Chapter 1596 Sniping the Puppet

Just after the forbidden army packed up, Wang Shuang chased after him with the puppet army.


Without saying a word, the puppet army rushed up immediately.

At this moment, Wang Shuang has experienced a big fire, and his appearance is even more ferocious, but he still retains the rationality of commanding troops. He saw that the opponent had adopted a defensive formation in a circle, and immediately gathered his troops and forced a breakthrough in one direction.

Just come!

Yu Jin lifted his spirits.

At the beginning, he was still a little tangled, but when the fight really started, he quickly calmed down.

Is this the puppet general?

Sure enough, it was a little scary.

However, it seemed that the puppet general was a little brain-dead, and actually made a frontal breakthrough. You must know that a frontal breakthrough is the most costly option.

Trebuchet ready!
Crossbowmen ready!
Yu Jin immediately issued orders!

He has already set many traps in front of the former army.

Sure enough, the vanguard of the puppet army immediately fell into the trap.

Yu Jin immediately ordered the catapult to launch.

One by one incendiary bombs were fired.

Soon, a raging fire ignited in the trap in front of the formation!
At this time, we can see the flaws of the puppet. It is a good thing to be unafraid of life and death, but at this time it has become a disaster.

After the puppets in front were engulfed by the fire, the puppets in the rear rushed in one after another, without any fear.

But the traps Yu Jin dug in front of the formation were deep enough and many, even if they were all buried, it would not be filled.

Thick branches were buried in the trap, sharpened and inserted obliquely inside. Once it fell, the body would be pierced. Not only that, it was also full of fire starters, which would burn violently as soon as it encountered a flame.

The general is mighty!

Seeing the invincible army of puppets dying in the flames, everyone also cheered in unison.

Nothing but!
Yu Jin also let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that I have overestimated the strength of these things. They are really puppets, and their IQ is completely questionable.

Knowing that the front is a trap and rushing forward one after another, a normal person would never do such a thing.

Don't let up!

Yu Jin reminded his subordinates loudly that they must not be taken lightly.

Sure enough, there was a roar before the battle.

A huge figure suddenly rushed over, waving a huge thing in his hand, and wiped out the flames in front of him.

This is... General Puppet Wang Shuang?
Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

I saw a tall figure holding a big tree as thick as a bowl in his hand, sweeping left and right to put out the fire.

The canopy of this tree is big enough, and it extinguished a large area of ​​fire in one circle, and this person cleared a field by beating and beating.

Under his cover, the puppet army rushed over.

Set fire, set fire, hold them back!
Yu Jin's expression also changed.

He never expected that the puppet would break his trap in this way.

Whoosh whoosh!
The catapult continued to throw incendiary bombs.

Seeing the attack, Wang Shuang just turned the canopy easily. The canopy was so dense that it blocked [-]% of the attacks at once.

Wang Shuang held the crown of the tree circle by circle to extinguish the fire, and soon cleared the open space in front of the formation.

Bowmen, shoot!
Seeing that the catapult was useless, Yu Jin immediately dispatched crossbowmen!

Whoosh whoosh!
Ordinary crossbows are useless against puppets, so these crossbowmen are equipped with hard crossbows, which can shoot through the enemy's head within a hundred steps.

Yu Jin roared again.

Whoosh whoosh!
A crossbowman fires a crossbow.

They are crossbowmen carefully trained by Yu Jin, they are very accurate, and they are handy at such a short distance.

Puff puff puff!

One after another the puppets fell down.

They were either shot through the head or had their spine broken.

Back then, Yu Jin also fought against the Yellow Turban dead men, and knew that these people's weaknesses were in the head and neck, so he told his subordinates to take care of these two positions early in the morning.

The puppet army was hit hard again.

hoo hoo hoo!
Seeing his subordinates being severely injured one after another, Wang Shuang finally ran away.

Suddenly, he threw the tree trunk in his hand.

The big tree flew over like a javelin.

Be careful!

Yu Jin couldn't help being horrified when he saw the tree coming straight towards his army.

He hurriedly reminded everyone to avoid.

But it is already late.

The big tree came roaring, and the fire on the top of the tree immediately enveloped the Chinese army.

Many people were smashed inside by the big tree, and their bodies caught fire immediately.

Yu Jin was also in a hurry.

Fortunately, the canopy of the big tree was almost burned, and it could not cause much damage to them.

Be careful!

Yu Jin reminded the front again.

After throwing the tree trunk, Wang Shuang ran over suddenly, despite his size, he ran faster than a galloping horse.

A deep trench was dug in front of the formation, which was Yu Jin's second line of defense.

In case the trap can't stop the golem, this is used to help them retreat and delay time.

There are still many pickets and fire starters buried in the trench.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shuang didn't even look at the trench, jumped over it, and continued to kill the forward army.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

It's at least three feet wide, and you can jump over it with just a single jump. Fuck, you Bolt is possessed.

Stop him!
Yu Jin's former army immediately started to form a carbine formation.

It is said that the carbine formation was originally used to deal with cavalry, but no one dared to underestimate the monster in front of them.

Don't be rash!

Yu Jin felt that it was going to be bad when he saw it.

This monster can uproot numbers, how can these few horse formations be his opponents?


After Wang Shuang rushed in, he picked up a horse with both hands, swept left and right, and immediately wiped out the soldiers and horse guns around him.

There is no general at all.

"The front army disturbs the enemy, and the rest retreat, retreat!"

Seeing this, Yu Jin also knew that he was invincible, so he immediately ordered to retreat.

Fortunately, his subordinates were all well-trained, they covered each other and evacuated, leaving only a thousand former troops to fight with Wang Shuangyou.

Calling it You Dou is completely a one-sided massacre.

Wang Shuang was armed with two carbine guns, like a pair of long arms, sweeping continuously, and the soldiers they encountered would have their bones broken.

After a while, dozens of soldiers died in his hands.

Wang Shuang has successfully entangled the former army here, and the puppet army over there has also successfully escaped the entanglement of the trap.But their number also dropped by half quickly, to just over 1000 after World War I.

More than 1000 puppets are also a force not to be underestimated.

However, there is still a line of defense in front of the formation, and it will take some time for them to come over with their strength.

"Take out the Thousand Stone Crossbow!"

Yu Jin went into battle in person.

He knew that Wang Shuang in front of him was the soul of the puppet army, and if he wanted to completely annihilate these puppets, he had to kill this leader.

A thousand-stone crossbow was placed in front of Jin.

Rope gun!
Yu Jin put a large barbed gun on Nu.

With a sound of hey, more than a dozen soldiers pulled the bow and crossbow together.

This crossbow is called a thousand stones, so naturally it cannot be opened by one person.

After winding, Yu Jin took control of the direction himself and aimed at Wang Shuang who was raging in the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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