasn't made any progress on this matter.

Because the test subjects are hard to find.

If you want to refine more advanced puppets, you must find candidates with strong physical fitness and willpower.

Looking at the entire state of Jin, it is hard to find a strong general, and Wang Shuang is a more suitable one.

However, the battle in Luoyang was tense, and the men in black did not dare to attack Wang Shuang.But Wang Shuang's conversation with Zhong Yao gave him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The man in black couldn't wait to start refining Wang Shuang.

After more than an hour, the first general puppet was finally made.

This is the ultimate version of puppetry.

The man in black slowly came in front of Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang subconsciously took a step back and looked at him vigilantly.

As a high-level puppet, he still retains some of his humanity.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, and I won't hurt you."

The voice of the man in black suddenly became extremely gentle.


Wang Shuang looked at the man in black in confusion.

The man in black suddenly unbuttoned his cloak, revealing a startled face.

She was a woman, a very pretty woman.

Seeing this woman, the dazzling red in Wang Shuang's eyes dimmed a lot.

"Your name is Wang Shuang. You are a general of Jin State and the most loyal subordinate of King Jin. Now the enemy is attacking the land of Jin State and killing the people of Jin State. King Jin needs you."

The woman's voice was full of temptation.

I'm Wang Shuang... I'm a general of Jin, and I'm going to Pingjin to kill the enemy.

Wang Shuang said intermittently, although he retained part of his will, he also became a little confused.

The woman in black is familiar with the road, knowing that the puppet's will is the weakest at this time, and she speaks eloquently: "General Wang, King Jin is waiting for you, the people of Jin are waiting for you, the future of Jin depends on you. Only Only you can defeat the enemy, take back Mengjin, and save Jin."

These words inspired Wang Shuang's fighting spirit.

He picked up the big knife, stepped on the horse, and roared.

Although he has become a puppet, his instinct of commanding soldiers has not been forgotten.

With Wang Shuang's roar, those soldiers and puppets who were in a daze woke up instantly. They each picked up their weapons and followed Wang Shuang.


The woman in black suddenly sat down on the ground.

The general's puppet is very powerful. Just controlling his mind took a lot of her energy, but luckily she succeeded.

"Zhongda, Zhongda, how can you thank me?"

The woman in black said to herself, with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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