Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1602 Langya Palace Night Chapter

Chapter 1602

Build the Langya Palace in Ye City!

Yu Ji sat cross-legged on the futon, his face pale.

Rao is proficient in Taiping and Qingling, but he was severely injured by Zuo Ci, and it will be difficult to recover in a short while.

But he didn't get hurt in vain, Zuo Ci was finally persuaded by him, and he drifted away alone and didn't bother to ask about the family affairs.

This can be regarded as the luck of Taoism.

Mr. Yu!
A beautiful young woman walked in, smiling sweetly, it was Diao Chan.

She is responsible for staying behind in Jiangnan. On the one hand, she monitors Pang Tong, and on the other hand, she is to stabilize the situation in Jiangnan.

"So it's Miss Diaochan, oh, it should be Mrs. Guo."

Seeing Diao Chan coming, Yu Ji immediately stood up.

If it weren't for this woman's help, he would have disagreed with trying to persuade Zuo Ci.

This old guy has lost his Dao heart in recent years, and seems to have entered a dead end. What he has done has gone beyond the scope of the Daoist sect to save the common people, and has become extreme.

Fortunately, after Yu Ji's personal explanation, he suddenly realized that he retreated early and preserved the reputation of the Taoist school.

Diao Chan smiled slightly, and liked the title Mrs. Guo very much.

"Just received a message from Feng Xiao, he is very grateful for Mr. Yu's help!"


Yu Ji smiled wryly and shook his head.

"The governor is being polite. The Daoists don't dare to be greedy for merit, so it can be regarded as saving themselves."

The spread of King Kong puppetry almost ruined the world, and Yu Ji himself was a little uneasy.

"Sima Yi went against the grain and used innocent people to refine puppets. His harm is beyond description. Our army will destroy him and avenge the dead people."

Diao Chan said indignantly.

How can there be undead in war?

It is not a big deal for the two armies to accidentally injure each of the envoys, but it is a bit shameless to sacrifice the lives of the people and harm the opponent by crooked ways.

Sima Yi's actions have been condemned by people all over the world.


Yu Ji pleaded guilty again.

This is also the sin of the Taoist sect. If Zuo Ci hadn't spread the Vajra Puppet Art to the public, Sima Yi would not have killed so many innocent people at once.

What Sima Yi said at the beginning was good, he was just training soldiers with the Vajra Puppet Technique, not harming the common people.

If he had known about this man's wolfish ambitions, Zuo Ci would not have given them this technique.

Diao Chan reached out and stroked her long hair between her temples.

"The two wives, Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi, have written letters."

As he spoke, he took out two letters.

Hearing this, Yu Ji hurriedly took it over.

It is also inconvenient for him to receive other people's letters, but the two people in front of him are somewhat different.

Zhang Ning is the saint of the Yellow Turban Taoism, and Zhang Qi is also the last successor of the Five Dou Rice Sect.Both of them can be regarded as people in the Taoist sect.

Opening the envelope, Yu Ji looked at the two letters carefully.

The meaning of the two is also very simple, I hope the Taoist sect can help Guo Jia deal with Sima Yi's dead men and puppets in black.

A puppet is nothing more than a killing machine, but it lacks a soul after all. Although it is brave, it can be outsmarted.

But this dead man in black is no small matter.

It was a killing machine that retained its intelligence.

The reason why the Yellow Turban Dao was able to defeat countless officials and troops across the world back then was because of the five thousand Yellow Turban dead soldiers.

The combat effectiveness and IQ of the black-clothed dead men improved by Zuo Ci are completely higher than those of the yellow-turban dead men.

Very difficult!
Yu Ji shook his head.

Although he didn't participate in the research supported by real Nanhua back then, he also knew the power of these puppet arts.

Now Zuo Ci has nowhere to go, Yu Ji alone has no countermeasures.

Besides, Taiping Qingling's research is all about saving people's medical skills, and it doesn't have any effect on these puppets.

"This is the responsibility of the Taoist sect. Although the old Taoist has no way to deal with these puppets, he still has some experience in medical skills. He is willing to lead his disciples to Luoyang and advance and retreat with the governor."

Yu Ji also made a statement.

If the Taoist sect doesn't surrender at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

Yu Ji didn't dare to be careless about the inheritance of Taoism.

That's it!
Hearing what Yu Ji said, Diao Chan was a little disappointed, it wasn't what she wanted.

Diao Chan had also heard about the war in Luoyang.

The power of the dead in black exceeded everyone's expectations.

It is really difficult for Guo Jia to deal with Sima Yi's five thousand dead men.


Diao Chan was also a little helpless.

This matter had nothing to do with Yu Ji in the first place, and it was already the limit for him to express his willingness to help Guo Jia.

One must know that Daoism has been inherited for thousands of years, so how could one easily bow one's head?

"My concubine replied immediately, telling Feng Xiao what my husband meant."

Diao Chan agreed.

Thank you Mrs. Guo!
Thanks again Yu Ji.

Is there really no way?
Diao Chan asked unwillingly.

Yu Ji frowned, but finally shook his head.

It was not so easy to unravel the technique created by Nanhua gathering the heads of the three schools.

Now only his lineage of Langya Palace is left, which is even more incomprehensible.

That's it!

Diao Chan really gave up this time.

It seems that Taoism has no way to deal with those dead men, so Guo Jia can only figure out a way by himself.

At this moment, a sharp voice suddenly came.

"Who said it's unsolvable?"

A tall and handsome Taoist suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"Old Taoist Zuo Ci!"

"Mr. Wujiao!"

Seeing the two people coming, they exclaimed at the same time.

The person who came was naturally Zuo Ci, and he smiled and said, "Of course he's a veteran!"

Seeing him back, Yu Ji was both surprised and happy.

"Old Daoist, where did you go crazy, why did you come back now?"

Diao Chan was not so excited, she only noticed the last sentence.

"Mr. Wujiao, you said that the dead have a way to crack it, are you serious?"


Zuo Ci proudly said: "This method was jointly researched by Nanhua Zhang Ling and Lao Dao. This time, Lao Dao went to Zhongnan Mountain again. After staying in the small Taoist temple he developed for many days, he suddenly realized something."

He squinted at Diaochan a few times, and heyed a few more times: "Vajra Puppet Art, hehe, it's not that there is no solution."

What are you still doing?
Yu Ji became a little anxious, and stretched out his hand to push Zuo Ci: "Speak up quickly, and help the governor to deal with these dead men. This can be regarded as atonement for our Taoism."

After all, today's situation was also created by them alone, so it's only natural for them to clean up the mess.

Don't be busy!
Zuo Ci waved his hand suddenly, and glanced at Diao Chan's face.

"Girl, if the old Taoist can help Guo Jia get rid of these dead men, can Guo Jia guarantee the inheritance of our Taoist sect?"


Diao Chan frowned lightly.

Guo Jia also has a strong desire to control power, and will never allow a country within a country to exist.

So the cooperation between Daomen and Yunzhou also came to an abrupt end.

Although he is now trapped by dead men in black, Guo Jia will never compromise on principled issues.

Feel sorry!

Diao Chan said helplessly: "Taoism can have inheritance, but it must be under the management of the government and must not become a place outside the law."

(End of this chapter)

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