Chapter 1605
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Diao Chan interrupted the discord between the two again.

"You mean, only Taiping Qingling can deal with those puppets?"

She got the point right away.

Not bad!

Zuo Ci nodded.

"At the beginning, we lacked the means of Taiping Qingling's health preservation, so we added the method of witchcraft to seize the mind and control the body. I have to say that there is still something in the witchcraft lineage. The reason why those puppets can be manipulated is entirely due to the Added witchcraft. If there is a solid spiritual cultivation method from the Taiping Qingling, those witchcraft can be completely discarded, so as to cultivate super magic soldiers who can fight against it."


Yu Ji stopped again.

He squinted his eyes and looked Zuo Ci up and down a few times.

"In the end, you still want to turn normal people into puppets."

It's not a puppet, it's a magic weapon!

Zuo Ci corrected again: "The ones who have joined the witchcraft are puppets, and the ones who have been led by Tai Ping Qing to strengthen their roots and nourish their spirits are divine soldiers. Back then, the old Taoists in Nanhua wanted to train a group of divine soldiers so that they could enter the reincarnation of the ghost realm..."

Having said this, he stopped again.

Stop talking about those useless things!
Yu Ji said unhappily: "As long as it is used on normal people, the old Taoist will never allow it."

He was very disgusted with Zuo Ci's aggressiveness.

never mind!

Zuo Ci helplessly shook his head again.

"I can't explain it to you."

His gaze turned to Diao Chan: "Girl, tell Guo Jia something. Just say that I, Zuo Ci, want to talk to him."

no problem!
Diao Chan responded in one gulp.

With Guo Jia's current strength, Zuo Ci didn't dare to do anything to him.

One word is for sure!

Zuo Ci put away the two heavenly books, and Shi Shiran left.

This old way!

Seeing Zuo Ci going away, Yu Ji couldn't help shaking his head.

Different road non-phase plan.

From now on, he will never have any interaction with Zuo Ci again.

"Mr. Yu!"

Diao Chan said in a low voice: "Right now Feng Xiao feels very troublesome with Sima Yi's puppets, I hope Langya Palace can help him."

no problem!
Yu Ji agreed immediately: "The old Taoist will take his disciples to the north to help Governor Guo eradicate Sima Yi."

This is also an opportunity for Daomen to repair with Guo Jia, how could he give up?

But Yu Ji didn't believe what Zuo Ci said.

very good!

Diao Chan nodded in satisfaction, being able to persuade the two to help each other, this time it can be regarded as achieving their goal.

"On behalf of Feng Xiao, I would like to thank Mr. for your help!"

She also bowed and left slowly.


A lonely figure stood outside Langya Palace with his hands behind his back. It was Pang Tong.

He has been waiting here for a long time.


Seeing Pang Tong outside, Diao Chan immediately greeted him.

"How's it going?"

Pang Tong asked in a low voice.

"They have agreed!"

Diao Chan said calmly.

The two major powers of Daomen and Jiangnan have already surrendered to Guo Jia so far. As long as the battle of Luoyang is won, Guo Jia will be the master of the world.

"They still know the times!"

Pang Tong nodded slowly.

The Taoist sect ruined his good deeds again and again, and he always remembered it.

This time Diao Chan convinced them that it was okay.

If he is not convinced, Pang Tong doesn't mind getting rid of the Daoist sect now, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

Guo Jia couldn't tolerate Taoism challenging his authority, and neither could Pang Tong.

On this point, the two still agree.

"The followers of Sun Quan and Li Su have all been wiped out, and they can be sent to Chang'an at any time!"

Pang Tong said lightly.

Although the victory in the Central Plains is still undecided, Sun Quan must not stay.

Pang Tong also didn't want to get a reputation for murdering the master, so he planned to send him to Guo Jia and let Guo Jia handle it.

very good!

Diao Chan also nodded.

She is still very satisfied with the methods of this senior brother.

Sun Quan has been in business for more than ten years, and this senior brother Jiu took over the magpie's nest once, which shows that Fengchu has not been idle all these years.

"Since the senior brother has already made his decision, why do you still have to sit on the sidelines?"

Diao Chan said in a low voice: "If senior brother sends troops at this time, Feng Xiao will definitely be grateful."

Now that Guo Jia and Sima Yi are fighting in the Central Plains, at this time Pang Tong suddenly gives Sima Yi a blow from the rear, which will definitely bring great benefits to the Yunzhou Army.

Ha ha!

Pang Tong just smiled lightly and didn't make a sound.

Although he had already planned to seek refuge with Guo Jia, he would not step on the corpse of his fellow disciple.

After all, Sima Yi is from Heishui, and also his junior brother.

"Junior Sister, I, Pang Tong, was born in Heishui, and died in Heishui's ghost. Even if Heishui is gone, I still have this kind of incense. If I want to gain Guo Jia's trust, I, Pang Tong, rely on strength, not ruthlessness. "

Pang Tong didn't want to add insult to injury.

Brother, be kind!

Diao Chan smiled in admiration.

Sima Yi's refinement of puppets has caused public outrage, even if Pang Tong sends troops, there is nothing wrong with him, and he can still gain Guo Jia's favor.

Pang Tong did not pay attention to the benefits of killing two birds with one stone.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

All right!

Pang Tong interrupted Diao Chan, and said with a smile, "Don't flatter me either. I am very aware of my weight. I can't compete for world hegemony, but it's not a problem to keep this three-acre land. While your man is in the Central Plains University Fight. Brother Wei also wants to clean up the border."

Although Sun Quan has brought the entire south into his territory these years, Jiaozhou and Shanyue are still in a semi-independent state.

The whole country is about to usher in a great unification, these places will definitely become hidden dangers, and Pang Tong will not hand over a Jiangnan with hidden dangers to Guo Jia.

So he wants to send troops to pacify these places.

"Little sister is willing to help senior brother!"

Diao Chan said with a smile.


Pang Tong nodded, and said: "Brother, I also want to see how much of the inheritance my junior sister has received from my husband."

One word is for sure!

Diao Chan slowly stretched out his right palm.

The reason why she followed was not to monitor Pang Tong, but to earn more credit for herself.

You must know that the Guo family's harem competes for favor based on merit rather than beauty.

This matter does not conflict with the Battle of the Central Plains, and Pang Tong is also happy to take Diaochan with him.After all, she represents Guo Jia.

Pang Tong also stretched out his hand to exchange blows with Diao Chan.

This is an agreement between the two.

In fact, Pang Tong can also do without Diao Chan, but he is afraid that Guo Jia will think too much and cause misunderstandings, which is not beautiful.

Bringing Diao Chan can be regarded as a disguised surrender to Guo Jia.

In addition, Pang Tong himself had some small selfishness, and it was also a great achievement to pacify Shanyue and Nanman, and Diao Chan also deserved some credit for following him.

Instead of wasting it, it's better to be a favor and help this little junior sister.

In this matter, Pang Tong is somewhat different from Zhuge Liang.

He really cares about incense.

Thank you brother!

Diao Chan was blessed again.

Being so smart, she naturally understood Pang Tong's thoughts.

Since Pang Tong is so generous, she is not stingy.

Give back!

She also secretly asked people to send the Pang family members to Chang'an for resettlement.

(End of this chapter)

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