Chapter 1592 Attacking Mengjin
"Give me some energy, this is the first stronghold of our Jizhou army on the south bank. General Yu will give it to us, and we must not make any mistakes."

A mighty general shouted loudly that he was Zhou Cang.

Since defecting to Guo Jia, Zhou Cang has gradually become an independent general.

After Yu Jin captured Mengjin, he couldn't wait to send troops to attack Zhonghui's camp, but he still stayed behind Zhoucang to guard Mengjin.

Naturally, Zhou Cang did not dare to neglect, and personally led people to inspect the defense at the top of the city.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

Enemy attack!

The scout responsible for letting the wind out discovered the situation.

It was already close to dusk, the light was not very good, but it was still possible to see the situation not far away.

It seems that someone has gathered around!

Whoosh whoosh!
The scouts immediately shot arrows.

The situation is unknown, it is better to greet with a bow and arrow.

But what shocked them was that these long arrows hit the enemy, and the enemy didn't even grunt, and continued to move forward.

Now that they were getting closer, the scouts found that these enemies were full of feathered arrows, and some of them even got stuck in their eye sockets.

They didn't feel any pain at all, and walked forward step by step.

ghost... ghost...

The scouts were terrified.

This is beyond their knowledge.

Soon, the scouts were surrounded and screamed after another.


"What's going on, what's going on?"

Zhou Cang asked puzzledly.

A soldier ran over rolling and crawling.

"General, it's not good, ghost... ghost..."

Hearing this, Zhou Cang was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help being furious.

"Nonsense, where did the ghost come from? Beware of the enemy pretending to be a ghost?"

He was born in the Yellow Turban Taoism, and he knew very well the tricks of pretending to be gods and tricks, so he immediately became vigilant.

It's really a ghost... It's really a ghost...

The soldier said with a pale face: "The brothers of the scouts are all dead, they were eaten alive by these ghosts."

Eat it raw?
Zhou Cang was also taken aback.

How can this be?

He hurriedly led his troops to the city wall and watched carefully.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the surroundings were densely packed with shaking figures.

"Fire flares!"

Zhou Cang shouted.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several riprap vehicles fired flares in all directions in an instant.

Flares have become the standard equipment of the Yunzhou Army, which can assist them in night combat. The four flares instantly illuminate the surrounding situation.

After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Zhou Cang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Human figures, all around are densely packed with human figures.

Their walking posture is also very strange, and some feel very stiff.

The soldiers in the first row were full of arrows, which must have been caused by scouts.Some of the arrows have been inserted into their heads and eye sockets, but they still haven't fallen down, which is very strange.

Ghost... ghost!

Seeing this scene, some soldiers began to have calf cramps. They are also elites who are not afraid of death in battle.

But this weird scene has exceeded their cognition.

Do not be afraid!
Zhou Cang roared angrily, and said, "This is the enemy playing tricks. Archers, shoot over. I don't believe they can hold on."

Zhou Cang's words gave everyone a lot of confidence, and the crossbowmen bent their bows and set up arrows one after another, and shot at the target.

Whoosh whoosh!
Arrows fell like rain!

Immediately shrouded those weird troops in it.

After a round of arrow rain!
Everyone's heart is completely cold!
Apart from the fact that there are more feathered arrows on the enemy, there is no difference.

They are like big hedgehogs, still walking forward.

Is this the Yellow Turban Death Warrior?

Seeing this, Zhou Cang's heart skipped a beat.

As a senior member of the Yellow Turban Dao, he knows about the Yellow Turban dead warriors.

Although he didn't know the origin of these things, Zhou Cang keenly felt that they had something to do with the Yellow Turban Slayers.

Spearmen, spearmen!
Zhou Cang roared again and said, "Kill them."

If these people were really yellow turban dead men, Meng Jin might be facing a great disaster.Because these people are not afraid of pain and have great strength.Ordinary people are no opponents at all.

Whoosh whoosh!
A team of spear-throwers stepped forward, firing their short spears in turn.

Short spears are different from arrows in that they are extremely lethal, piercing the heads and spines of countless people in an instant.

Some puppets staggered and fell to the ground, while some puppets pulled out their short spears, threw them on the ground, and moved on.

Works, works!
Seeing that the short spear could kill these monsters, Zhou Cang was refreshed.

"Put away all the bows and arrows, and use short spears. Their weakness lies in their heads. Don't let them approach the city."

Under Zhou Cang's command, everyone used short spears and spears, which are good for throwing weapons, to deal with those monsters.

It's a pity that those monsters wear helmets and armor, and it's not easy to get a headshot.

Facing the opponent's rain of arrows, the puppet army pushed back under the city wall again.

Rolling Stones!

Zhou Cang roared again.

It's better to be close to the city, because then their most lethal rolling stone can also come in handy.

For a moment, rolling stones and beating trees criss-crossed, instantly turning those who were beaten by the puppet vanguard on their backs.

very good!

Seeing this, Zhou Cang breathed a sigh of relief.

These puppets are not equipped with siege equipment such as ladders, they are a team of living targets, and it is not a concern to destroy as many as they come.

"Order the rear to speed up the transportation of rolling stones and wood, and the bows and arrows can come in handy. Shoot them in the head and neck at close range."

Zhou Cang continued to command.

At this moment, an earth-shattering roar suddenly came out from outside the city.

A tall figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing this figure, Zhou Cang also felt his scalp go numb.

Is this really human?

He is more than ten feet tall and has the body of a bull, riding a tall horse.

The person who came was General Wang Shuang.

At this moment, he has completely become a puppet.

The soldiers on the top of the wall stopped again, they all stared blankly at the monster, their eyes flashed with fear.

not good!

Zhou Cang suddenly grabbed an iron gun and threw it at Wang Shuang with all his strength.

Don't be intimidated by this monster, otherwise there is no need to fight this battle.

The spear shot towards Wang Shuang like a shooting star.

Zhou Cang is also a general who is good at strength, and he can stab Wang Shuang at this distance.

Wang Shuang suddenly raised his saber and split the spear in two.

The movement is very fast and the strength is also very strong.


Seeing this, Zhou Cang's heart sank completely.

Although the Yellow Turban Warrior is formidable, he is by no means half as capable as the monster in front of him.

It may be difficult to keep Mengjin.

Where did Jin have so many monsters?


Wang Shuang's emotions were completely wiped out, and she has been reduced to a killing machine.

He swung his long knife, and the puppets behind him rushed forward quickly.

The siege battle officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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