Chapter 1606 The Last Battle

A scout hurried to the big tent.

"Report to the governor, Sima Yi led an army of [-] troops to the new city."

new town!

Guo Jia frowned, staring at the map in front of him.

The two sides fought for a month or two, and Sima Yi stayed on the second line of defense, not daring to show his face, and now he finally came out.

It seems that the defeat of the elite cavalry in Yunzhou by the dead soldiers in black gave him a lot of confidence.


Xi Zhong stood up and said: "Sima Yi's stationing in Xincheng can not only present a flanking attack on us together with Luoyang, but also threaten Chang'an to cut off our army's retreat. This is a menacing move, and we should take precautions early."

The most outstanding descendant of Heishui, Sima Yi is also very precise in using troops.

Stationed in the new city is also a coup.

What worries Guo Jia even more is the 5000 dead soldiers in Sima Yi's hands.

One thousand dead soldiers can defeat Zhao Yun's ten thousand fine cavalry, and the fighting power is very terrifying. Once Sima Yi sends them to attack Chang'an by detour and cut off Guo Jia's food road, the battle will undoubtedly be lost.

"Order Zhuge Liang to strictly guard against death and set up checkpoints along the road. We must not allow Sima Yi's dead soldiers to sneak into Chang'an."

Guo Jia ordered immediately!

The dead soldiers in black are different from other soldiers. They are the weakened version of the general's puppet. Once they infiltrate the pass, the consequences will be disastrous.

We must find a way to wipe out this army.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly said: "Pang De!"

Subordinates are here!
Pang De was the first to stand up when he heard Guo Jia's order.

He is one of the few members of the Liangzhou family under Guo Jia, and he has always been in a weak state in the Yunzhou system where there are many generals.

Pound also wanted to gain greater fame through making contributions.

Guo Jia thought for a while, and said: "I will hand over the rest of the cavalry to you, and set up another cavalry camp outside the camp. Be flexible and follow orders. But..."

He froze for a moment, and said in a low voice, "The risk is great!"

This time Guo Jia brought 2 cavalry, 1 to Zhao Yun, 5000 to Yang Fan, and 5000 left, including [-] heavy cavalry.

Zhao Yun was severely wounded by Sima Yi's dead men in black, and now he was unable to move under Le Jin's strict surveillance. Yang Fan was sent by Guo Jia to the south bank of the Yellow River to help Xu Shu cross the river, and there were only so many cavalry left.

During this period of time, Guo Jia kept shrinking his troops and did not dare to move. Sima Yi's army pressed the border, and Guo Jia had to let the cavalry out.

But Sima Yi's black-clothed dead soldiers are very perverted, and they are better during the day. If they make a surprise attack at night, this force is not their opponent at all.

Don't worry, my lord!

Pang Tong clasped his fists and said, "The general will live up to expectations. If the enemy comes, fight if you can, and retreat if you can't. You won't be restrained by them."

He understood Guo Jia's worry, so he put forward his own opinion.

very good!

Hearing Pound's words, Guo Jia heaved a sigh of relief.

Cavalry is a flexible and mobile unit. If it is placed in the camp, it will lose its role as a surprise soldier.

But Guo Jia was a little worried about leaving it completely outside. Once Sima Yi succeeded in a sneak attack, Guo Jia would not have any flexible troops in his hands, and in that case he would be completely passive.

Pang De is worthy of being a good general in Xiliang, he understands the meaning of the existence of this cavalry, what Guo Jia wants is not to rape the enemy, but to keep them mobile and continue to exert pressure on the enemy.

Where is Ju Yi?

After deploying the cavalry, Guo Jia began to deploy the infantry again.

The end will be here!
A tall general came out, it was Ju Yi.

This person was born in Xiliang, and he was familiar with the Qiang people's fighting methods. Under Yuan Shao's hand, he formed a team of first-time dead soldiers.

Later, he joined Guo Jia and has always been an important general of the infantry.

"I ordered you to lead [-] Xiandeng soldiers to attack Luoyang City and cut off the connection between Luoyang and Xincheng. Maybe you are competent?"

Sima Yi sent troops to the new city, and Zhong Yao of Luoyang was the horn of each other. Guo Jia was a bit difficult to play one-on-two, so he had to divide his troops.

Luoyang has been frightened by Guo Jia, and Zhong Yao just can't hold on, and there is no threat.

Just send a general to sit outside the city to crucify them.

Ju Yi and his Xiandeng dead man are very suitable.

Of course, the siege of the city is fake, but the force to contain Luoyang is real.

Only by keeping Zhong Yao in check, Guo Jia was able to fight Sima Yi with all his strength.

If not, please behead someone!

Ju Yi said lightly.

He is a proud person, when he defected to Yuan Shao in the past, he looked down on Yuan Shao, thinking that his ability was not as good as his own.

When he defected to Guo Jia, he was subdued by his arrogance. The first dead soldiers Ju Yi relied on were not elites in front of the cavalry, infantry and artillery.

In particular, Gao Shun's trap camp was much stronger than Xiandeng's dead soldiers in terms of equipment and combat effectiveness.

These years Ju Yi has also been aggrieved, and finally had the opportunity to lead the army alone, how could he let it go?

Luoyang City is like a turtle in an urn, and they will take it down sooner or later. If Ju Yi is no longer up to the task, he can just hit him head-on and kill him.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded again.

Although Zhong Yao in Luoyang is not a good general, he can't take it lightly. Who knows if Sima Yi will make another puppet general?
It's better to send a team of people to keep an eye on it.

After the two teams of soldiers and horses were separated, Guo Jia felt a little empty in his heart.

In fact, Sima Yi is not terrible, what is terrible is his five thousand dead soldiers in black.

The combat power of this thing has already exceeded the scope of human beings. Fortunately, during the day, Guo Jia can bombard it with artillery.But at night they got a little bit blind.

With Guo Jia's current strength, it might not be able to stop them.


Seeing that the cavalry and infantry had tasks, but the artillery had nothing to do, Zhao Dachui was a little upset.

Their artillery is the best of the best.

The cavalry and artillery have tasks, but the elite artillery has nothing to do. Isn't this very embarrassing.

"What are the dead soldiers in black? As long as they dare to come, let the artillerymen give them a blow. They will definitely beat the shit out of them."

The guy said with his stomach straight.

It is said that after staying in Chang'an for many years, Zhao Dachui also gained weight.

"Don't babble, your artillery has the heaviest task."

Guo Jia snorted.

That's right!
Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhao Dachui smiled.

Sure enough, it is the most dangerous place for the elite to use.

"You lay some traps outside our camp, put mines in them, and build a warning net. In addition, order the artillery unit to expose all the guys and aim them outside to form a blockade. Once there is movement, open fire immediately."

Guo Jia said in a low voice.


Zhao Dachui was a little stunned.

This is the most dangerous place, just close your eyes and fire.

By the way, this is not the treatment of elites!


This fellow wanted to say something, but was interrupted impatiently by Guo Jia.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go out and arrange it quickly? Remember, it must be arranged at night, and it must be arranged at night."

(End of this chapter)

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