Chapter 1600
As soon as the dead soldiers made a move, they defeated Baima Yicong, an elite cavalry soldier in Yunzhou overnight, and Sima Yi was determined.

He finally has the capital to contend against Guo Jia.

Five thousand dead men are enough to fight against Guo Jia's cavalry and artillery.

It's finally time for the decisive battle.

Sima Yi took a deep breath.

Over the years, although he repeatedly counterattacked, he was eventually suppressed by Guo Jia.

Whether it is land strength or financial and material resources, Sima Yi has always been inferior to Guo Jia.

This made Sima Yi very frustrated.

In order to crack the secret of Yunzhou's firearms, he did not hesitate to sneak into Yunzhou's gunpowder workshop.

It was very easy to learn the manufacturing technology of gunpowder and firearms, but was constrained by raw materials and technology. Sima Yi's artillery was not a bit worse than Yunzhou's artillery.

Guo Jia is so powerful that he can beat everything.

Sima Yi has also had trouble sleeping and eating these years.

As a last resort, he set his sights on the Taoists, and after going through all kinds of hardships, he got the secret recipe for cultivating yellow-turban dead warriors and established his own black-clothed dead warriors.

The dead man in black didn't disappoint him either, as soon as he made a move, he shocked the whole world.

"Order Le Jin to keep an eye on Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun will not dare to move after the new loss. I personally lead the army to station in Xincheng, and fight Guo Jia to the death."

Sima Yi couldn't wait any longer.

Up until now, he had gained the upper hand in the open and secret fight with Guo Jia.

Five thousand dead men are invincible in the world!
The crowd cheered in unison!

"Zhong Da!"

At this time Zhang Chunhua suddenly appeared beside Sima Yi.

"The news just came that the puppet coefficient of Wang Shuangbu was eliminated by Yu Jin, and even he himself died in battle. Yu Jin also suffered heavy losses and had to retreat to Mengjin, unable to continue eastward. Zhong Hui's army took back the camp along the river again. defend the south bank of the Yellow River."


Sima Yi nodded slowly.

Although the puppet general is powerful, he has no brains. He is just brave, after all, he is not as good as the dead man in black.

These puppets who retain their sanity are the strongest.

The four masters of Heishui have their own strengths!
Jia Xu is good at studying the use of soldiers and military strategy.

Pang Tong is good at surprise soldiers, his tactics are flexible and changeable, and he doesn't stick to one style.

Zhuge Liang is the best of the two, and he has a special liking for weapons.

The three of them can be described as the top military masters in the world.

But Sima Yi is different from them. He believes that the most powerful thing in the world is people. If you control people's hearts, you can control everything.

The puppet in black is Sima Yi's ultimate masterpiece.

"Yu Jin is a talent, but unfortunately he belongs to Guo Jia."

Sima Yi sighed helplessly.

Guo Jia is really annoying.

He seemed to have expected that the big man would fall apart, so he prepared everything early and attracted many talents.

This person's vision is very poisonous, and all the people he recruits are one-on-one talents.

Xi Zhong, Xu Shu, Cheng Yu and others were all from poor families. The aristocratic families at that time dismissed them, but Guo Jia saw their potential and snatched them away early.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Yu Jin were also notorious warriors. These people were discovered by Guo Jia among the people, and all of them later became great generals on their own.

What's more terrible is that Guo Jia himself has a clever mind, and he can use some ingenious tricks to create such a killer weapon as gunpowder and firearms, which can hardly change the current military system.

With Sima Yi's conceit, he had to give this person a thumbs up and give him a great compliment.

Because Guo Jia is too powerful, other princes compete with the bright moon with the light of rice grains.

If it was an ordinary dispute, Sima Yi might have abandoned his son and surrendered long ago.

Two of the Four Heishui Heihe have joined Guo Jia, and Pang Tong from Jiangnan has also stepped into Yunzhou's arms.

But only Sima Yi can't, he can't surrender.

Sima Yi reached out and stroked his face.

He wants to seek some justice for the Sima family and his own body.

"For the sake of safety, I think it's better to refine some more puppets, which can be used as cannon fodder when necessary."

Zhang Chunhua suggested.

The [-] dead men are their final bottom line, and one death is less than one death. Once they are exhausted, they will go bankrupt.

No need!

Sima Yi is quite confident.

This time, he will personally lead the team to fight Guo Jia.

"Zhong Da, this is a critical moment, you must not act like a temporary hero."

Ever since Zhang Chunhua got the news of Wang Shuang's destruction, he no longer had such strong confidence in the puppet.

Yu Jin, an ordinary person with the strength of [-] soldiers, was able to destroy nearly [-] puppets brought by the puppet general Wang Shuang.

The myth of the puppet's invincibility has been shattered.

Fortunately, these things can continue to be refined, even if they are lost, they don't feel bad.

Sima Yi glanced at Zhang Chunhua in surprise, and suddenly waved to her.

The latter didn't understand what it meant, and leaned towards him obediently.

Sima Yi suddenly slapped him and knocked him to the ground.

"Bitch, please remember. You are just a dog, a pet I played with. Don't even think about crawling to my side and being equal to me."

His face was a bit ferocious, he grabbed Zhang Chunhua's hair, and said viciously: "So, what I say is what I say, don't question my decision. Otherwise, I will throw you to those dead men and let them ravage you lethal."

Sima Yi was very conceited throughout his life, and the things he decided would not change, and would never change.

This battle is related to whether the surname of the Central Plains is Sima or Guo, and it is also related to who is the final winner.

Therefore, he will never back down.

He wants to defeat Guo Jia in an upright manner on the battlefield and earn the fame he deserves.

Although refining puppets can attack the enemy, it is not the right way for a military strategist.

Subconsciously, Sima Yi didn't think that the dead man had anything to do with the puppet.

The puppets he defines are those soulless fools.

Even if he wins with these idiots, he won't have much brilliance, on the contrary, he may leave a disgraceful scene in the history books.

Hearing Sima Yi's words, Zhang Chunhua was frightened.

Although this man was not considered a man, Zhang Chunhua didn't dislike him, instead he always thought of him and worked hard for him.She always thought that she was different from other women, that she could walk into Sima Yi's heart and become his only woman.

But now it seems that she was wrong, very wrong.

Although Sima Yi admired her, he didn't regard her as his own woman, and even used her all the time.

Concubine... Got it!

Zhang Chunhua's face was ashen, and he lowered his head powerlessly.

At this moment, her dream of Fengyi Tianxia was completely shattered.

Even if Sima Yi wins, it is impossible for her to ascend to the position of queen.

From the beginning, this was her wishful thinking.

Just know!

Sima Yi snorted, let go of her hair, and said coldly: "Hurry up and get out, I'm upset when I see you."

He was a little tired of this Zhang Chunhua.

(End of this chapter)

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