Chapter 1594 Kicks off
Zhou Cang died, Meng Jin was also lost, and the remaining soldiers of the Jizhou Army retreated to the Central Route Army barracks in Luoyang under the leadership of the deputy general.

Wang Shuang didn't die, but was burnt beyond recognition. After taking down Mengjin, he didn't stop, and continued eastward with the puppet army.

There is only one thought in his mind, and that is to destroy the enemy.


Zhou Cang died in battle?
Hearing this news, Guo Jia stood up in surprise.

Although Zhou Cang is a general of the Yellow Turban Army, he has been loyal to himself for so many years, and guards the tranquility of Jizhou together with Yu Jin.

General puppet!
Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Is this a new breed of golem?

He is more than ten feet tall, looks like a bull, has infinite strength, is invulnerable to swords and guns, and has the ability to command puppets.

Judging from the descriptions of these survivors, this seems to have surpassed the level of the Yellow Turban dead soldiers.

Could it be that Sima Yi has developed a new technology?
If this is the case, the next battle may be a bit difficult to fight.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't sit still.

"Send someone to take back Zhou Cang's bones and bury them properly. He has worked hard for Yunzhou for most of his life, and he cannot be allowed to expose his body to the wilderness after his death."

Several scouts responded.

Collecting corpses has always been a tradition in Yunzhou.

Even if it is too late during the war, there will be a corpse collection team to collect the corpse after the battle.

Guo Jia said long ago that a brother who died in battle cannot be left home.

"Tell Yang Fan immediately that Meng Jin has fallen, and a group of puppets have already touched them. These puppets are much stronger than the ones they met before, especially the general puppet. Tell him to be careful."

Guo Jia ordered again.

This pair of puppets was very strange, and seemed to have surpassed the level of the Yellow Turban dead soldiers. Guo Jia couldn't think of a way to deal with them for a while, so he had to let Yang Fan figure out a way by himself. After all, they were cavalrymen with relatively high flexibility.


here you go!
A smile appeared on Sima Yi's face when he heard that Wang Shuang and his party defeated Meng Jin and killed the fierce general Zhou Cang with some effort.

As soon as Mengjin was broken, the stronghold of the Jizhou Army on the south bank was gone, and Yu Jin and his party became a lone army, and Zhong Hui was rescued.

It seems that the yellow turban dead soldiers are not the end of puppetry, there are more advanced general puppets.

The puppets refined by fierce generals not only have all the advantages of puppets, but also have the ability to control ordinary puppets.

With the general puppet, Sima Yi will be more confident in dealing with Guo Jia's army.

"Zhongda, how can you thank me?"

A woman in black appeared in front of Sima Yi, looking at him charmingly.

"Reward your ass!"

Sima Yi patted her buttocks with a smile.

This woman is Zhang Chunhua, his confidant.

The puppetry can be successful, and this woman has done a lot.

However, in order to enter the gunpowder workshop in Yunzhou back then, Sima Yi had long since lost the function of a man, so he could not have substantial intimacy with the women around him.

So he prefers to abuse these women.

Perhaps in this way, he can regain a little man's dignity.

Ordinary women naturally couldn't stand Sima Yi's abuse. Many women were tortured to death by him over the years, but Zhang Chunhua was the only one who was different.

Not only did she not reject Sima Yi's abuse, but she also catered to him very much, which made Sima Yi very excited.

Zhang Chunhua naturally became Sima Yi's favorite woman.


Zhang Chunhua gave him a blank look.

"As long as we refine a hundred general puppets, they can completely command an army of puppets. When the time comes to sweep the Central Plains, Guo Jia and Sun Quan will not be our opponents at all."

Her eyes sparkled with excitement.


Sima Yi frowned.

With his current strength, he was no match for Guo Jia, so he used puppets to supplement his combat power. He didn't want to turn the entire army into puppets.

The loyalty of these puppets cannot be guaranteed. If something goes wrong and revolts, wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with?
Besides, he doesn't want all his subordinates to become puppets.


Sima Yi shook his head: "Puppets are just a last resort. Once we gain the upper hand, we can't continue refining. Otherwise, we will definitely panic."

Although the general puppet is powerful, it is also risky. Wang Shuang is an example.

So far, he's just doing things on instinct, not under anyone's control.

Before thoroughly studying this issue, Sima Yi didn't want to take any more risks.

Zhang Chunhua was a little disappointed.

"This is a chance to turn defeat into victory, as long as fifty, fifty general puppets are enough."

She backed down again.


Sima Yi still shook his head, this is not a matter of giving in.

So far, he hasn't reached the point where he can put all his eggs in one basket, so he can't afford to take risks.

"Don't worry about this matter. This king has his own plans. Some things don't necessarily require the use of general puppets. It's time for the king's dead soldiers to dispatch."

He said negatively.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunhua couldn't help being a little surprised.

After obtaining the puppet secret technique, Sima Yi immediately used it on his confidant dead soldier.

These people are dead soldiers of the Sima family, with high martial arts skills and extremely high loyalty.

Sima Yi refined them into a new generation of yellow scarf warriors.

These dead soldiers can be controlled. They usually use medicinal wine to stimulate their fighting power, and they can act like normal people in their spare time, but their lifespan is shorter.

This level of death is also a relatively mature application of Vajra Puppet Art.

With these five thousand dead men, Sima Yi has the confidence to compete with Guo Jia.Without these, he would have been defeated long ago.

Therefore, Sima Yi has been holding back until today, and did not reveal his bargaining chip, which caught Guo Jia by surprise.

[-] dead soldiers with heavy armor, strong martial arts, and martial arts skills can completely change the outcome of the entire battle.

If Guo Jia relies on technology, then Sima Yi relies on manpower. Of course, this kind of puppetry cannot be called manpower, it can only be called witchcraft or Taoism.

It can be said that these five thousand dead men are Sima Yi's trump card.

"Have you dispatched the dead soldiers?"

Zhang Chunhua asked excitedly.

Not bad!

Sima Yi nodded slowly.

"where are they?"

Zhang Chunhua asked hurriedly.

These dead soldiers are extremely powerful and wear heavy armor, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong. Once they are put into the battlefield, they can completely change the situation of the battle.

"Let them go where they need to go!"

Sima Yi smiled slightly, his face a bit ferocious.

Facts have proved that it is feasible for puppets to deal with Guo Jia's army, so he no longer intends to keep his hands, and make a quick decision.

It's time to use the dead.

Guo Jia!

Sima Yi's eyes flashed a strange light.

He admits that this person is a ghost, but he, Sima Yi, is not a vegetarian, and the struggle between the two has only officially begun now.

(End of this chapter)

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