Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1603 Catastrophe in the world

Chapter 1603 Catastrophe in the world
In fact, Guo Jia has also carefully studied the issue of Taoism.

As for the native religions in China, he can still be lenient.

But the premise is that Taoism must accept the leadership of the government and must not be above the law, otherwise it will become a hidden danger in the future.

So he has always adhered to this principle.

Ha ha!

Hearing Diao Chan's words, Zuo Ci didn't take it seriously, and jokingly said: "What if the old man insists on enjoying the privilege? If Guo Jia refuses, the old man won't help him."

Old Daoist, why are you crazy?

Seeing Zuo Ci say this, Yu Ji became a little annoyed again.

After all, the Daoist sect is all right, and this old Daoist has been missing for a few days, what kind of moth is going to happen again.

If Zuo Ci continued to dig into the dead end, wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?

No problem!

Diao Chan also shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Although five thousand dead men are a bit tricky, they are not invincible. Back then, Guo Jia was not as powerful as he is now and wiped out thousands of dead men in the Yellow Turban Dao. Whether the Taoist chief helped or not depends on the fact The above does not help the ending. Sima Yi is destined to be defeated. Once Sima Yi dies, my second senior brother Pang Tong will lead the people in Jiangnan to surrender. At that time, the whole world will belong to Guo Jia. Where does your Taoism go, Mr. Wujiao should think about it .”

It's not loud, but it smells threatening.

It was not Guo Jia who was saved by Taoist sects but themselves.


Zuo Ci suddenly burst out laughing, laughing so hard that he leaned forward and backward, his joy was beyond his control.

Crazy, crazy!
Yu Ji hurriedly said: "Mrs. Guo, this old Taoist is like this, you don't want to be as knowledgeable as him. Again, our Taoist school is willing to contribute. If this crazy old Taoist doesn't work, I, Yu Ji, will."

Daoism was originally the first inheritance in the Central Plains, but now it has fallen to such a point, it can be said that it is not miserable.

Yu Ji can only find a way to continue this inheritance.

"As expected of Guo Fengxiao, even the girls around him are so determined, very good, very good!"

Zuo Ci nodded.

"The old man can help you deal with these dead men, but I hope Guo Jia promises me one condition."

under what conditions?
Diao Chan was not surprised to hear that Zuo Ci was willing to contribute. After all, this was an opportunity for the Taoist sect to redeem his sins, and Zuo Ci, the elder of the Taoist sect, would not just sit idly by.

It's just that this person is a bit cunning, far inferior to Yu Jilai's benevolence, and it is reasonable for him to raise conditions. If he doesn't raise conditions, Diao Chan still feels something is wrong.

"I'll talk about this later. Don't worry, I won't embarrass him."

Zuo Ci waved his hand, and said solemnly: "When I was studying this puppet art, the old Taoist was also a participant. There are four Taoist sects, Taiping Dao, Wudou Rice Sect, Langya Palace and my Tianzhu Mountain. Except my Tianzhu Mountain One branch is passed down by a single person, and the rest are big families with great careers and many disciples. At that time, Nanhua was in charge of Taoism. He came to invite Zhang Ling, Yu Ji and Lao Dao to discuss a new thing together, and Lao Dao had no reason to refuse. Because Yu Ji The old Taoist doesn't like the excitement, and he doesn't want to share the Taiping Qingling with the other three families, so he didn't go..."

Stop it, stop it!
Yu Ji hurriedly stopped: "It's not that the old Taoist is stingy and refuses to share the peace and clearing with you, but that Taoism pays attention to step-by-step and let nature take its course. Fellow Daoist Nanhua wants to gather the strength of the four factions to study a quick spell, but the old Taoist disagrees, so Didn't go either."


Seeing Yu Ji's insistence, Zuo Ci no longer cares about it.

"At the beginning, we failed to develop it, and did not research anything extraordinary. The Vajra Puppet Art was just a failure. The old Nanhua sealed it up, and it must have been secretly taken out by Brother Zhang Jiao later. There is a dead soldier in the yellow scarf. This boy Sima Yi didn’t know where he got the news from, so he also came to the Taoist sect to ask for it. At that time, the old Taoist was also confused for a while, so he restored this thing to him. There are three books. It's not too difficult."

As he spoke, Zuo Ci took out the other two books.One is the essential technique of Taiping, and the other is the Taiji Dongxuan Sutra.

Both of these are untold secrets of Taiping Dao and Wudou Mijiao.

"This old man really brought back his fortune."

Yu Ji has always been a little skeptical about this.

It is true that Zuo Ci participated in the Vajra Puppet Art back then, but where did he come from for the Taiping Essential Art of the Yellow Turban Taoism and the Tai Chi Cave Profound Sutra of Wudoumi?
Ha ha!

Seeing Yu Ji's doubts, Zuo Ci smiled lightly, and said, "The essential art of Taiping was given to me by Zhang Jiao. At that time, Taiping Dao was about to come to an end, and he also wanted me to save some incense for him. Got it from Zhang Lu's hands. The Five Dou Rice Sect was destroyed, and the old Taoist had to leave some inheritance for them no matter what."

That's it!

Yu Ji's face was a little ugly, and he looked at Zuo Ci coldly.

"You have been wandering in Langya Palace all these years, are you trying to make me peaceful and clear again?"

Ha ha!

Zuo Ci smiled again, the meaning was self-evident.

He only needs to get the Taiping Qingling of Langya Palace, and he has assembled the four great scriptures of Taoism.

"Okay, you old man, from now on, let's break the law."

Yu Ji was very upset, he had always regarded Zuo Ci as his lifelong best friend, but this best friend had always coveted his Langya Palace's inheritance.

"Old Taoist, don't be in a hurry, let me speak slowly!"

Zuo Ci said calmly: "Do you know why Nanhua gathered the power of the Four Heavenly Books to create a new Taoism? Do you know where the real Nanhua and Zhang Ling went?"


Yu Ji also shook his head.

Nan Hua Daoist is the elder with the greatest prestige, the highest achievement, the most profound Taoism among the four Taoist elders, so why would he want to pursue new Taoism in such a hurry?
This is what Yu Ji couldn't figure out.

I couldn't figure it out, and there was nothing I could do. This old friend died without knowing where, and there was no corpse left.

Outsiders naturally don't know what he thinks.

Zuo Ci suddenly sighed, and said word by word: "At that time, the old Taoist also couldn't figure it out, but after years of continuous searching, he gradually understood the truth. Hehe, it is still thanks to Sima Yi. If he hadn't found If Nanhua left the token left in Zhongnan Mountain, the old Taoist would not know about it, let alone unravel the secrets of the Taoist sect decades ago."

At this point, he suddenly hesitated to speak.


Yu Ji became a little impatient: "If you have something to say, if you have to fart, don't be coy there. What did you find, tell me quickly!"

After hearing this old Taoist's idea of ​​attacking the Taiping Qingling of Langya Palace, Yu Ji has consciously drawn a clear line with Zuo Ci, and is naturally very unhappy with his hesitation.

Zuo Ci hesitated for a while, but finally shook his head.

"This matter is of great importance, and the old Taoist can't disclose it now. But one thing is certain, the Taoist sect is not, and the common people in the world have encountered an unprecedented catastrophe."

(End of this chapter)

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