Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1597 The Out-of-Control Puppet

Chapter 1597 The Out-of-Control Puppet

This giant crossbow roared and shot out.

Yu Jin also fell to the ground, this time he also exhausted his mind.


The giant crossbow shot Wang Shuang instantly, even if the latter was invulnerable, he couldn't stop this powerful thousand-stone crossbow.

However, he was still amazing, he just staggered back a few steps and did not fall down.

But enough is enough!

Hit, hit!

The crowd behind Yu Jin cheered in unison.

Pull the rope!
Yu Jin let out a loud roar, and the two teams of soldiers pulled on the rope with all their might.

There was a rope attached to the back of this giant crossbow.

hey yo!

Dozens of soldiers pulled Wang Shuang to the ground immediately.

Get on the horse!

Seeing that Wang Shuang was being pulled, Yu Jin cheered up and ordered the soldiers to drag Wang Shuang away with the help of horsepower.

This monster is too powerful, and he caused great losses to the army in a short while on the ground.

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and more than a dozen horses dragged Wang Shuang away by the side.

Yu Jin's plan was very good, kill Wang Shuang first, at least isolate him from the puppet army, and concentrate firepower to destroy these puppets first.

After all, these puppet soldiers do not have the terrifying fighting power of Wang Shuang

hoo hoo hoo!
Having been pierced through by a giant arrow and dragged forward by more than a dozen war horses, Wang Shuang was powerless for a while.

Although he was extremely powerful, he couldn't break free from being dragged by more than a dozen horses for a while.

"The whole army presses forward, form a formation of hedgehogs, and destroy these puppets!"

Seeing that the opportunity must not be missed, Yu Jin issued another military order.

As long as the puppet general Wang Shuang is restrained, the remaining puppets will be easy to handle.

After all, he was also a participant in the Battle of Nangong County back then, and he knew how to deal with the Yellow Turban dead soldiers.


Everyone's morale was also greatly boosted, and they began to slaughter the puppet army in front of them.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to defeat a thousand troops.

In ancient times, generals were known as the enemy of ten thousand people, but that was just a title, and it could not really be used by ten thousand people.

Although the puppets drank the talisman water and part of their bodies mutated, they lacked wisdom and couldn't stop normal people from fighting together.

Yu Jin's subordinates rushed into the puppet army in groups of three or five, one was responsible for attracting the puppet's attention, one was responsible for attacking the puppet's lower body, and the other was responsible for the fatal blow.

With the cooperation of a small group of people, a puppet can be killed in no time.

The puppet army without Wang Shuang's command was quickly suppressed.

Go on the offensive!

Seeing that his side had gained the upper hand again, Yu Jin was relieved.

This time, he wants to completely wipe out this puppet army.

hoo hoo hoo!
The puppets let out screams one after another. Although they had lost the sense of pain, they still retained a certain instinct.


Whoosh whoosh!
A few more crossbows shot at Wang Shuang and immediately nailed him to his body.

Several soldiers galloped over and wrapped Wang Shuang's limbs and head with thick nooses, and a dozen horses ran in all directions.

Five horses torn apart!

This is the famous punishment of the big man being split by a car.

Ordinary knives and guns are ineffective against this monster, and they can only use this method to kill this Wang Shuang.

A dozen war horses galloped for a while, and suddenly pulled Wang Shuang up.

drive drive drive!
The knight on horseback whipped the horse desperately, and the mount under his crotch was also very hard. The rope was pulled straight, but Wang Shuang still couldn't do anything.


The general in charge sent a few horses again to join the Che Crack team.

After being dragged for a few miles by the war horses, Wang Shuang had been a little dizzy, but now he was dismembered by five horses, and suddenly woke up.

More than a dozen horses were driven by different wind directions, which was a terrifying force. Others were torn apart, but Wang Shuang was able to hold on.

He exerted all his strength with both hands and feet, and immediately grabbed more than a dozen horses.

not good!

The general in charge was dumbfounded again.

A dozen horses!
This monster was able to hold back more than a dozen galloping horses.

How much strength is needed for this!
The general charged forward with a spear in his hand.

This monster can't be allowed to pull the rope anymore, maybe he can turn over a dozen horses to the ground.

The spear in the general's hand drew an arc and shot at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang had regained some sanity at this moment, suddenly swayed his body, and immediately dodged the spear.

Although he has an invulnerable body, he can no longer be injured at this moment.

Keep throwing spears!

The general grabbed a spear again and threw it, and the soldiers behind him also threw their spears.

Whoosh whoosh!
A shower of spears rained down.

Wang Shuang suddenly let out a loud roar, exerting force with all four limbs at the same time, immediately pulled more than a dozen war horses back again and again.

His body shrank into a ball, and the ropes on his hands and feet were instantly cut by the sharp spear.

Plop plop!
More than a dozen war horses fell to the ground and could not move, only the horses that had entangled Wang Shuang's head were still galloping forward.

What the hell!

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

Looks like something is wrong!
"Drag him away, drag him away, don't let him break free."

The general in charge shouted loudly.

He has seen how powerful this monster is, once he breaks free from the rope, it will be the end of everyone.

But it was too late when he said this, Wang Shuang's hands had already grasped the rope around his neck, and he used his hands again.

With a click, the rope snapped from it.

The war horse fell to the ground again, howling endlessly.

Kill it, kill it!

The cavalry were again terrified.

They know what it means to be a free monster.

At this moment, they can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

If they can't kill this monster, they will definitely die here. Instead of being brutally killed by the monster, it's better to fight it to the death.

The sound of kicking and tapping sounded again.

A tall figure stood up slowly, he grabbed the large arrow in front of his chest and pulled it out forcefully, tearing off a piece of flesh in an instant.

It hurts!
Wang Shuang said something to himself.

Since he became a puppet, it was the first time he had suffered such a heavy injury.

Return you!

Seeing the general galloping towards him, Wang Shuang waved his right hand vigorously, the arrow was like an arrow leaving the bowstring, no slower than the thousand-stone crossbow.


The arrow pierced through the general's chest in an instant, and came out from the back. The momentum was weak, and then pierced another knight, and still came out from his back.

An arrow pierced through three people and inserted into the chest of the fourth person before stopping.

After being pierced by the arrow, the general still rushed forward a few steps by inertia, looked down at the big blood hole in his chest, and then yelled and fell on the horse.

Wang Shuangfei went over and smashed the man and horse into pieces.

He reached out his hand to wipe the blood on his face, stuck out his tongue and dabbed it a few times, and his face showed a ferocious look again.

It's... me!
He jumped up quickly, and started a slaughter among these cavalrymen.

(End of this chapter)

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