Chapter 1598
Under Yu Jin's command, the puppet army was rapidly downsizing.

There are only hundreds of people struggling to support a meal.

A puppet is a puppet after all, lacking the wisdom of ordinary people, and was gradually divided and wiped out by Yu Jin's army.

Without the command of the general puppet Wang Shuang, they can only fight by instinct.

They are powerful and not afraid of death, and they also caused certain losses to Yu Jin's army.

Quick fight!

Seeing that the puppets had almost been wiped out, Yu Jin issued another military order.

He wants to do everything he can to completely destroy these things that are neither human nor ghost.

hoo hoo hoo!
A familiar roar came over.

not good!

Hearing this voice, Yu Jin's expression changed again.

He could hear the voice of the general puppet Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang's reappearance meant that all the troops Yu Jin had sent to restrain him had been wiped out.

"Hurry up and destroy these ordinary puppets."

Yu Jin roared.

The fighting power of that general puppet is really terrifying. With him on the battlefield, Yu Jin's men and horses will be in a hard fight.

Hearing that the general had returned, the remaining puppets also roared.

They began to gather together to hold out until the leader returned.

Wang Shuang's voice was getting closer and closer, and soon appeared on the battlefield, and wherever he went, people were turned on their backs.

"Heavy infantry, rush over and destroy them!"

Up to now, Yu Jin didn't hold back any more, and a thousand heavily armed soldiers around him also joined the battlefield one after another.

These thousand heavy infantry are the bottom of Yu Jin's box.

It was an elite infantry soldier he built with all his strength to imitate the original camp.

Although the equipment is somewhat different from Gao Shun's trap camp, but the combat power and willpower are not bad.

Yu Jin also began to work hard.

First destroy these puppets, and then concentrate firepower to destroy Wang Shuang, otherwise they will fall into the predicament of being attacked by the enemy again.


A thousand heavy infantry rushed into the battlefield. They were wearing heavy armor and were highly skilled in martial arts. They were also capable of fighting against puppets.

The puppet army has gone crazy, and they also know that the leader is coming back, so they desperately resist.

However, the fighting power of the heavy armored infantry was extremely strong, and the puppets couldn't support it at all. Yu Jin did not hesitate to pay any price, and the number of puppets decreased again.

hoo hoo hoo!
Wang Shuang killed and came in. On the one hand, Yu Jin commanded the pikemen to fight with him, and on the other hand, ordered the heavy armored infantry to eliminate the puppet soldiers as soon as possible at all costs.

The battle was very fierce, and the pikemen were no match for Wang Shuang at all. Their weapons had no effect on Wang Shuang. If it wasn't for the help of the crossbowman next to him, Wang Shuang would probably be crushed by a single encounter.

The heavy infantry also tried their best. If they didn't kill a puppet, they would take the life of an infantry.

These are all elites carefully cultivated by Yu Jin in Jizhou, and they lost hundreds of dollars in a short period of time, and they continue to show an upward trend.

Yu Jin's heart was bleeding, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He knew very well in his heart that in order to completely eliminate these puppets, this level of sacrifice was necessary.

"Change formation, change formation, concentrate forces for the final sprint!"

Yu Jin commanded again.

In the end, the heavy infantry finally wiped out the puppet army after paying nearly [-] casualties.

With the head of the last puppet soldier cut off, the middle battle ended.

"The front army has changed to the rear army, and the rear army has turned around. Encircle and suppress the puppet general!"

After eliminating all the puppet soldiers, Yu Jin heaved a sigh of relief and began to command the army to encircle and suppress the puppet general.

Although the puppet general Wang Shuang is abnormal, but there are so many people, Yu Jin is also confident to eliminate him.

hoo hoo hoo!
Seemingly aware that his subordinates had been wiped out, Wang Shuang went completely berserk. He rushed back and forth in Yujin's army, reaping the lives of many people again.

"Raise the crossbow, raise the crossbow!"

Yu Jin yelled.

He has successfully surrounded the puppet general in the middle with the formation.

Ordinary bows, crossbows, knives and guns did no harm to Wang Shuang, and Yu Jin could only use large crossbows again.

The lifting crossbow is second only to the thousand-stone crossbow. Two or three people cooperate to launch it, and it is very powerful. It is still very lethal in a short distance.

Several crossbows were transported to the front of the formation, and several soldiers launched them in coordination.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several giant long arrows roared out, piercing through Wang Shuang's body. The latter roared again and was shot to the ground.

keep shooting!
Seeing that lifting the crossbow was effective, Yu Jin ordered to launch again.

Whoosh whoosh!
The crossbow was fired one after another, and Wang Shuang's body was full of arrows, looking like a big hedgehog from a distance.


Wang Shuang let out another earth-shattering roar, grabbed a spearman beside him and threw it over with all his strength.


The spearman joined the crossbow carrying team, smashing one of the crossbows to pieces immediately, several soldiers and the spearman were killed immediately.

Whoosh whoosh!
Wang Shuang threw out the soldiers around him one after another, some of these soldiers flew towards the crossbowman, and some of them flew towards Yu Jin.

He also seemed to have changed his strategy, instead of continuing to slaughter, he threw them out instead.

This collision is a group, very lethal.

"Scatter, scatter, don't get caught by him."

Yu Jin also immediately changed his strategy, continued to shoot Wang Shuang with his crossbow, and ordered the vanguard to disperse and stop attacking Wang Shuang.

In this way, it worked quickly, Wang Shuang couldn't catch anyone, and couldn't destroy the distant target, and there were more than a dozen crossbows around him pressing on step by step.


Wang Shuang let out a final roar, and finally stopped moving.

At this time, his body was already full of arrow branches.

has it ended?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Jin also staggered back a few steps, his body crumbling.

This battle was the hardest battle he had fought since his debut, comparable to the battle of Nangong County back then.

The yellow turban dead soldiers are not afraid, this puppet general is beyond their cognition.

"Set fire to him!"

Yu Jin said weakly.

Even if he died, he didn't dare to be careless.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several catapults were dispatched and fired several incendiary bombs, and Wang Shuang's tall body burned violently.

After burning for a while, it collapsed.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then cheered, and many fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

They suddenly had the joy of surviving a catastrophe.

"General, we won, we killed this monster!"

Several generals came to the pale Yu Jin's side, crying and laughing.

The strength of the puppet has exceeded their cognition, and everyone has the confidence that they will die in this battle.

Fortunately, they won.

They defeated the monster.

Yu Jin also took a deep breath and said, "The battle is over, clean up the battlefield and count the losses."

Everyone rested for a while, and immediately began to deal with the aftermath in an orderly manner. These are also familiar.

After paying the lives of nearly [-] soldiers, Yu Jin finally wiped out the puppet team.

But in this battle, the Ministry of Prohibition also suffered heavy losses and was unable to advance eastward, so it could only retreat to Mengjin to recuperate.

(End of this chapter)

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