Chapter 1599
here you go!
Hearing that Yu Jin had killed the puppet army and also got rid of the puppet general, Guo Jia couldn't help but shoot the case.

Since the puppet was born, Guo Jia has been very worried about this thing, lest it become the Three Kingdoms version of Resident Evil.

Guo Jia, who seems to come from the future, still has a fresh memory of Resident Evil.

Yu Jin's big victory shattered the myth that the puppets were invincible, and it seemed that these monsters were not invincible.

Although it was a miserable victory, it still had an inspiring meaning.

"Pass down the order, write this battle as a case, and let the generals of each battalion study it carefully, so that we can have countermeasures against the puppet army in the future."

Guo Jia ordered immediately.

The clerks beside him responded and got busy.

Although Yu Jin sacrificed two thousand troops, their blood was not in vain and provided valuable experience for other brother troops.

"According to my subordinates, this puppet soldier is not a big threat. The most threatening one should be this general Wang Shuang. This fellow has surpassed the limit of human beings. Even the current tiger general is no match for him."

Xi Zhong on the side said solemnly.

The most recorded thing in this battlefield report is about Wang Shuang.

At least one-third of the two thousand losses were caused by him.

How terrifying!

The generals also had lingering fears.

Pang De and Guan Hai looked at each other, and nodded slowly.

Although both of them are world-renowned fierce generals, they are no match for this Wang Shuang.

Because this thing has gone beyond the scope of human beings.

Maybe the two of them can do a few tricks together, and one-on-one will definitely die.

Yu Jin dragged a group of ordinary soldiers to kill this monster. It was really powerful, and it also proved the sentence that ants kill elephants more often.

To deal with this kind of monster, you can't pay attention to fighting alone.


Zhao Dahui pouted at the side and said, "Is this thing powerful? I can't see it. It's because he doesn't have our artillery. As long as we have cannons, no matter how many he comes, one round of salvo will kill them all."

Ha ha!

The crowd laughed in unison.

This Zhao Dachui is nearly fifty years old, and he still can't get rid of his habit of pretending to be aggressive.

If this Wang Shuang really appeared here, he guaranteed that he would not dare to pretend to be so aggressive.

Guo Jia also smiled a little.

Yunzhou's current artillery is divided into diffuse artillery and direct artillery.

Direct-firing guns are bulky and have a long range, but they are not very useful for flexible and mobile targets.

The range of the scatter cannon is a bit short, it is better against ordinary puppets, but it is not powerful enough to deal with puppet generals.


Guo Jia's eyes lit up suddenly, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Since the artillery is too bulky to deal with this kind of puppet general, it is better to make some large-caliber muskets. Although the muskets are a bit troublesome, they can completely restrain these monsters when used well.

However, Guo Jia still shook his head.

The power of the musket is too small to be able to fire continuously. Apart from dealing with these monsters, it is of no help to the overall battle situation.

It seems that if we encounter this kind of monster in the future, we should rely on the forbidden method to concentrate superior forces and eliminate it.

Anyway, there are not many such mutated puppets.

At this time, a scout suddenly came in a hurry.

"My lord, it's not good. General Zhao's cavalry was suddenly attacked by a mysterious army and suffered heavy losses. They retreated twenty miles and set up camp."

Zhao Yun was attacked?

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Zhao Yun is cautious, bold and cautious, and the Baima Yicong under his command are all the best of the best.

Wasn't Le Jin trapped in Yingchuan and unable to move?
How could he be attacked?
It must not be an ordinary army that can beat Zhao Yun's cavalry into a mess. How can Sima Yi have so many excellent troops?
After a while, the detailed battle report came along with a letter from Zhao Yun.

It turned out that when Zhao Yun was besieging Le Jin's army, an army suddenly appeared behind him.

This army is small in number, but its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

They took advantage of the night to launch attacks, and they could cooperate with each other to wait for the opportunity.

Zhao Yun suffered a big loss all at once, and had to retreat for twenty miles to guard against death.

Bai Ma Yicong lost nearly [-]% of the loss. After Zhao Yun retreated to the camp, he immediately wrote a personal letter to Guo Jia, explaining the reasons for the loss in detail, and was willing to take all responsibilities.

If a person runs a horse, he can give birth to tigers and wolves.

This is Zhao Yun's evaluation of that kind of cavalry.

Everyone was shocked again, including Guo Jia!

This is Sima Yi's dead soldier!

After hearing the news, Guo Jia immediately thought of this.

Not long ago, he just learned from Jiangnan that Sima Yi had an army of 5000 dead soldiers, which was built in imitation of the Yellow Turban dead soldiers of the Yellow Turban Way.

Guo Jia knew how powerful the Yellow Turban Soldier was. The First Battle in Nangong County left an indelible impression on him.

But from Zhao Yun's description, these black-clothed dead men seem to be stronger than the yellow-turban dead men.

With all his might, he managed to kill a dead soldier.

You must know that Zhao Yun's martial arts is already one of the best in Yunzhou. In a one-on-one situation, he can only kill one dead man with his skills.One can imagine how powerful these dead soldiers are.

Although not as good as the puppet general Wang Shuang, it was far superior to those ordinary puppet soldiers.

What surprised Guo Jia even more was that these dead men seemed to retain their rationality, knew how to cooperate with each other, and understood strategies and tactics.

Could this be Sima Yi's trump card?
Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

A puppet general was killed just now, and then a group of puppet soldiers came.

This Sima Yi can really toss.

The question is, what the hell are these dead men?

They are not as dull as puppets.

Guo Jia also became anxious.

One thousand dead men could defeat his most elite Baimayi Cong, then Sima Yi's five thousand dead men could completely defeat the fifty thousand army he brought.

This is the way to deal with the puppet that has just been researched, and Sima Yi can't wait to show his slain.

Although the dead soldiers are not comparable to the puppet generals, they are much more powerful than those ordinary puppets.

Five thousand dead soldiers whose martial arts are comparable to puppet generals and who know how to cooperate with each other to implement strategies and tactics are scary to think about.

How is this fight going?

With artillery as the front line, their flesh and blood will definitely not be able to stop them, but here comes the problem again, these dead soldiers are not thinking about those puppets, why would they just stay where they are and let you bombard them?
If they repeat the old plan and attack in the middle of the night, Guo Jia's entire army will be defeated.

Guo Jia couldn't sit still any longer and immediately stood up.

"Send out the scouts and set up guards along the way to prevent the enemy from sneaking in."

"Form an array, build a camp, and set up all the artillery."

"Shrink your troops and don't let the enemy break them one by one."

All the generals responded in unison.

They also know that the problem is serious.

The army is facing an extremely difficult challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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