Chapter 1595
"General, Yangcheng is ahead!"

A scout reports!

Seeing the looming city, Yang Fan nodded slowly.


He waved his hand!
After taking Mengjin, the Yunzhou army was also in full swing, taking down several strongholds of Zhonghui along the way.

In order to avoid fighting on two fronts, Zhong Hui gathered his troops in Yangcheng, trying to block Yu Jin's army to the west.

But in Yang Fan's view, it doesn't make any sense at all.

He didn't believe that Yangcheng could stop their army at all?

One of his subordinates said in a low voice: "Our cavalry are good at raids, but not good at siege. According to my subordinates, it is better to make plans after the general's infantry catches up."

Cavalry were not good at siege, they were better at raiding and cutting off the enemy's supply lines.

Ha ha!

Yang Fan just smiled and said, "This is usually the case, but..."

He paused, and continued: "We are not ordinary cavalry!"

This cavalry is a mobile and flexible cavalry team built by Guo Jia imitating the Huns' bow cavalry. There is no supply line and no logistics, so it can fight in a large area for a long time.

Why bother to siege a city?
As long as Yangcheng is cut off from the supply line at the rear, it becomes an isolated city.

There is no need to fight at all, just leaning here can consume them to death.

"Notify General Yu Jin that our cavalry will go ahead and let them follow."

Yang Fan issued the order again.

This time, he pointed his sword directly at the enemy's rear.

Although it is risky to do so, fighting itself is risky.


"General, there is news from the cavalry in front that they have bypassed Yangcheng and penetrated into the enemy's belly. Let us seize the time to attack the city."

The news quickly reached Yu Jin.

This Yang Fan!

Yu Jin couldn't help shaking his head.

Still too young!

It is a big taboo for military strategists to go around the city. If someone cuts off his retreat, wouldn't these five thousand cavalry become someone's dinner?
But he was not worried, because he knew that Yang Fan's cavalry was a little different from ordinary cavalry, and seemed to be built according to the customs of the Huns.

They have no logistics, and naturally they are not afraid of being cut off from the back.

But don't be careless!
The battlefield is changing rapidly, and anything can happen.

"The whole army advances and strives to reach Yangcheng before sunset!"

Yu Jin gave the death order.

There is a saying in the art of war, to win with unity and to cooperate with each other.

Yang Fan is a strange soldier, and he is a regular soldier in Jin.

Only when odd and positive are in harmony can we be invincible in a hundred battles.

Now that Yang Fan's surprise army has moved, Yu Jin's main army has to reach the designated position, and the two sides can cooperate with each other to kill the Quartet.

Just then, a scout hurried over.

"The general is not good, it is not good! Meng Jin has fallen, and General Zhou Cang has died for his country."

Hearing the news, Yu Jin almost fell off his horse.

He was in shock for a while.

When the army was divided into five thousand, Yu Jin took a lot of precautions.

He has considered every possibility?
How could Meng Jin fall?
How could Zhou Cang be killed?
This is unlikely!

Could it be that Luoyang's defenders came out in full force?

Yu Jin quickly dispelled this doubt.

The entire Luoyang has only 5 troops. Guo Jia's Central Route Army has 1 troops, which is still the most elite imperial army.

Even if Luoyang dispatched 1 people to attack Mengjin, with Zhou Cang's ability, he could defend for ten or eight days.

As long as Zhou Cang can guard Mengjin, the lord in Luoyang will definitely not sit idly by.

So Yu Jin handed over 5000 troops and Meng Jin to Zhou Cang with confidence, and led another [-] soldiers and horses to attack Zhonghui alone.

Could it be that Zhou Cang was careless and didn't even defend for a day, or was he captured by the thief first and killed the king?

Yu Jin shook his head again.

Although Zhou Cang was not as calm as him, he was still a veteran, and it was impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake.

There must be something strange about this.

Just when Jin was in a state of confusion, Guo Jia's messenger arrived.


Hearing this news, Yu Jin also widened his eyes.

Although he had heard about Guo Jia breaking the puppets on the battlefield in Luoyang before, Yu Jin subconsciously believed that those puppets were just people who had been deceived, so there was nothing to worry about.

But after hearing what the messenger said, he realized that the problem was tricky.

Infinite strength, fearless of life and death, invulnerable!
Where is this puppet?
This is obviously the devil, okay?

How did Sima Yi manage to bring out such a big devil.

Especially the general puppet.

Zhou Cang can be regarded as the top second-rate military general in Yunzhou, not much worse than Yu Jin, and he is not the enemy of others.

The more Yu Jin thought about it, the more frightened he became.

"The lord said, don't attack Zhonghui for now, try to deal with these puppets first. Even if you can't deal with them, you must hold them back."

After saying this, the messenger left immediately, leaving Yu Jin dumbfounded.

hold on?

What are they holding on to?
Why did the lord throw the hot potato to them?

Three thousand puppets, and a perverted general puppet, Yu Jin suddenly felt like crying.

But complaints are complaints, and Yu Jin quickly cheered up again.

Now that Guo Jia has already entrusted the matter to him, he can only try his best, whether he succeeds or not can only depend on God's will.

It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid of these puppets who are neither human nor ghost.

"Someone set up a trap and wait for these puppets. This time we are going to fight a positional battle with these monsters."

Yu Ban issued orders, and the army quickly began to operate.

As the number one general in Yunzhou, Yu Jin still has some tricks.

He learned from the analysis of the situation on the front line that although these puppets are extremely powerful and fearless of life and death, they don't seem to be very smart.

In this case, he can dig more traps.

Once falling into the trap, it is impossible for these things to crawl out.

To deal with these undead monsters, traps are the best way.

The army mobilized and dug traps around them, which was familiar to them.

"Come here, tell General Yang that the situation has changed and we can no longer support him. Let him act carefully."

Yu Jin said in a deep voice.

He originally wanted to transfer Yang Fan's five thousand cavalry back, but then he dismissed the idea.

Yang Fan's cavalry is bow cavalry, and arrows are ineffective against these undead monsters, and they will not be of any help when they come back.

Instead of sitting around, it's better to let them go to the enemy's rear to do some damage, at least to make Yangcheng's defenders dare not move.

Otherwise, Yu Jin will fall into a dangerous environment where he will be attacked from both sides.

As for the general puppet?
Yu Jin shook his head. At present, he has nothing to do, he can only take one step at a time.

Perhaps only artillery can defeat this monster.

The Jizhou Army, which is feasible, does not have artillery in its hands.

(End of this chapter)

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